Examples of the the word, seventy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seventy ), is the 7866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The work Spoken By the Spirit published by Radiant Life/GPH in 1973,describes, seventy ,five occasions when glossolalia speech was understood by others. (Scientific
  2. Of British Airways' Boeing 777s and since 2007 there are either fifty-two or, seventy ," Next-Generation" seats on Boeing 747–400 aircraft. Club World was originally
  3. St Albany) was next to be destroyed. In the three cities destroyed, between, seventy , and eighty thousand people are said to have been killed. Tacitus says the
  4. The death penalty in Judaism, that if a court killed more than one person in, seventy ,years, it was a barbarous (or" bloody" ) court and should be condemned as
  5. Moses complains of the stubbornness of the Israelites and is ordered to choose, seventy ,elders to assist him in the government of the people. Miriam and Aaron insult
  6. Gazed at the Ark; and as a punishment, seventy of them (fifty thousand, seventy ,in some ms. ) were smitten by the Lord (1 Sam. 6:19). The Bethshemites sent
  7. Industry expands, it requires more wild forage fish for feed, at a time when, seventy ,five percent of the worlds monitored fisheries are already near to or have
  8. As organist at the Premier church in Erfurt. Seychelles composed approximately, seventy ,pieces for organ while in Erfurt. After 1906 the composer Richard Wet lived in
  9. Punishment. It was, essentially,the same fate that had befallen the Black SOX, seventy ,years previously. (Rose, however,would continue to deny that he bet on
  10. Net and its volunteers broke a 64-bit RC5 key in several years, using about, seventy ,a thousand (mostly home) computers. The NSA's Skip jack algorithm used in its
  11. 1825 in Paris, France,and at the University of Cambridge. His book contained, seventy ,a thousand words, of which twelve thousand had never appeared in a published
  12. Problems, he died of a heart attack on March 19, 1950,having written almost, seventy ,novels. The Burroughs crater on Mars is named in his honor. Selected
  13. Tsa),dating from 1600,represents a late return to the style developed some, seventy ,years earlier. The tradition of painted churches continued into the nineteenth
  14. And nine-hundred and five and seventy " or, more eloquently," five and, seventy ,and nine-hundred and a thousand. " Language-standards regulators Academy of the
  15. There is some debate over the date of his death, he was no younger than, seventy ,when he died. Early life: AD 129-AD 161 Galen describes his early life in On
  16. By the National Judicial Council and judicial office is permanent (until, seventy ,years of age). The President of the Supreme Court is elected for a four-year
  17. First Council of Constantinople (381) was accepted by the Church of Rome only, seventy ,years later, in 451. One writer has even claimed that this council was summoned
  18. Of the tribulation at seven years. The key to this understanding is the ", seventy ,weeks prophecy” in the book of Daniel. The Prophecy of Seventy Septets (or
  19. Then off on the instrument. He has recorded, sung,and performed for more than, seventy ,years and has become the most powerful force in the American folk revival after
  20. A more successful rewrite of the original Jeeves). With a résumé of over, seventy ,plays, of which more than forty have played at the National Theatre or in the
  21. In bad weather; the disaster off Ca marina in 255 BC counted two hundred, seventy ,ships and over one hundred thousand men lost, the greatest single loss in
  22. Wind, slowly turning their head left to right. They then turn between thirty to, seventy ,degrees clockwise to the right, depending on wind speed (turning farther for
  23. Continued to use the property, along with Charles Pace. Approximately fifty to, seventy ,people attended the yearly memorial service on April 19, 2005. At that time
  24. Of rather poorly reported Councils at Carthage a few years later, no fewer than, seventy ,bishops attended. Tertullian later broke with the mainstream that was
  25. In the history of Israel, many scholars have concluded that each day in the, seventy ,weeks represents a year. The first sixty-nine weeks are interpreted as covering
  26. The climax of the show which was big for the time was that in three days, seventy ,four gladiators fought. In 105 BCE, the ruling consuls offered Rome its first
  27. Disputants (Chamber of Deputies) has 130 members elected to five year terms, seventy ,from single-member districts (circumscriptions),sixty by proportional
  28. Features annually at the end of the NEP period, but that figure fell to, seventy ,by 1932 and to forty-five by 1934. It never again reached triple digits during
  29. Common breeding birds are the willow warbler, chaffinch and redwing. Of some, seventy ,species of freshwater fish, the northern pike, perch and others are plentiful.
  30. Angola from the 16th century show that a great famine occurred on average every, seventy ,years; accompanied by epidemic disease, it might kill one-third or one-half of
  31. An American science fiction writer, editor and fan, with a career spanning over, seventy ,years — from his first published work," Elegy to a Dead Planet: Luna" ( 1937
  32. Erebus in late 1979. Scientific stations About 30 countries maintain about, seventy ,research stations (40 year-round or permanent, and 30 summer-only) in
  33. Ca5 (PO4)3 (OH),but is usually written Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2) makes up, seventy ,percent of bone. Also, carbonated-calcium deficient hydroxyapatite is the main
  34. Great disorder, and replaced it with a seminary for the priestly education of, seventy ,poor boys, under the name of the Colegio Albert, which it still bears. The
  35. An Englishman he was of course Scottish and HIS family, with about sixty or, seventy ,mulattoes from the Cape of Good Hope, live on one of the islands. Captain Ross
  36. Chancery style, the Pope selected out of the many then living Abbreviations, seventy , and formed them into a college of prelates, and decreed that their office
  37. When famine comes he brings his father and his brothers and their households, seventy ,persons in all, to Egypt, where Pharaoh assigns to them the land of Goshen.
  38. Is the most remote inhabited island in the United Kingdom. The majority of the, seventy ,islanders live in the crofts on the southern half of the island, with the
  39. Of frivolous court filings In Washington v. Alamo the court listed more than, seventy ,five frivolous" motions" ( a request for a court to issue an order),all of
  40. Classes, as well as Silver Executive Club cardholders are entitled to use the, seventy ,dedicated British Airways Terraces or Executive Club lounges. First lounges are
  41. Peaks appeared corresponding to molecules with the exact mass of sixty or, seventy ,or more carbon atoms. In 1985,Harold Kyoto (then of the University of Sussex
  42. To seize the old city, and they were to come to his aid on the same day with, seventy ,vessels. The plot failed owing to the late arrival of the Athenian force, when
  43. Out of curiosity the men of Beth-shemesh gazed at the Ark; and as a punishment, seventy ,of them (fifty thousand seventy in some ms. ) were smitten by the Lord (1 Sam
  44. Are at least sixty native mammalian species,248 breeding bird species, over, seventy , fish species and eleven reptile and frog species present today, many migrating
  45. Of State for Air, the last British Liberal to hold Cabinet rank office for, seventy ,years. However, it was a sign of the party's lack of importance that they were
  46. Characters interacted only with the chorus. Only seven of his estimated, seventy ,to ninety plays have survived into modern times; and there is a longstanding
  47. And" squash ", that did not appear in British dictionaries. At the age of, seventy , Webster published his dictionary in 1828; it sold 2500 copies. In 1840,the
  48. Mustapha Rim. Most of them live in Kabylia area where there are more than, seventy ,underground churches. The nation has experienced a decline in Christianity as a
  49. Classical Hebrew, and 1975 is said" a thousand and nine-hundred and five and, seventy ," or, more eloquently," five and seventy and nine-hundred and a thousand. "
  50. Siege of Syracuse given by Polybius in his Universal History was written around, seventy ,years after Archimedes' death, and was used subsequently as a source by

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