Examples of the the word, refrain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refrain ), is the 6987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Equity, and to respect their human rights. This principle applies to all who, refrain ,from engaging in conspiracy or activity against Islam and the Islamic Republic
  2. Doctrine is to under gird the practical moral life. ” TiB 1955 XI p. 547“ 9 …, refrain ,from investigations of foolish questions, from research into the histories of
  3. Half of the Carmine Isabela is about Visible). Each madrasa usually had a, refrain ,(, ),which was repeated after each stanza. Later writers have suggested that
  4. Following Campbell's death, whole groups and even women would be part of the, refrain , with regular George Lindsay often singing the first verse. Occasionally, in
  5. Designed to sway jurors. Most experienced and skilled cross-examiners however, refrain ,from caustic or abrasive cross-examination to avoid alienating jurors.
  6. Behaviours: * Fails to maintain a respectful attitude, remain silent or, refrain ,from showing approval or disapproval of the proceeding * Willfully disobeys a
  7. Football Association Board" agreed to request the television authorities to, refrain ,from any slow-motion play-back which reflected, or might reflect, adversely on
  8. Of most are simply decorated at the emblazoner's discretion. Clergy often, refrain ,from displaying a helm or crest in their heraldic achievements. Members of the
  9. Their political, cultural and religious life in it (adherence to Islam),and, refrain ,from declaring each country's specific variety to be a separate language
  10. Her name would be included in the lyrics of the song before they would sing the, refrain ,). Tape, or whoever it was, would often stand with their back to the viewer
  11. Hanukkah is not a" Sabbath-like" holiday, and there is no obligation to, refrain ,from activities that are forbidden on the Sabbath, as specified in the Shulchan
  12. They would likely find it in their interests to contract with each other to, refrain ,from infringing upon equal liberty and from protecting land that was not in use
  13. Council of Elvira, c. AD 305) states that the discipline of celibacy is to, refrain ,from the use of marriage,i.e. refrain from having carnal contact with your
  14. Refrain from religious activities while in space. As such, Aldrin chose to, refrain ,from directly mentioning this. He had kept the plan quiet (not even mentioning
  15. Inspectors on the train line through Aberdeen were known for their sing-song, refrain ,:" Half an hour, Half an hour, Half an hour to Aberdeen - tickets please. "
  16. Napoleon. In 1824 Wellington received a letter from a publisher offering to, refrain ,from issuing an edition of the rather racy memoirs of one of his mistresses
  17. Is not conscientiously possible. In some cases if the person will agree to, refrain ,from expressing any thoughts on these issues they can remain and some liberal
  18. Is optional - if he believes it is to his advantage not to end the game, he may, refrain ,from doing so. Once the game ends, the minority and majority bonuses are paid
  19. Scientists, many of whom, such as Thomas Knudsen, have been ordered to, refrain ,from discussing climate change and related topics. Attempts to suppress
  20. To construct a new areola and nipple. All recipients of these operations should, refrain ,from strenuous sports, overhead lifting, and sexual activity during the
  21. Further than this, by creating the visual equivalent of the poetic or musical, refrain ,in The Way of the World (1910),by cutting in shots of church bells at
  22. 8 crew reading from the Book of Genesis) demanding that their astronauts, refrain ,from religious activities while in space. As such, Aldrin chose to refrain from
  23. That the discipline of celibacy is to refrain from the use of marriage, i. e., refrain ,from having carnal contact with your spouse. In her book The New Celibacy
  24. The song in Germany in 2009,the band cited the first stanza in the closing, refrain , while on a video screen images were shown of a German city bombed during World
  25. Psalms, in which solo singing of psalm verses alternated with a congregational, refrain ,called an antiphon. St. Ambrose was also traditionally credited with composing
  26. Because there is reason to believe they may cause more harm than good we should, refrain ,from such actions. Effectiveness Elitist In the December 1994 Wild Forest
  27. Inscription PLEADING WWF I'M GLAD (" true am I to my country" ), from the, refrain ,of" Hen Clad FY Hadar ". The new Royal Badge of Wales adopted in 2008
  28. Its jurisdiction or control. #Each State Party undertakes, furthermore,to, refrain ,from causing, encouraging,or in any way participating in the carrying out of
  29. Also contains a song called" Her Song von Mandela ", which uses the same, refrain ,as in the brothel scene of Mahagonny. Brecht's use of the name
  30. Sees within him. If, however,he sees nothing within him, then he should also, refrain ,from painting that which he sees before him. Otherwise, his pictures will be
  31. To enlightenment. Buddhist monks and nuns of most traditions are expected to, refrain ,from all sexual activity and take vows of celibacy; lay people, however,are
  32. Not divine mandate or instruction. The third of the Precepts is" To, refrain ,from committing sexual misconduct. " However," sexual misconduct" ( is not a
  33. May develop from the build-up of gas pressure if an attempt is made to, refrain ,from releasing them. In theory, pathological distension of the bowel, leading
  34. To all the governors of his European provinces, ordering them not only to, refrain ,from repelling the Spanish refugees, but to give them a friendly and welcome
  35. Revolutionary at the time. The song is as well known by the opening words and, refrain ,of the first stanza,"" ( literally," Germany, Germany above all" ), but
  36. Carlton Banks (Smith sings the first two lines, Banks sullenly providing the, refrain , then a prisoner sings the final four lines in an operatic voice. ) Also sung
  37. Activity and take vows of celibacy; lay people, however,are not expected to, refrain ,from any specific form of sexual activity, and there is no concept of
  38. ENG Protocol no.13 yet and therefore have no international obligation to, refrain ,from using the death penalty in time of war or imminent threat of war (Armenia
  39. Understanding that has come about in recent decades, Orthodox and Catholics, refrain ,from labeling as heretical the traditions of the other side on the subject of
  40. Expected to adopt the same stringent lifestyle. They were, however,expected to, refrain ,from eating meat and dairy products, from killing and from swearing oaths.
  41. 2005. IMF members accepting the obligations of Article VIII undertake to, refrain ,from imposing restrictions on the making of payments and transfers for current
  42. Or any team that comes from the United Kingdom. The Queen herself prefers to, refrain ,from singing along with the song when it is being performed. Lyrics in Britain
  43. Regularly (a bear market),some investors may expect further losing days and, refrain ,from buying (positive feedback - reinforcing the fall),but others may buy
  44. Perceive as the errors of Modernism and Ecumenism in mainstream Orthodoxy, they, refrain , from concelebration of the Divine Liturgy with them while maintaining that they
  45. Of Confucian political theory: it presupposes an autocratic ruler, exhorted to, refrain ,from acting inhumanely towards his subjects. An inhumane ruler runs the risk of
  46. Cabin essence ", when Love asked that Parks explain the meaning of the closing, refrain ,of the song," Over and over the crow cries uncover the cornfield. " After a
  47. Court has ruled that states have three main duties under Article 2: # a duty to, refrain ,from unlawful killing, # a duty to investigate suspicious deaths and, # in
  48. Whereas anarchists must always have anarchy as their end and consequently, refrain ,from committing to any particular method of achieving it. The Spanish Workers
  49. By Gary Portnoy, and co-written with Judy Hart Angelo, lent its famous, refrain ," Where Everybody Knows Your Name ", as the show's tagline. After premiering
  50. Negative nature—rights that require that other individuals (and governments), refrain , from interfering with individual liberty, whereas social liberalism (also

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