Examples of the the word, socket , in a Sentence Context

The word ( socket ), is the 7863 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contention between different nodes accidentally choosing the same number. For, socket ,numbers, a few well-known numbers were reserved for special purposes specific
  2. Biro fitted this pen with a tiny ball in its tip that was free to turn in a, socket , As the pen moved along the paper, the ball rotated, picking up ink from the
  3. Tip) with barbs pointed backward. The barbed head was loosely fitted into the, socket ,of the fores haft so that when the animal was stabbed, it pulled the head away
  4. It does connect to the common ground bus. On the gray connector, note that, socket ,28 is completely missing, so that pin 28 of the drive attached to the gray
  5. XP's. Thus, one could use them instead of the more expensive Athlon MP in dual, socket ,A motherboard. Since those boards lacked multiplier and voltage adjustments
  6. Connectors are different from one another. The blue (host) connector has the, socket ,for pin 34 connected to ground inside the connector but not attached to any
  7. Plastic or ivory. The joints between sections consist of a tenon fitting into a, socket ,; the tenons are wrapped in either cork or string as a seal against air leaks.
  8. The paper. These proto-ballpoints did not deliver the ink evenly. If the ball, socket ,were too tight, the ink did not reach the paper. If it were too loose, ink
  9. The option to revert to 68000 modes for full compatibility. Some boards have a, socket ,to seat the original 68000,whereas the 68030 cards typically come with an
  10. New native socket AM3,while maintaining backwards compatibility with AM2+,the, socket ,used for the Phenom, and allowing the use of the DDR2 memory that was used with
  11. And thus will be marketed as Operon 61xx series processors. Lisbon uses C32, socket , certified for dual socket use or single socket use only and thus will be
  12. A pointing device consisting of an exposed protruding ball housed in a, socket ,that detects rotation about two axes. ** Touchscreen - senses the user pressing
  13. The Phenom's memory controller, allowing it to use DDR3 in a new native, socket ,AM3,while maintaining backwards compatibility with AM2+, the socket used for
  14. That socket 34 of the blue connector does not contact any conductor but unlike, socket ,34 of the other two connectors, it does connect to the common ground bus. On
  15. The ATA standard pin 20 is defined as (mechanical) key and is not used. This, socket ,on the female connector is often obstructed, requiring pin 20 to be omitted
  16. Into the socket for the WD1771,and which contained a data separator, and a, socket ,for the WD1791 to support dual-density operation. Still, the expansion
  17. Software incompatibility. Third-party CPU upgrades, which mostly fit in the CPU, socket , use faster 68020/68881 or 68030/68882 microprocessors and integrated memory.
  18. Enlarged detail, bottom,looking from the opposite side of the connector) that, socket ,34 of the blue connector does not contact any conductor but unlike socket 34 of
  19. More focus was at HyperTransport enabled coprocessors),also opening processor, socket ,architecture to other manufacturers, Sun and IBM are among the supporting
  20. Only 133 MHz FSB the adjustment could have been made by wire-modding the CPU, socket ,by connecting adjacent CPU pins. It was normal to overclock mobile 2500+ CPU to
  21. Up even 4 KB, and when they got a deal on 24-pin connectors for the cartridge, socket , they were only too happy to thereby limit the games to 4K. Later games got
  22. Chips or circuitry are required, other than to directly adapt the smaller CF, socket ,onto the larger ATA connector. The ATA connector specification does not include
  23. Of the Athlon (64 KB instead of 256 KB L2 cache) in a 462-pin pocketed PGA (, socket ,A) or soldered directly on to the motherboard. Simpson was released as a lower
  24. Processors. Lisbon uses C32 socket certified for dual socket use or single, socket ,use only and thus will be marketed as Operon 41xx processors. Both will be
  25. Amstrad's firmware manual. The machines also feature a 9-pin Atari-style joystick, socket ,that will either directly take one joystick, or two joysticks by use of a
  26. With the 464plus and 6128plus. In addition, the 6128plus does not have a tape, socket ,for an external tape drive. The plus range is not equipped with an on-board ROM
  27. Were also called throwing-arrows when the pointed head fit loosely into the, socket ,of the fores haft and the head was able to detach from the harpoon when it
  28. Bocal connects the reed to the rest of the instrument and is inserted into a, socket ,at the top of the wing joint. Vocals come in many lengths and styles
  29. Consisted of a two-byte network number, a one-byte node number, and a one-byte, socket ,number. Of these, only the network number required any configuration, being
  30. This problem MCP developed a small plugin board which could be plugged into the, socket ,for the WD1771,and which contained a data separator, and a socket for the
  31. Conflicts. Note that, because a name translated to an address, which included a, socket ,number as well as a node number, a name in Applejack mapped directly to a
  32. Shipped in a more traditional pin-grid array (PGA) format that plugged into a, socket ,(" Socket A" ) on the motherboard (it also shipped in the slot A package).
  33. Thicker stalk closer to the tip of the harpoon. The shaft was fitted into the, socket ,of the fore shaft and a bone ring was then placed over the joint to hold the
  34. As Operon 61xx series processors. Lisbon uses C32 socket certified for dual, socket ,use or single socket use only and thus will be marketed as Operon 41xx
  35. Module) with two hexa-core" Istanbul" Operon parts. This will use a new G34, socket , for dual and quad socket processors and thus will be marketed as Operon 61xx
  36. And several games made use of available adaptors that plugged into the printer, socket , providing two additional 9-pin joystick ports. Atari initially used
  37. Istanbul" Operon parts. This will use a new G34 socket for dual and quad, socket ,processors and thus will be marketed as Operon 61xx series processors. Lisbon
  38. And Barton cores. Some specialized low-power Athlon XP-Ms utilize the microPGA, socket ,563 rather than the standard Socket A. The CPUs, like their mobile K6+
  39. Simpson was released as a lower cost Athlon XP replacing Huron in the, socket ,A PGA era and since migrated upward to all new socket s up to AM3. On October 9
  40. Pizza box" case with a detached keyboard. All MEGA main board have a PLCC, socket ,for the Bitter chip and some early models did not include the Bitter chip.
  41. Was still in beta development. Several third-party vendors produced switchable, socket ,doublers to allow two ROM chips to plug into the single ROM socket on the
  42. Switchable socket doublers to allow two ROM chips to plug into the single ROM, socket ,on the motherboard. These became popular as later Kick start versions caused
  43. All application-level protocols were expected to use dynamically-assigned, socket ,numbers at both the client and server end. Because of this dynamism, users
  44. Out of the twelve stones that had made up the pedestal, as well as the broken, socket ,stone for the cross. Having located most of the stones of the original tomb
  45. Could not do. Loud's pen had a small rotating steel ball, held in place by a, socket , Although it could be used to mark rough surfaces such as leather, as Loud
  46. Aftermarket upgrades. Many CPU upgrades that plugged into the Motorola 68000, socket , functioned in the A1000. Additionally, a line of products called the
  47. Or slave on an ATA interface, though since most CF devices offer only a single, socket , it is not necessary to offer this selection to end users. Although CF can be
  48. The shelter having been rebuilt in 1834. It has a central octagonal pier,a, socket ,raised on four steps, hexagonal shelter with six arched four-centred openings
  49. Anchors consist of a set of heavy flukes connected by a pivot or ball and, socket ,joint to a shank. Cast into the crown of the anchor is a set of tripping palms
  50. Of God. It was at one time attached to a thin rod or stick based on the hollow, socket ,at its base. The jewel certainly dates from Alfred's reign. Although its

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