Examples of the the word, carriage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( carriage ), is the 6983 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then as far as XenApp before ordering a halt. There,Napoleon's abandoned, carriage ,was captured, still containing diamonds left in the rush. These became part of
  2. For the areas secondary school children * There are many Taxicabs and Hackney, carriage ,services on the Island Cuisine As a popular tourist destination Chill has many
  3. Inaugurating perhaps the first bus line, moving passengers within Paris in a, carriage ,with many seats. In 1662,Pascal's illness became more violent, and his
  4. She was given a Carpenter which she used. A Carpenter was a sort of ceremonial, carriage ,usually reserved for priests, such as the Vestal Virgins, and sacred statues.
  5. Consisted of an orchard, large farm house, stable,pigsty, hen-house and a, carriage ,house, which bordered the Grand River. At the homestead, Bell set up his own
  6. Nervous system, part of the peripheral nervous system in the body * ANS, carriage ,control characters (or ASA control characters),for computer line printers;
  7. Many business functions semi-automatically. It had a moving programmable, carriage ,to maintain ledgers. It could store 9,18 or 27 balances during the ledger
  8. Electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals,the Franklin stove,a, carriage ,odometer, and the glass 'harmonica '. He formed both the first public lending
  9. To the top of the next page, or a video terminal to clear the screen. * 13 (, carriage ,return, CR,\r, ^M),used as the end of line marker in macOS,OS-9,FLEX (
  10. By six Cossacks with a seventh sitting on the coachman's left. The tsar's, carriage ,was followed by two sleighs carrying, among others, the chief of police and the
  11. Introduced in the 1870 Ballot code: NFL and DEL. The 1901 Murray code added the, carriage ,return (CR) and line feed (LF),and other versions of the Ballot code
  12. Will trigger the other machine's answer back. It means" Who are you? " CR is, carriage ,return, LF is line feed, BEL is the bell character which rang a small bell (
  13. After his death. This piece is now known as the Memorial. The story of the, carriage ,accident as having led to the experience described in the Memorial is disputed
  14. Summoned on 27 August 1695 before the Kirk Session for his" indecent, carriage ," (indecent behavior) in church, he " did not compar appear, having gone
  15. Be fixed in place, as on a cargo truck, mounted on a swivel, as on a railway, carriage ,or locomotive, or sprung as in the suspension of a caterpillar tracked vehicle.
  16. And dredging, pumps and sanitary issues were eventually outcompeted in the, carriage ,of high-value items by the railways due to the higher speed, falling costs, and
  17. Through bearings. In Indian English, bogie may also refer to an entire railway, carriage , The first British railway to build coaches with bogies, instead of
  18. The driver and people on the sidewalk, had only damaged the bulletproof, carriage , a gift from Napoleon III of France. The tsar emerged shaken but unhurt.
  19. The railway in the early industrial revolution, but were outcompeted in the, carriage ,of high-value items due to the higher speed, falling costs, and route
  20. Grand River. At the homestead, Bell set up his own workshop in the converted, carriage ,house Despite his frail condition upon arriving in Canada, Bell found the
  21. Only for coronations or jubilee celebrations. Also housed in the Mews are the, carriage ,horses used in royal ceremonial processions. The Mall, a ceremonial approach
  22. Known until the 1820s. Early horse-drawn buses were a combination of a hackney, carriage ,and a stagecoach. From the 1830s steam powered buses existed. In parallel to
  23. Began the day after the battle, with Captain Mercer noting that on 19 June" a, carriage ,drove on the ground from Brussels, the inmates of which, alighting,proceeded
  24. Were tried in the 1940s. Manufacture Early bus manufacturing grew out of, carriage ,coach building, and later out of automobile or truck manufacturers. Early buses
  25. Of cannon design. He developed a field howitzer whose gun barrel, carriage ,assembly and ammunition specifications were made uniform for all French cannons
  26. At Northwestern Military and Naval Academy in 1898 with the Davidson-Duryea gun, carriage ,and the later Davidson Automobile Battery armored car. At the beginning of the
  27. This balance was read into the accumulator when the card was inserted into the, carriage , The Sensitronic was followed by the E1000,the E2000,E4000,E6000 and the
  28. To separate lines. Similarly, older Macintosh systems, among others, use only, carriage ,returns in plain text files. Various IBM operating systems used both characters
  29. Output to the teleprinter rather than the tape punch. SAMPLING suppresses the, carriage ,return + line feed normally printed between arguments. ALIGNED (1,6) controls
  30. It under the horses' hooves in the supposition that it would blow up under the, carriage ,... The explosion knocked me into the fence. " The explosion, while killing one
  31. Europe were massive smooth bore weapons distinguished by their lack of a field, carriage , immobility once em placed, highly individual design, and noted unreliability (
  32. Available again to US listeners this week, as part of a new multi-platform, carriage ,deal with the corporation. Last week, the BBC's flagship music radio station
  33. Caligula had a statue made of Agrippina’s image to be paraded in a covered, carriage ,at the Games. After the Circus Games, Caligula ordered written evidence of the
  34. The station back to US listeners. " Sirius and the BBC have now agreed a new, carriage ,agreement that will see Radio 1 broadcast on the Sirius KM Internet Radio
  35. Season due to the team switching fully to Fox Sports Arizona and the lack of, carriage ,of HELP on the Cox cable system. All-time leaders; Hitting: Games Played —
  36. Mozart tells his wife that he collected Salary and Caterina Cavalieri in his, carriage ,and drove them both to the opera, and about Salieri's attendance at his opera
  37. AIM-120B. The AIM-120C has smaller" clipped" resurfaces to enable internal, carriage ,on the USAF F-22 Raptor. AIM-120B deliveries began in 1994,and AIM-120C
  38. With both" Carriage Return" and" Linefeed ". The first returns the printing, carriage ,to the beginning of the line and the second advances to the next line without
  39. The military roll call. He travelled both to and from the Manege in a closed, carriage ,accompanied by six Cossacks with a seventh sitting on the coachman's left. The
  40. Word" cannon" marks the introduction in the 15th Century of a dedicated field, carriage ,with axle, trail and animal-drawn limber—this produced mobile field pieces that
  41. Triangles * Anti-Soviet agitation, a criminal offense in the Soviet Union * ASA, carriage ,control characters, a system used for controlling mainframe line printers * A
  42. In the afternoon, and occasionally Mary Lincoln would force him to take a, carriage ,ride because she was concerned he was working too hard. Lincoln had learned
  43. Tour in New Zealand (1895) he began to realize the wider significance of head, carriage ,for overall physical functioning. Further, Alexander observed that many
  44. And ammunition around. Self-propelled howitzers are permanently mounted on a, carriage ,or vehicle with room for the crew and ammunition and are thus capable of moving
  45. M),used as the end of line marker in macOS,OS-9,FLEX (and variants). A, carriage ,return/line feed pair is used by CP/M-80 and its derivatives including DOS and
  46. Track irregularities and rail abrasion. Usually two bogies are fitted to each, carriage , wagon or locomotive, one at each end. An alternate configuration often is used
  47. Of the line and the second advances to the next line without moving the, carriage , However, requiring two characters to mark the end of a line introduced
  48. Or rocket, and being of such a size and weight as to require a specialized, carriage ,for firing and transport. However, its most important characteristic is the use
  49. Backspace ". RFC 2822 refers to control characters that do not include, carriage ,return, line feed or white space as non-whitespace control characters. Except
  50. Death on 22 January, most likely due to complications from an accident with a, carriage ,some years earlier, Salieri succeeded him as assistant director of the Italian

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