Examples of the the word, suppression , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suppression ), is the 6994 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Meant protection of private property and enforcement of contracts and the, suppression ,of trade unions and the Chartism movement. Public works included a stable
  2. To arrest protestors and uproot suspected rebel groups, creating further, suppression ,of personal freedom for the Russian people. Finally, the assassination inspired
  3. The effects of cold iron and release the poetic forces. " This results in the, suppression ,of ferromagnetism and the reemergence of magic and magical creatures. Alternate
  4. Actor Richard Kiley as Claudius. There is also a reference to Claudius ', suppression ,of one of the coups against him in the movie Gladiator, though the incident is
  5. Lived Bavarian Socialist Republic being proclaimed 6 April 1919. After violent, suppression ,by elements of the German Army and notably the Fears, the Bavarian
  6. As also rocket in Capella. Abbreviations of the lower presidency before their, suppression ,were simple clerics, and according to permission granted by Sixths IV (LOC.
  7. Striatal dopaminergic markers. The neuroprotective effect is associated with, suppression ,in microglia activation and proliferation in mouse mid-brain area. Adverse
  8. Indication of Bindusara's conquest of the Deccan while others consider it as, suppression ,of a revolt. Following this Ashoka was stationed at Ujjain as governor. When
  9. Accurate description of the color of the liquid. *" The black" is a wildfire, suppression ,term referring to a burned area on a wildfire capable of acting as a safety
  10. Movement, the Boxer Rebellion violently revolted against foreign, suppression ,over vast areas in Northern China. The Empress Dowager, probably seeking to
  11. The Admiralty, upon receiving Herbert's report, immediately ordered its, suppression , but the strict censorship imposed on the event failed when Americans who had
  12. Segregation — genetic mosaic — maternal effect — entrance — complementation —, suppression ,— epistasis — genetic linkage **chromosomal effects: chromosome — haploid —
  13. Athanasius used“ invented dialogue to ridicule his adversaries ”, and used “, suppression ,and distortion” to serve his own means. He often blamed charges and
  14. Alone remains. Blood (Curia Roman, edit. 1859) chronicles the, suppression ,of the lower presidency and puts the number of Abbreviations at that date at
  15. Of Poles were executed, and thousands were deported to Siberia. The price for, suppression ,was Russian support for Prussian-united Germany. Years later, Germany and
  16. About fire chemistry, mitigation practices, hazardous materials' identification, suppression ,options, and are introduced to the concept of size-up. Hands-on skills include
  17. In whole or in part or from a trial court's granting of a defendant's, suppression ,motion. Likewise, in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may appeal an
  18. From 1948 to 1952,repulsing several Greek attacks, and took part in the, suppression ,of the Prague spring events. In the meantime, during the rule of Tudor Zhukov
  19. Question of Ukraine's autonomy. Following July Days unrest in Petrograd and, suppression ,of the Bolsheviks, Kerensky succeeded Prince Lvov as Russia's Prime Minister.
  20. Provincial representatives were removed and other liberties suppressed. This, suppression ,and the success of independence movements in the former Spanish colonies on the
  21. Also known to the Romans, who named it (vulgar slang) landing. This cycle of, suppression ,and discovery continued, notably in the work of Regular de Graaf (Tracts de
  22. Decisions about: *what effects are required, for example, neutralization or, suppression ,; *the proximity of and risks to own troops or non-combatants; *what types of
  23. 44 %, and activated estrogen and vitamin D, suggesting a possible role in the, suppression ,of osteoporosis. However, whether these effects were conventionally nutritional
  24. Dictatorship. The European parliamentarians were primarily concerned about the, suppression ,of independent media outlets in the country and the fraudulent referendum. A
  25. Although their definitions have evolved and will continue to do so, lack of, suppression ,in counterbattery is an omission. Broadly they can be defined as either: *Deep
  26. Fewer radio stations can be accommodated in a given broadcast band. The various, suppression ,methods in Forms of AM can be readily understood in terms of the diagram in
  27. Have accused Russia, China and the former Soviet republics of justifying the, suppression ,of separatist movements, and the associated ethnics and religion with the War
  28. By southern states and nationwide at the local level of government, voter, suppression , or disenfranchisement in the southern states, denial of economic opportunity or
  29. Purposes) and the display supported upper and lower case, hardware snow, suppression ,(video ram bus arbitration logic),and an improved character font set. The
  30. Saw much industrialization and construction of infrastructure, but also the, suppression ,of local cultures, hundreds of thousands of deaths from failed collectivization
  31. Of Skirts and sent Athenian colonists there. Over time, especially with the, suppression ,of rebellions, Athens exercised hegemony over the rest of the league.
  32. With certain members of the Pakistani military (Rawalpindi conspiracy) or, suppression ,of Communists and antagonism towards the Soviet Union, were potential reasons
  33. He led the country from 1996,during a time of labor crises, government, suppression , and secessionist conflicts, until his death November 1998. He was succeeded by
  34. 15 cm group at a distance of 100 meters. Longer settings are intended for area, suppression , These settings mirror the Mosin-Nagant and SKS rifles which the AK-47 replaced
  35. Sold at Kabul markets each at the price of 20–21 AFS. Abdul Rahman's brutal, suppression ,compelled many Hazards to seek refuge in Iran, India,and Russia.
  36. Is bone marrow toxicity, which may occur in two distinct forms: bone marrow, suppression , which is a direct toxic effect of the drug and is usually reversible, and
  37. Functions, leaving for the commission only the functions of detection, suppression , and prevention of so-called crimes. At the meeting of the Council of People's
  38. Women who are responsible for law enforcement, traffic management, narcotics, suppression , border control, and counter-terrorism throughout Chile. With the military coup
  39. Associations are serving in Britain during a time of mistrust, rebellion and, suppression ,symbolized by the brutal acts of the imperial notary Paulus Camera. He may have
  40. Pogroms and legislation. A third consequence of the assassination was that, suppression ,of civil liberties in Russia and police brutality burst back in full force
  41. To suppress foliar fungal diseases by nature of the bacterial competition, suppression , antibiosis on the leaf surface (hydrosphere). It has also been used as a
  42. Ants perform many ecological roles that are beneficial to humans, including the, suppression ,of pest populations and aeration of the soil. The use of weaver ants in citrus
  43. Year he married Afro Sausenhofer of Reichstag. After Pope Clement XIV’s, suppression ,of the Society of Jesus in 1773,Washout became a professor of canon law, a
  44. Eradication of cats has caused a ‘ mesopredator release’ effect; where the, suppression ,of top carnivores creates an abundance of smaller predators that cause a severe
  45. Bergman were amongst those agitating in response to Bolshevik policy and the, suppression ,of the Ronstadt uprising, before they left Russia. Both wrote accounts of
  46. Polymyositis, lupus,rheumatoid arthritis (See Awards) and the, suppression ,of transplant rejections (see immuno suppression ). Principles Cancer is the
  47. Those subjects or simply discussion of them in open meetings. As part of this, suppression , the use of Catalan in government-run institutions and during public events was
  48. Of the French socialist movement, into many groups and, following the, suppression ,of the 1871 Paris Commune, the execution and exile of many commands to penal
  49. With a historical role in Chinese society and has eased off the outward, suppression ,of certain religious practices but maintains a hardliner in regard to many
  50. And the Commission of Bonch-Bruyevich only the functions of detection and, suppression ,while investigative functions entirely transfer to it. The Investigatory

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