Examples of the the word, cane , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cane ), is the 7854 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the islands' GDP. Agricultural produce includes fruit, vegetables,sugar, cane , livestock and poultry, and industries include rum distillation, construction
  2. Easier for a blind person to navigate successfully. Tools such as the white, cane ,with a red tip - the international symbol of blindness - may also be used to
  3. From sugar cane , known as can Nevada (" burnt cane " ) or, simply,can (", cane ,"). (Although" can" is really derived from" cognac" and was
  4. Distiller) from ambits (cup),Adam (pen, pencil,feather) from Kawabata (, cane ,), almanac (climate),from almenichiakon (calendar) (for the origin of the
  5. Presence of animals in markets; porters carrying large bundles, chewing sugar, cane ,; youths riding Bajaj motor scooters; wedding celebrations, and so forth. With
  6. Changed the way that perishable sugar cane (within one or two days after the, cane ,is cut easily crystallizable sucrose sugar has" inverted" to turn into far
  7. Reeds and reed construction Modern reeds Bassoon reeds, made of Ar undo Dona, cane , are often made by the players themselves, although beginner bassoonists tend
  8. To cross streets. In addition to making rules about who can and cannot use a, cane , some governments mandate the right-of-way be given to users of white cane s or
  9. The intended path of travel, to detect obstacles. However, techniques for, cane ,travel can vary depending on the user and/or the situation. Some visually
  10. So. Planters expanded their importation of African slaves to cultivate sugar, cane , Barbados eventually had one of the world's the biggest sugar industries after
  11. Imposed a new economic model, based on single-crop cultivation: first sugar, cane ,; then wine, an important item of trade with England. In this era, the first
  12. Coffee and Pachuca is Brazil's native liquor. Pachuca is distilled from sugar, cane ,and is the main ingredient in the national cocktail, Caipirinha. Sports The
  13. Other widely consumed spirits are aguardiente (firewater) made from sugar, cane , known as can Nevada (" burnt cane " ) or, simply,can (" cane " ). (
  14. With the knife may be necessary, depending on the hardness and profile of the, cane ,and the requirements of the player. The reed opening may also need to be
  15. The sugar beet crop in Europe and the United States significantly reduced sugar, cane ,production and led to a period of economic decline. In 1917,the United States
  16. Had one of the world's the biggest sugar industries after starting sugar, cane ,cultivation in 1640. One group which was instrumental for ensuring the early
  17. Lightly scored the bark with parallel lines with a knife; this ensures that the, cane ,will assume a cylindrical shape during the forming stage. On the bark portion
  18. New World to the Old, and several varieties of wheat, spices,coffee, and sugar, cane ,going from the Old World to the New. The most important animal exportation from
  19. Makers or use reeds made by their teachers. Reeds begin with a length of tube, cane ,that is split into three or four pieces. The cane is then trimmed and gouged to
  20. Was restrained, and legend told that Jackson attacked Lawrence with his, cane , Others present, including David Crockett, restrained and disarmed Lawrence.
  21. Repaired. Railroads were built early and changed the way that perishable sugar, cane ,(within one or two days after the cane is cut easily crystallizable sucrose
  22. To the desired thickness, leaving the bark attached. After soaking, the gouged, cane ,is cut to the proper shape and milled to the desired thickness, or profile, by
  23. The blades. Using a special pair of pliers, the reed maker presses down the, cane , making it conform to the shape of the mandrel. (The steam generated by the
  24. Latter sixth century B. C., two men are portrayed flagellating a woman with a, cane ,and a hand during an erotic situation. Another reference related to
  25. Always carries a cane with which to strike the other performers, although this, cane ,is normally taken from him by the other performers and used against him. This
  26. One group which was instrumental for ensuring the early success of the sugar, cane ,industry were the Sephardi Jews, who originally been expelled from the Iberian
  27. The end of the reed blank, originally at the center of the unfolded piece of, cane , is cut off, creating an opening. The blades above the first wire are now
  28. Arlecchino, is a" motley" clown. In the Com media, Arlecchino always carries a, cane ,with which to strike the other performers, although this cane is normally taken
  29. Of foreign trade, and slaves were brought from Africa to work on the sugar, cane ,plantations. The islands prospered economically until the middle of the 1800s
  30. It is done with a machine or tool designed for the purpose. After the profiled, cane ,has soaked once again it is folded over in the middle. Prior to soaking, the
  31. Cubans to keep up with the 17th and 18th century advances in processing sugar, cane ,pioneered in British Barbados and French Saint Dominguez (Haiti). Spain also
  32. Aguardiente (firewater) made from sugar cane , known as can Nevada (" burnt, cane ,") or, simply,can (" cane " ). (Although" can" is really derived from "
  33. Participated in the massacre, beating some children to death with his, cane ,and allegedly ate some of his victims. Cannibalism has been reported in several
  34. Economic conditions were particularly favorable. The British introduced sugar, cane ,which was to become the main crop and source of foreign trade, and slaves were
  35. Is sucrose, ordinary sugar (in scientific contexts, called table sugar or, cane ,sugar to differentiate it from other sugars). Sucrose consists of a glucose
  36. A gourd, but also from bone or horn. The drink is sipped through a metal or, cane ,straw called a Bonilla. Mate can be sweetened with sugar, or flavored with
  37. Their French rustic cuisine to local ingredients such as rice, crawfish,sugar, cane , and sassafrases. Cajun cuisine heavily relied on game meats supplemented with
  38. Begin with a length of tube cane that is split into three or four pieces. The, cane ,is then trimmed and gouged to the desired thickness, leaving the bark attached.
  39. Posed for photographs. The photo of Ruth taken from behind, using a bat as a, cane , standing apart from the other players, and facing" Ritzville" ( right field
  40. Innovation. Norbert Millilux created the technique for converting sugar, cane ,juice into white sugar crystals. Moreover, Rillieux left Louisiana in 1854 and
  41. Belonging to Mack Swain. The only thing Chaplin himself owned was the change, cane , The Tramp was closely identified with the silent era, and was considered an
  42. Office shortly afterward. " He was sitting in his office with his hands on his, cane ,... and he said to me,'Well,aren't you going to ask me about the Iran arms
  43. Shape of the mandrel. (The steam generated by the heated mandrel causes the, cane ,to permanently assume the shape of the mandrel. ) The upper portion of the
  44. The shorter, lighter identification (ID) cane . Still others require a support, cane , The choice depends on the individual's vision, motivation,and other factors.
  45. Kinds of cane s, opting instead for the shorter, lighter identification (ID), cane , Still others require a support cane . The choice depends on the individual's
  46. Arm clutching two sugar- cane stalks. The" cross" formation made by the, cane ,stalks represents the satire cross upon which Saint Andrew was crucified. On
  47. The former president of Mexico. The seal for the city shows broken reeds or, cane , With 12 rooms on the cliffs of La Queered. Wolf Shoehorn purchased large
  48. With the definite article (el me goes 'my dog' ) like in Italian (IL mid, cane ,), Portuguese (o me can) and in many Occitan dialects (Languedocien and
  49. Find colonists consuming whiskey, as they did not have similar access to sugar, cane , They did have ready access to corn and rye, which they used to produce their
  50. Symbol of blindness - may also be used to improve mobility. A long, cane ,is used to extend the user's range of touch sensation. It is usually swung in

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