Examples of the the word, openness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( openness ), is the 6980 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reforms in the areas of currency convertibility, wage rate determination, openness ,to foreign investment, and government control over the means of production and
  2. By standards developing organizations meet the Institute's requirements for, openness , balance, consensus,and due process. ANSI also designates specific standards
  3. Country is considered an important test of the military's movement toward more, openness , Human rights in Burma are a long-standing concern for the
  4. That is often considered his most significant and most controversial was his, openness ,about homosexuality. Ginsberg was an early proponent of freedom for gay people.
  5. Is also a permanent condition of experience, a constituent of the perceptual, openness ,to the world. He therefore underlines the fact that there is an inference of
  6. Judaism was more evangelistic, but this was often more akin just to" greater, openness ,to converts" rather than active soliciting of conversions. Since Jews believe
  7. Merleau-Ponty, perception has an active dimension, in that it is a primordial, openness ,to the life world (to the 'Lebenswelt' ) This primordial openness is at the
  8. The characteristics of a fully functioning person (Rogers 1961): #A growing, openness ,to experience – they move away from defensiveness and have no need for
  9. This began to undermine the faith of the public in the Soviet system. Political, openness ,continued to produce unintended consequences. In elections to the regional
  10. The Chicano Blues Man himself, the late Randy Garrity. The second theme is the, openness ,to Latin American sounds and influences. Trina Lopez, Santana,Male, Azteca
  11. Protection of property rights, relatively low corruption levels, and high, openness ,to global trade and investment. Income and corporate tax rates remain
  12. Affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an, openness ,to the forces which create and uphold life; * words and deeds of prophetic
  13. Thus codified as a law for the whole citizen body, which thus lost one axis of, openness , Many Athenians prominent earlier in the century would have lost citizenship
  14. War, evangelicalism has begun to make inroads in Iraq, capitalizing on a new, openness ,to Western missionaries following the US-led invasion of the country, although
  15. For running the website. For his many contributions to systems design and to, openness ,both in discussion and in source. * Coauthor of the Best Paper Award at the
  16. Peoples also change languages. This is particularly so in Chad, where the, openness ,of the terrain, marginal rainfall, frequent drought and famine, and low
  17. Is problem focused and structured towards the client. It requires honesty and, openness ,between the client and therapist, as a therapist develops strategies for
  18. Due to propagating shear and stress waves, Bellamy and Hatcheck expresses an, openness ,to the idea of pressure transients propagating via blood vessels can cause
  19. Are two main rival parties and a number of smaller parties. Some argue that the, openness ,of the country's political system has been a significant factor in Botswana's
  20. Administrative command economy through his programs of glasnost (political, openness ,), uskoreniye (speed-up of economic development) and perestroika (political
  21. Those of the Greek temples. This configuration created a feeling of light, openness , and freedom of movement at the ground level that became the prototype for
  22. They are divided by landscape gradients such as age of forest, elevation and, openness ,of land. Grizzly bears tend to favor old forests with high productivity, higher
  23. It acquires a prescriptive weight that over specifies and distorts its original, openness , Accidentals … may or may not have been notated, but what modern notation
  24. Various restrictions, such as dress codes, building codes, and limits on, openness ,of worship, were enforced unevenly on the shimmy populations. A pattern of
  25. clientele's) cultural diversity * Clientele's culinary sophistication and, openness ,to new eating experiences. Wolfgang Puck is considered as one of the pioneers
  26. Ethical practice. Criteria argues that deconstruction involves an, openness ,to the other that makes it ethical in the Levitation understanding of the term.
  27. Emphasis has been placed on maintaining strict fiscal discipline, greater, openness , to trade and financial flows, market liberalization and reduction in the size
  28. More important elections still use more traditional counting methods. While, openness ,and accountability are usually considered cornerstones of a democratic system
  29. Of successful societies, the Center is founded on the premise that tolerance, openness ,and understanding towards the cultures, social structures, values and faiths of
  30. One, whom I will perfect in all mysteries of those of the height, discourse in, openness , thou, whose heart is raised to the kingdom of heaven more than all thy
  31. Was perhaps an attempt by Alfonso to continue the legacy of academic, openness ,in Castile, initiated by Islamic rulers in Córdoba, where the emirates had also
  32. Previously. The British New Wave feature films are often associated with a new, openness ,about working class life (e.g. A Taste of Honey,1961),and previously taboo
  33. A proposed budget for the year 2004-05. It included proposals to increase the, openness ,and professionalism of its operations, and greatly increased its proposed
  34. Former President Vicente Fox adopted a new foreign policy that calls for an, openness ,and an acceptance of criticism from the international community and the
  35. Countries and the United States, new legislation may encourage greater, openness , There is a perceived tension between the need for transparency on the one hand
  36. To try to win British approval. Winston Churchill disagreed with the idea of, openness ,towards the Russians to the point that he wrote in a letter:" It seems to me
  37. And windy in the winter and frequently experiences blizzards because of the, openness ,of the landscape. Summers are warm with a decent length, and this region is the
  38. Still speak. Regional differences can be recognized by various factors: the, openness ,of vowels, the length of the consonants, and influence of the local dialect (
  39. Treatment of a multifaceted character who is forced into silence about her, openness ,by other lesbians. Personal Best in 1982,and Dianna in 1983 treat the lesbian
  40. Himself. The relaxation of censorship and attempts to create more political, openness ,had the unintended effect of re-awakening long-suppressed nationalist and
  41. European Union. Morocco has always been known for its Islamic liberalism and, openness ,towards the Western world. King Mohammed VI of Morocco with his ruling elite
  42. Reform in China, and criticized those who were against further economic and, openness ,reforms. Although there was a debate on whether Deng actually said it
  43. Council. The oligarchy in Amsterdam thus gained strength from its breadth and, openness , In the smaller towns' family interest could unite members on policy decisions
  44. The Group of Four (G4) suggests. In line with the Castañeda Doctrine of new, openness ,in Mexico's foreign policy, established in the early first decade of the 21st
  45. By critics the" Castañeda Doctrine ". The new foreign policy called for an, openness ,and an acceptance of criticism from the international community, and the
  46. Poor infrastructure, an uncertain legal framework, corruption,and lack of, openness ,in government economic policy and financial operations remain a brake on
  47. Of comprehensive tolerance to differences in belief, and Hinduism's, openness , makes it difficult to define as a religion according to traditional Western
  48. Primordial openness to the life world (to the 'Lebenswelt' ) This primordial, openness ,is at the heart of his thesis of the primacy of perception. The slogan of the
  49. Tennyson died). Glasnost (, Openness ) was the policy of maximal publicity, openness , and transparency in the activities of all government institutions in the
  50. Deng was still the most powerful man in China. Deng's insistence on economic, openness ,aided in the phenomenal growth levels of the coastal areas, especially the "

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