Examples of the the word, targeted , in a Sentence Context

The word ( targeted ), is the 6978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly, targeted , ad for a low fee advertising a product or service. Another form of press
  2. Total loans extended to Armenia since 1993 exceed $800 million. These loans are, targeted ,at reducing the budget deficit, stabilizing the local currency; developing
  3. Theory took place between 1937 and 1945 under the impact of Nazi propaganda, targeted ,at the Arab world. According to Wentzel, the Nazi Arabic radio service had a
  4. The Secretary General of the PFLP, by the Israeli Air Force under its policy of, targeted ,killings. In Lebanon, the assassination of former Prime Minister Radio Harari
  5. Primarily from the local community, more than $500 million was invested in, targeted ,areas that significantly impact the future of ASU. Among the campaign's
  6. In the last decade. Asia Armenia Turkey In recent decades, synagogues have been, targeted ,in a number of terrorist attacks. In 2003,the Névé Shalom Synagogue was
  7. Over a hundred civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani militia and Soviet forces, targeted ,Armenian paramilitaries operating in Karabakh. Moscow also deployed troops to
  8. There are another 12,496 members of the Standby Reserve. The regular Army is, targeted ,to expand to 31,000 personnel by 2014–15. Rank and insignia
  9. University Health Board, an NHS Trust in Wales * Account-based marketing,a, targeted ,approach to marketing to a key account * Activity-based management, a strategic
  10. Designs. This enabled AMD to offer complete processor and chipset solutions, targeted ,at embedded applications requiring high performance 3D and video such as
  11. And the third to land on the Moon. It was the last of the" H missions ", targeted ,landings with two-day stays on the Moon with two lunar Evans, or moonwalks.
  12. By bearing arms or otherwise, who has thereby lost the immunity from being, targeted ,that he would otherwise have under the Third Geneva Convention. On the other
  13. Most of the Abu SAAF victims have been Filipinos. However, the group has also, targeted ,foreigners for kidnapping because of the large ransom payments and North
  14. The 'right to attack in reprisal '. He also claimed the 9/11 attacks were not, targeted ,at women and children, but 'America's icons of military and economic power '.
  15. Generator or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy, in particular, targeted ,alpha therapy (TAT). This isotope has a half-life of 10 days that makes it
  16. During this time Apple experimented with a number of other failed consumer, targeted ,products including digital cameras, portable CD audio players, speakers,video
  17. Killing–by a government or its agents–of a civilian or" unlawful combatant ", targeted ,by the government, who is not in the government's custody. The target is a
  18. Leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, but his safe house was hit by U. S. missiles in a, targeted ,killing, and Abu AFUB al-Omari succeeded him who was also later killed by US
  19. Destroyed the windows of storefronts of businesses owned or franchised by, targeted ,corporations such as a large Nike shop and many Starbucks windows. The mayor
  20. In Algiers. One bomb targeted two United Nations buildings and the other, targeted ,a government building housing the Supreme Court. The death toll is at least 62
  21. Sometimes, during race riots, as in Detroit in 1943,Jewish businesses were, targeted ,for looting and burning. In Germany the National Socialist regime of Adolf
  22. May also start at a very young age. Acting classes and professional schools, targeted ,at the under-18 crowd are offered in many locations. These classes introduce
  23. On the 32 nm SOI process. Other initiatives * 50x15,digital inclusion, with, targeted ,50 % of world population to be connected through Internet via affordable
  24. Languages (initially Integer BASIC, later Apple soft BASIC). The Apple II was, targeted ,for the masses rather than just hobbyists and engineers; it also influenced
  25. Conflict: International Humanitarian Law in War, writes:" Assassinations and, targeted ,killings are very different acts ". Judge Abraham Softer, former federal judge
  26. Orders and medals. Operation Edelweiss carried out by the German Wehrmacht, targeted ,Baku because of its importance as the energy (petroleum) dynamo of the USSR.
  27. Employing this method in their video on demand menus. These advertisements are, targeted ,to a specific group and can be viewed by anyone wishing to find out more about
  28. At political rallies, Raj Thackeray, the chief of Maharashtra Airman Sent, targeted ,Amitabh Bachchan, asserting that the actor was" more inclined" towards his
  29. Fred Raise (CDR),William R. Rogue (CMP) and Gerald Carr (LMP) who were, targeted ,for the prime crew assignment on Apollo 19. However, after the widely-expected
  30. For a decade. On December 11, 2007,two car bombs exploded in Algiers. One bomb, targeted ,two United Nations buildings and the other targeted a government building
  31. Aging André in the main event spotlight. The Colossal Connection immediately, targeted ,WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition (who had recently won the belts from the
  32. And indent (1,2,3-cd)pyrene. This list of the 16 EPA priority Pass is often, targeted ,for measurement in environmental samples. Aromaticity Although Pass clearly are
  33. And knowledge from decoded transmissions allowed the U. S. to carry out a, targeted ,attack, killing Japanese Admiral Stroke Yamamoto while he was travelling by
  34. To the 2010 cargo plane bomb plot. In September 2011,he was killed in a, targeted ,killing drone attack in Yemen. Death of Osama bin Laden On May 1,2011, in
  35. For forgiveness and promised to return it alive. Artemis forgave him but, targeted ,Eurystheus for her wrath. Artemis got her hunting dogs from Pan in the forest
  36. For Abu SAAF said. " We want to fight the American people. " They have also, targeted ,Canadians, Australians,and European tourists as well. Criticism Muslim *The
  37. Campus CAD, DynaCADD, Leonard ST, Technobox CAD/2 ...) — all being largely, targeted ,at, or even limited to owners of high-resolution monochrome monitors. Graphics
  38. Violations occurring over a 4½ year period – from October 1993 to July 1998 –, targeted ,American Airlines for using high-sulfur fuel in motor vehicles at 10 major
  39. Mazarin as well as the Etihad of Abdul Raoul SAAF supported by Saudi Arabia, targeted ,civilians of the 'opposite side' in systematic atrocities. Abdul Rashid Dos tum
  40. Lunar module burned up in Earth's atmosphere on April 17, 1970,having been, targeted ,to enter over the Pacific Ocean to reduce the possibility of contamination from
  41. Credited as being the first computer programmer. Features Ada was originally, targeted ,at embedded and real-time systems. The Ada 95 revision, designed by S. Tucker
  42. Of advertising is the growing importance of the niche market using niche or, targeted ,ads. Also brought about by the Internet and the theory of The Long Tail
  43. Of the AMD 690G chipset (previously under the development code name RS690), targeted , at mainstream IGP computing. It was the industry's first to implement an HDMI
  44. Base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to more narrowly, targeted ,media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized topics. A
  45. Over a hundred civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani militia and Soviet forces, targeted ,Armenian paramilitaries operating in Karabakh. Moscow also deployed troops to
  46. When Tea began drawing Ribbon no Fish, the first manga specifically, targeted ,at young girls, Tezuka further exaggerated the size of the characters' eyes.
  47. In a number of terrorist attacks. In 2003,the Névé Shalom Synagogue was, targeted ,in a car bombing, killing 21 Turkish Muslims and 6 Jews. In June 2011,the
  48. And the Direct Connect Architecture these server class processors have been, targeted ,at high-end telecom and storage applications. In 2006 AMD added the AMD Athlon
  49. Gateway" or validity questions, but the Supreme Court ruled that since Jackson, targeted ,the entire contract rather than a specific clause, the arbitrator decided the
  50. Himself and every other able Muslim. U. S. President Barack Obama approved the, targeted ,killing of al-Awlaki by April 2010,making al-Awlaki the first U. S. citizen

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