Examples of the the word, wells , in a Sentence Context
The word ( wells ), is the 6977 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- On Diego Garcia today, the military base uses over 100 shallow" horizontal ", wells ,to produce over 560,000 liters per day from the" Cantonment" lens on the
- The region who come to pasture their cattle and camels. Because very few, wells ,and springs have water throughout the year, the herders leave with the end of
- In Simon, & in Babylon, & in Acanthus. It is found also most swimming upon, wells ,in the countries of the Argentines of Sicily, which they use for lamps
- Has corrupted lenses in the Maldives and several Pacific islands. Vertical, wells ,can cause salt upcoming into the lens, and over-extraction will reduce fresh
- Drilled in the Bibi-Heybat suburb of Baku in 1846,though a number of hand-dug, wells ,predate it. Large-scale oil exploration started in 1872,when Russian imperial
- And a few other streams, and also from subterranean sources, including artesian, wells , However, heavy use of groundwater from wells for irrigation has caused
- At this time, and offerings and prayers to the spirits or deities of the, wells ,are usually part of this practice. Crafts such as the making of equal-armed
- Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning, wells , Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed. Although Pope Clement VI tried
- For the same reason. When calculating groundwater flow to drains or to, wells , the difference between horizontal and vertical permeability is to be taken
- And specialists flocked to Baku. By 1900 the city had more than 3,000 oil, wells , of which 2,000 were producing oil at industrial levels. Baku ranked as one of
- Correlates with the extinction of the dwarf hippos and dwarf elephants. Water, wells ,discovered by archaeologists in western Cyprus are believed to be among the
- Opacity. It is used as an insoluble heavy mud-like paste when drilling oil, wells , and in purer form, as an X-ray radio contrast agent for imaging the human
- Commercially exploitable quantities of oil and gas in three of the four, wells ,drilled since 1987,including a particularly promising discovery announced in
- The manifestations of the element of water are rivers, oceans,lakes, wells , rain, fog,ice, snow,streams and all drinks. Animals, especially the dolphin
- Drained into the Nile in ancient times. For centuries Sweetwater artesian, wells ,in the Fay yum Oasis have permitted extensive cultivation in an irrigated area
- Possible problems are the many 'leak' opportunities provided by old oil, wells , the need for high injection pressures and acidification which can damage the
- The farm yielded over $1,000,000 in cash dividends, and petroleum from oil, wells ,on the property sold profitably. The demand for iron products, such as armor
- And decrees which make it impossible for him to continue, he sets all his oil, wells ,on fire, leaving a jeering note:" I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It
- Produces ergotism when ingested, there is no evidence that they poisoned enemy, wells ,with the fungus, as has been claimed. According to Homer's epic poems about
- Of the helium in the crust of the Earth (about 99 % of the helium from gas, wells , as shown by its lower abundance of helium-3) is a product of alpha decay.
- Sources, including artesian wells . However, heavy use of groundwater from, wells ,for irrigation has caused underground water reserves to decline. Most of
- Is also common in the marshlands east of Lake Chad and near swamps or, wells , Many farmers in the region combine subsistence agriculture with the raising of
- Some early Americans used trees or bamboo poles to cross small caverns or, wells ,to get from one place to another. A common form of lashing sticks, logs,and
- In enhanced oil recovery where it is injected into or adjacent to producing oil, wells , usually under supercritical conditions. It acts as both a pressurizing agent
- Decorate May Bushes and prepare traditional festival foods. Pilgrimages to holy, wells ,are traditional at this time, and offerings and prayers to the spirits or
- Moisture gauges use californium-252 to find water and petroleum layers in oil, wells , as a portable neutron source for gold and silver prospecting for on-the-spot
- Baku. By the 15th century, oil for lamps was obtained from hand-dug surface, wells , Commercial exploitation began in 1872,and by the beginning of the 20th
- From crude oil and bitumen. * In 2006,there were 13,473 successful natural gas, wells ,drilled in Alberta: 12,029 conventional gas wells and 1,444 coaled methane
- Parties of 25 men from each ship along the coast to requisition food, dig, wells , and collect water. Areas wrote a letter describing the situation to Minister
- New process for extracting more oil from what were thought to be exhausted oil, wells , When first introduced, he is aggressive towards Deign, whom he does not yet
- Reefs in the region, is present, with 45 species recorded. Despite its only, wells ,being infected with cholera or contaminated and undrinkable. Once they had
- Annual rainfall averages less than. Scattered small oases and occasional, wells ,provide water for a few date palms or small plots of millet and garden crops.
- 13,473 successful natural gas wells drilled in Alberta: 12,029 conventional gas, wells ,and 1,444 coaled methane wells * There may be up to of coaled methane in
- Revers. Revers submitted only after a three-month siege, not when the three, wells ,in the castle ran dry, but only once the large supplies of wine in the garrison
- Water and sanitation ACF provides access to safe drinking water by drilling, wells , tapping springs, and installing water systems. They train local teams and
- Non-arable land arable often involves digging new irrigation canals and new, wells , aqueducts, desalination plants, planting trees for shade in the desert
- Industry, for example, as drilling mud, a weighting agent in drilling new oil, wells , Applications of other barium compounds Aside from the sulfate, other compounds
- By plants, tidal advection, and human use. In the Plantation period, shallow, wells , supplemented by rainwater collected in cisterns, provided sufficient water for
- Drilled in Alberta: 12,029 conventional gas wells and 1,444 coaled methane, wells ,* There may be up to of coaled methane in Alberta, although it is unknown how
- According to a recent film funded by the US Superfund, millions of private, wells ,have unknown arsenic levels, and in some areas of the US, over 20 % of wells
- This conductivity/resistivity and the results are used to help find oil and gas, wells , The hydraulic conductivity of aquifers is often anisotropic for the same
- Grown into a small town with a large estate, a church, a market, at least two, wells ,and many smaller habitations spread over a fairly wide area. Many historians
- Lying above the seawater. These lenses are accessed through shallow bores or, wells , Cocos (Keeling) Island is located on almost exactly the opposite side of the
- We know that he provided humanitarian help including doctors, hospitals,inns, wells , medical herbs and engineers to his neighboring countries. In neighboring
- The toxic plant hellebore. The Roman commander Marius Quills poisoned the, wells ,of besieged enemy cities in about 130 BC. During the 4th century BC Scythian
- Europeans turned to astrological forces, earthquakes,and the poisoning of, wells ,by Jews as possible reasons for the plague's emergence. In August 1349,the
- The right of burial remaining at the ancient parish church. Over a hundred holy, wells ,exist in Cornwall, each associated with a particular saint, though not always
- Were sometimes located close to arable land and a source of water (some have, wells ,or natural springs rising within their central space). Sometimes, on the other
- Some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with, wells , rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human
- Wells have unknown arsenic levels, and in some areas of the US, over 20 % of, wells ,may contain levels that exceed established limits. Low-level exposure to
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