Examples of the the word, physiological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( physiological ), is the 6991 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To Hiroshima. Anxiety (also called angst or worry) is a psychological and, physiological ,state characterized by somatic, emotional,cognitive, and behavioral components
  2. Amine and two detonated carboxyl groups, for a net charge of -1 at, physiological ,pH. Fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives are another group of carboxylic
  3. Mathematical acoustics were Helmholtz in Germany, who consolidated the field of, physiological ,acoustics, and Lord Rayleigh in England, who combined the previous knowledge
  4. Owing to their resonance stabilization, amides are less reactive under, physiological ,conditions than esters. Enzymes,e.g. peptides or artificial catalysts, are
  5. Topspace" for the dominant. Some use the term" body stress" to describe this, physiological ,sensation. This experience of algolagnia is important, but is not the only
  6. Terms might be better dated from the chemical fertilizer outputs of plant, physiological ,understanding in eighteenth century Germany. In the United States, a scientific
  7. With functioning. Not everyone's symptoms are the same, and there is no simple, physiological ,test to confirm the disorder. Bipolar disorder can appear to be unipolar
  8. Be used for closed air spaces (e.g. a submarine) since the adaptation is, physiological ,and reversible. Decrement in performance or in normal physical activity does
  9. Other major life undertakings. Adventurous experiences create psychological and, physiological ,arousal, which can be interpreted as negative (e.g. fear) or positive (e.
  10. By measuring changes in their DNA, rather than through physical taxonomy or, physiological ,observations alone, * more recently, compare entire genomes, which permits the
  11. One which is responsible for the sustenance of life. Agni helps in the various, physiological ,functions of the body. In some Hindu symbolism,Agni's parents are said to be
  12. On the pituitary gland, which indirectly affects a number of other hormones and, physiological ,functions. Effects on growth hormone, prolactin and TSH (with relevant effect
  13. In the diet would, by analogy with rodent studies, be very small. The exact, physiological ,role of boron in the animal kingdom is poorly understood. Boron occurs in all
  14. Are so energetically favorable that they are effectively irreversible under, physiological ,conditions. In glycolysis, hexokinase is directly inhibited by its product
  15. Or stop accordingly. Aspects The initialism BDSM includes psychological and, physiological ,facets: This model for differentiating among these three aspects of BDSM is
  16. Model is G93A,although many others have since been generated. At the gross, physiological ,level, the mouse models faithfully recapitulate the features of human ALS (
  17. Volcanic ash, material ejected from the top of a volcano * Ash,a, physiological ,term for the portion of consumed food that cannot be digested by the digestive
  18. Interprets as sound ", a remarkable statement that points to the beginnings of, physiological ,and psychological acoustics. Experimental measurements of the speed of sound in
  19. Kcal/MOL) These values can be used to calculate the change in energy under, physiological ,conditions and the cellular ATP/ADP ratio. However, a more representative value
  20. Adaptation of an array of species exhibiting different morphological and, physiological ,traits with which they can exploit a range of divergent environments.
  21. Fibers. In addition to nerve endings present within the anus and rectum,a, physiological ,explanation for why some women may find anal stimulation pleasurable is that
  22. Anatomical features (e.g., atria,ventricles, heart valves) and numerous, physiological ,features (e.g., systole,heart sounds, afterload) that are of concern.
  23. Products. Blindness is the condition of lacking visual perception due to, physiological ,or neurological factors. Various scales have been developed to describe the
  24. Quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. These physical or, physiological ,quantification of color, however,do not fully explain the psychophysical
  25. Serotonin plays an essential role. There has been some research into, physiological ,changes in yogis and people who practice various techniques of meditation.
  26. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It has two ionizable groups in the, physiological ,range (the amino group in alpha-position to the amide carbonyl group and the
  27. Birds although their mode of excretion and lack of sweat glands reduces the, physiological ,demands. Some desert birds can obtain their water needs entirely from moisture
  28. Chemical drugs are considered to require substantial BME knowledge due to the, physiological ,interactions inherent to such products' usage. With the increasing prevalence
  29. Leucocyanidin biosynthesis pathway * Approximate number system, a hypothesized, physiological ,basis for the sense of number * Astronomical Netherlands Satellite, a Dutch
  30. Zone upwards All these changes are normal, and the occurrence is said to be, physiological , However, all this metaplasia does increase the risk of cancer in this area -
  31. However, the sibling field of cognitive neuroscience has provided evidence of, physiological ,brain states that directly correlate with mental states - thus providing
  32. Neuter, a German chemist. Previously, this area would have been referred to as, physiological ,chemistry. Since then, biochemistry has advanced, especially since the mid-20th
  33. These aforementioned studies determined UA's antioxidant actions within normal, physiological ,levels, The effects of uric acid in conditions such as stroke and heart attacks
  34. In the Asian Indian system Panchamahabhuta, and in the Chinese cosmological and, physiological ,system Wu Xing. In contemporary esoteric traditions, it is commonly associated
  35. The longer a person drinks. This is believed to be due to alcohol causing, physiological ,distortion of brain chemistry, as well as social isolation. Suicide is also
  36. Jasmuheen claimed that Linn's death had a psycho-spiritual, rather than, physiological , source. Jasmuheen has denied any involvement with the three deaths and claims
  37. Kytos," container" ) is a scientific discipline that studies cells – their, physiological ,properties, their structure, the organelles they contain, interactions with
  38. Here, she portrays the accomplishment as both metaphorical and considerably, physiological ,in nature, attributing that which she cites J. Krishnamurti as naming the
  39. Brought about his synthesis of anatomy and optics, which forms the basis of, physiological ,optics. As he conceptualized the essential principles of pinhole projection
  40. To physical optics, The Book of Optics also gave rise to the field of ", physiological ,optics ". Alien discussed the topics of medicine, ophthalmology,anatomy and
  41. Loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and ten minutes. Although, physiological ,experiments show that such levels can be tolerated for some time. Adaptation to
  42. State of torpor accompanied by a reduction of their metabolic rates. This, physiological ,adaptation shows in nearly a hundred other species, including owlet-nightjars
  43. That the mind is not something separate from the body, but is produced by, physiological ,functions of the brain. Bipolar (, formerly Monastic or Manager; known also by
  44. Be given intravenously, either solutions of salts (NaCl, KCl,CaCl2 etc.) at, physiological ,concentrations, or colloidal solutions, such as extras, human serum albumin
  45. Symbol CAR for the human gene CAR * Cortisol awakening response,a, physiological ,response when a person wakes up * Chimeric antigen receptor, artificial T cell
  46. Chemical formula is HCO3−. Bicarbonate serves a crucial biochemical role in the, physiological ,pH buffering system. Chemical properties The bicarbonate ion (hydrogen
  47. By the human body as a signaling molecule. Thus, carbon monoxide may have a, physiological ,role in the body, such as a neurotransmitter or a blood vessel relaxant.
  48. Scientific cause and effect proof. An increasingly growing number of other, physiological ,markers and homeostatic mechanisms are currently under scientific investigation
  49. Early stages) prevents a boy's larynx from being transformed by the normal, physiological ,events of puberty. As a result, the vocal range of prepubescence (shared by
  50. Severe restrictions, and has a high possibility of severe psychological and, physiological ,dependence. * In Canada, possession of amphetamines is a criminal offense under

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