Examples of the the word, oath , in a Sentence Context
The word ( oath ), is the 6985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Or showing, or in other words, it contains a verification, meaning it is under, oath ,or penalty of perjury, and this serves as evidence to its veracity and is
- Were not only older, but were wiser, too. Jurors were required to be under, oath , which was not required for attendance at the assembly. The authority exercised
- Alcmena from delivering Heracles. This resulted in the fulfillment of Zeus's, oath ,by Eurystheus rather than Heracles. Ovid According to Ovid's Metamorphoses
- 54); (d) A legal obedience, where a particular law requires the taking of an, oath ,of allegiance by subject or alien alike. Natural allegiance was acquired by
- The well, he also gave Abimelech seven ewes for proof. Because of this sworn, oath , they called the place of this well: Beersheba. After Abimelech and Phi col
- An attestation clause, usually a Surat, at the end certifying the affine made, oath ,and the date; and If an affidavit is notarized or authenticated, it will also
- And repudiated the right of the Stuarts and other claimants to the throne. This, oath ,was imposed under William III, George I and George III. It was superseded by
- Was elected to the Bureau, and discovered immediately that the matter of the, oath ,was not so easily dispensed with. Without his oath , the king refused to approve
- A cabinet minister was able to convince the Emperor to exempt Cauchy from the, oath , Cauchy remained a professor at the University until his death at the age of
- To be stoned to death, but saved himself by establishing his innocence with an, oath , The whole charge was sometimes said to have been an invention of Agamemnon
- Is not subject to cross-examination by the prosecutor and not given under, oath , This allows the defendant to explain his side of the case without being
- On those who had previously served in British units (and thereby sworn an, oath ,of allegiance to the crown). Many of the prisoners taken by the British at
- Appeared at the trial, even though he had not been called as a witness. Under, oath , Augustus declared that he gave no such order. Arena, disbelieving Augustus’s
- That the matter of the oath was not so easily dispensed with. Without his, oath , the king refused to approve his election. For four years Cauchy was in the
- Abjuration is the solemn repudiation, abandonment,or renunciation by or upon, oath , often the renunciation of citizenship or some other right or privilege. (It
- Objectionable form. Everyone was to be" adjudged a Papist" who refused this, oath , and the consequent penalties began with the confiscation of two thirds of the
- First:" We enjoin, what is most necessary, that each man keep carefully his, oath ,and his pledge," which expresses a fundamental tenet of Anglo-Saxon law.
- Their allegiance, they give it but to Allah Himself ". The word is used for the, oath ,of allegiance to an emir. It is also used for the initiation ceremony specific
- Could not regain his teaching positions, because he still refused to swear an, oath ,of allegiance. However, he desperately wanted to regain a formal position in
- On 29 May 1205 in Székesfehérvár, but before the coronation, he had to take an, oath , Andrew made a radical alteration in the internal policy followed by his
- Of him, such as might occur in the event of war. Oath of allegiance The, oath ,of allegiance is an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all persons
- Came up in bureaucratic circles that it would be useful to require a loyalty, oath ,from all state functionaries, including university professors. Not always does
- Confederate civil office, had not mistreated Union prisoners, and would sign an, oath ,of allegiance. As Southern states were subdued, critical decisions had to be
- Louis-Philippe, fearful of sharing the fate of Louis XVI, fled to England. The, oath ,of allegiance was abolished, and the road to an academic appointment was
- Who would rule all those around him. Hera, after requesting Zeus to swear an, oath ,to that effect, descended from Olympus to Argos and made the wife of Strenuous
- Of almost every civic right. The Catholic Encyclopaedia make the point that the, oath ,and the penalties were so severe that it stopped the efforts of the
- Capital" only in one place, chapter 2,article 32: The king's confirmation by, oath ,and his coronation take place in" the capital Amsterdam" (" de hoofdstad
- Occur in the event of war. Oath of allegiance The oath of allegiance is an, oath ,of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all persons holding important public
- In Switzerland, where he had to decide whether he would swear a required, oath ,of allegiance to the new regime. He refused to do this, and consequently lost
- 10 February 1525. The Estates of the land then met at Königsberg and took the, oath ,of allegiance to the new duke, who used his full powers to promote the
- Of Natal 1907 AC 326). Legal allegiance was due when an alien took an, oath ,of allegiance required for a particular office under the Crown. By the
- Inherited a large amount of money in order to fulfill his father's Crusader, oath , However, Andrew used the money to recruit followers among the barons and also
- Catholics, who had been ready to offer forms of submission similar to the old, oath ,of Allegiance, which was condemned anew about this time by Pope Innocent X.
- Or commissioner of oath s. The name is Medieval Latin for he has declared upon, oath , An affidavit is a type of verified statement or showing, or in other words, it
- Courtesy their emperor. Nevertheless, Andrew decided to fulfill his father's, oath ,and made preparations for a Crusade. He agreed with the Republic of Venice to
- Charles. *1789 – In France members of the National Constituent Assembly take an, oath ,to end feudalism and abandon their privileges. *1790 – A newly passed tariff
- Realm was a type of abjuration in ancient English law. The person taking the, oath ,swore to leave the country directly and promptly never to return to the kingdom
- Owing to the refusal of the chief officers of the corporation to take the, oath ,of allegiance to William III in 1688,the charter was annulled, and the town
- Of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the, oath ,of office to become the first elected President of the United States. *1803 –
- Citizens lost some ground to gatherings of a thousand or so which were under, oath , and with more time to focus on just one matter (though never more than a day
- Condemned anew about this time by Pope Innocent X. Great Britain In England,an, oath ,of abjuration was taken by Members of Parliament, clergy,and laymen, pledging
- Affidavits are made similarly as to England and Wales, although " make, oath ," is sometimes omitted. A declaration may be substituted for an affidavit in
- Ceremony and they offer him a" hematoma" to keep away the evil. When the, oath ,of his priest appeases, they pray and with a song they call their own god, the
- To Constantinople (1168); but a year later, Andronikos refused to take the, oath ,of allegiance to the future king Bela III of Hungary, whom Manuel desired to
- Alabama had not yet been reconstructed, and John A. Winston would not take the, oath ,of allegiance. All representatives and senators listed represented Alabama
- In Syracuse. In 317 BC he returned with an army of mercenaries under a solemn, oath ,to observe the democratic constitution which was then set up. Having banished
- Of Delinquents Estates with some Enlargements. " The enlargements included an, oath ,which became known as the" Oath of Abjuration ": In 1656,it was reissued in
- Further, it was believed that members of the Bureau could" forget" about the, oath ,of allegiance, although formally, unlike the Academicians, they were obliged to
- Had been confirmed by a treaty concluded at Kraków, Albert pledged a personal, oath ,to Sigismund I and was invested with the duchy for himself and his heirs on 10
- All his positions in Paris, except his membership of the Academy, for which an, oath ,was not required. In 1831 Cauchy went to the Italian city of Turin, and after
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