Examples of the the word, classmate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( classmate ), is the 7865 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During's new rap song. Daria spin-off In 1997,a spin-off show based on their, classmate ,Daria Morgendorffer, Daria,was created. Mike Judge was not credited as a
  2. Austro-Hungarian Empire broke up at the end of World War I. According to his, classmate ,Keeper," Gödel considered himself always Austrian and an exile in
  3. Occupation. There, Chiang Kai-shek with his son Chiang Ching-kuo, former, classmate , of Deng Xiaoping in Moscow, were anxious to stop the Communist advance. Under
  4. Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a, classmate , Civic duty Some proponents of private gun ownership argue that an armed
  5. Launch sites. In January 2005,three granite benches, built by a college, classmate ,of one of the astronauts, were installed at the site on the southern edge of
  6. She also leaves Lain and wasn't really a part of the family.;:: Lain's, classmate ,and her only true friend throughout the series, Alice is a devoted confidante
  7. Camp Androscoggin and Camp Grey lock. At both Create and Harvard, Lerner was a, classmate ,of John F. Kennedy; at Create they had worked together on the yearbook staff.
  8. Computer science student Rob Malta, also known as" Commander Taco" and fellow, classmate ,Jeff Bates, also known as" Demos ". The name" Slashdot" is described by
  9. Along with the children of nobles – it is likely that William of Tyre was a, classmate ,of future king Baldwin III. Higher education had to be undertaken at one of the
  10. In one or two cases the priority must be assigned to others. A lesser-known, classmate ,of his, Thomas Dick, also went on to become a popular astronomical writer. The
  11. Later dedicated to Andrew Goodman, a friend of both Simon and Garfunkel and a, classmate ,of Simon's at Queens College, who was one of three civil rights workers
  12. The highest-grossing films of the year. In 1991,she co-starred with former, classmate ,and friend Naomi Watts and Than die Newton in the independent film Flirting.
  13. Was revealed that Eileen Grimshaw's father, Colin had slept with Eileen's old, classmate , Paula Carp while she was still at school, and that Paula's daughter, Julie
  14. Of skilled industrialists. He attended Patrick Henry University and was a, classmate ,of John Salt and Reign Danneskjöld and student of both Hugh Aston and Robert
  15. This generated a flurry of interest in the topic, during which Maxwell's, classmate ,Edward John South generalized the results of Maxwell for the general class of
  16. Night while working in the oil fields or studying during the day. Orbison saw, classmate ,Pat Boone get signed for a record deal, further strengthening his resolve to
  17. S moment to moment responses as well as using mirrors, video feedback or, classmate ,observations. Guided modeling with light hand contact is the primary tool for
  18. Taboo, such as when children, upon reaching a certain age, find out what their, classmate ,C'Marion was named for. These languages have a very high rate of vocabulary
  19. But obese and incompetent physics' teacher, a man named Hebert. Carry and, classmate ,Henri Morin wrote a play they called Les Polonaise and performed it with
  20. Shared a Manhattan studio with noted fetish artist Eric Stanton, an art-school, classmate ,who, in a 1988 interview with Treason, recalled that although his
  21. Connections, Vaughan Williams was decidedly not a believer. According to his, classmate ,Bertrand Russell, Williams was an atheist while attending Cambridge. According
  22. Crosby had an interest in sports. In the 1930s,his friend and former college, classmate , Gonzalo head coach Mike Petrovich appointed Crosby as an assistant football
  23. As Dr. Fraser Crane in the NBC sitcom Cheers. Grammer's former Juilliard, classmate ,and Broadway co-star Painting suggested Grammar to the New York casting
  24. Hit," Keep Them Cold Icy Fingers Off Me ", in an effort to prove otherwise. A, classmate ,later recalled that the teacher" agreed that Elvis was right when he said that
  25. Of Kappa Alpha Theta. The driver of the other car was her close friend and, classmate ,Michael Button Douglas. By some accounts, he had been Welch's boyfriend at one
  26. Wishes he majored in drama at San Francisco City College, where he was a, classmate ,of future actress Lee Meriwether. Later, he attended the University of
  27. Presley was described as" crazy about music" by Slim's younger brother,a, classmate ,of Presley's, who often took him in to the station. Slim supplemented Presley
  28. Educated in Lyon, where he boarded. Baudelaire at fourteen was described by a, classmate ,:" He was much more refined and distinguished than any of our fellow pupils ...
  29. White. While at Cornell, he worked as editor of The Cornell Daily Sun with, classmate ,Allison Dancing who later became a sportswriter for The New York Times. White
  30. Operettas. His undergraduate thesis was Some Clays of Idaho, co-written with, classmate ,Chester Fowler Smith, who died in California of tuberculosis the following year
  31. Hyperactive alter-ego, Cornholio. Basis' laugh was based on a" straight A ", classmate ,of creator Mike Judge's, who had a guttural laugh. *Butt-head—voiced by Mike
  32. Her to Berkeley. There, he interrupts a date between Elaine and a fellow, classmate , Later that evening, Elaine confronts Benjamin, asking what he is doing there
  33. Against the World. He also produced the 1990 single" Knocking' Boots" for his, classmate ,Candyman's album Ain't No Shame in My Game, which eventually went platinum
  34. Spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post, but a former, classmate ,'s father helped him secure a job in Bern, at the Federal Office for
  35. Thayer covered baseball for The San Francisco Examiner — owned by his Harvard, classmate ,William Randolph Hearst — and is said to have covered the local California
  36. Falwell was ordered to pay gay rights activist and former Baptist Bible College, classmate ,Jerry Sloan $5,000 after losing a court battle. In July 1984 during a TV
  37. Theologian, and educator Howard Thurman was an early influence on King. A, classmate ,of King's father at Morehouse College, Thurman mentored the young King and his
  38. In support of six black youths who had been convicted of assaulting a white, classmate , *2008 – A dump truck full of explosives detonates in front of the Marriott
  39. Group The Olympics' " Fully Gully ". Brian also knew Al Sardine, a high school, classmate , who had already played guitar in a folk group called The Islanders. One day
  40. Huxley (a former university friend of Mackay's) and Ferry's art school, classmate ,Nicholas De Ville. Well-known critic Lester Bangs went so far as to say that
  41. Raymond Shelter (1891–1979) of the club then suggested that May visit his, classmate ,Erwin Telemann on his way to Graphical, where May was to begin his medical
  42. Teenager. Thomas Dixon, author of the source play The Clansman, was a former, classmate ,of Woodrow Wilson at Johns Hopkins University. Dixon arranged a screening at
  43. Move Doonesbury to its editorial page. * In February 1976,Andy Lippincott,a, classmate ,of Joanne’s, told her that he was gay. Dozens of papers opted not to publish
  44. War effort. On one evening in 1915,the Smiths were with visiting his former, classmate ,from the University of Idaho, Dr. Carl Gary, who had also moved to Washington
  45. Faculties),which has become a symbol of the discipline. (a college, classmate ,and initial partner of Orson Fowler) promoted phrenology actively as a source
  46. The greatest cavalry commanders in American history. His friend and West Point, classmate , Union Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick said that Stuart was" the greatest cavalry
  47. Satirical, and throughout the book was an abundance of wordplay. According to, classmate ,Bill Turner, Lennon created the Daily Howl to amuse his best friend and later
  48. Street and Eighth Avenue with noted fetish artist Eric Stanton, an art-school, classmate , When either artist was under deadline pressure, it was not uncommon for them
  49. Fern, an Arthur episode, Fern Walters plays detective Hercules Watteau (with, classmate ,George in the Hastings role). Poirot features in two sketches in That Mitchell
  50. Had enlisted in the army for World War I along with his best friend and, classmate , Bauer. Kemmerich is shot in the leg early in the story; his injured leg had

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