Examples of the the word, coincide , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coincide ), is the 6990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The geographic borderlines between the different accents (glosses), coincide , strongly with the borders of the states and also with the border with Bavaria
  2. The week, for the purpose of scheduling regular activities that do not easily, coincide ,with months or years. Many cultures use different baselines for their calendars
  3. Have as effects on practice, and with which an actual interpret ant may at most, coincide , Some understanding needed by the mind depends on familiarity with the
  4. Is commonly called variable capture, where symbols in the macro-expansion body, coincide ,with those in the calling context, allowing the programmer to create macros
  5. War I: Battle of Sari Bear – the Allies mount a diversionary attack timed to, coincide ,with a major Allied landing of reinforcements at Suva Bay. *1917 – World War I
  6. Changed hands at the 2001 election. The election had been expected on 3 May, to, coincide , with local elections, but both were postponed because of rural movement
  7. On the other those of the second. Systems in which the two astigmatic surfaces, coincide ,are termed an astigmatic or stigmatic. Sir Isaac Newton was probably the
  8. Doctor Zhivago was hastily produced by Max Hayward and Many Harari in order to, coincide ,with Pasternak's Nobel victory. It was released in August 1958,and remained
  9. Also a Lebesgue measurable set, and the Bore measure and the Lebesgue measure, coincide ,on the Bore sets (i.e., \lambda (E) \mu (E) for every Bore measurable
  10. Cases, the correspondence between uppercase and lowercase glyphs does not, coincide ,in Latin and Cyrillic fonts: for example, italic Cyrillic ‹
  11. Have been established: * If NP is an integer, then the mean, median,and mode, coincide ,and equal NP. * Any median m must lie within the interval BNP ≤ m ≤ BNP. * A
  12. Of the musical drama A Ride With Bob which debuted in Austin in March 2005 to, coincide ,with celebrations of Wills' 100th birthday. Another band that contributes to
  13. Kant) # The sum mum bonus (The Highest Good) is where moral virtue and happiness, coincide , # We are rationally obliged to promote (before) the sum mum bonus. # What
  14. Rice was released in Ireland on 17 June 2005 and in the UK on 20 June 2005 to, coincide ,with Sung San Sub Kyi's 60th birthday. The song was written for Sub FYI
  15. In (x) are plotted on the same graph, though,none of the zeros seem to, coincide ,for different values of n except for the zero at x 0. This phenomenon is known
  16. Will inaugurate a literal thousand-year earthly kingdom. Christ’s return will, coincide ,with a time of great tribulation. At this time, there will be a resurrection of
  17. Understood. These also reveal how the interests of the reader and author do not, coincide , A great example of that appears in the monthly novel Oliver Twist. At one
  18. Notes for the first time that the center of gravity of a flying bird does not, coincide ,with its center of pressure, and he describes the construction of an
  19. 0 and greatest element 1. The meet a ∧ b and the join a ∨ b of two elements, coincide ,with their minimum and supreme, respectively,with respect to ≤. As in every
  20. Boards are elected and operate separately. Their boundaries do not necessarily, coincide , Municipalities where the same body act as both local government and school
  21. Regions has a distinct ecosystem. Administrative boundaries do not necessarily, coincide ,with ecological boundaries, however. In addition to differences in physical
  22. Perturbations. Short-period comets display a tendency for their aphelia to, coincide ,with a giant planet's orbital radius, with the Jupiter family of comets being
  23. Price. Food safety, labeling and regulation Food security issues also, coincide ,with food safety and food labeling concerns. Currently, a global treaty, the
  24. Dead Heart of Africa ". A heritage of the colonial era,Chad's borders do not, coincide ,wholly with natural boundaries. The dominant physical structure is a wide basin
  25. Allowed it to become known that he had certain ideas of his own which did not, coincide ,with the principles of the existing government. Foreign relations Alexander
  26. As tectonic and sedimentary environments. On a synoptic scale, geological units, coincide ,with topographical units. Most elementally, the country is divided into a
  27. Of Psalm 58. General Synod gave final authorization to the revision in 1962,to, coincide ,with the 300th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. A French
  28. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal.: # Things which, coincide ,with one another are equal to one another.: # The whole is greater than the
  29. And others seeking to avoid ambiguity, and to make alphanumerical order, coincide ,with chronological order. The difference in short-form date order can lead to
  30. Hillbillies trading cards was released by Eclipse Comics. Although timed to, coincide ,with the release of the 1993 Beverly Hillbillies film, these cards featured
  31. Became a lecturer at the University of Berlin. He scheduled his lectures to, coincide ,with those of the famous philosopher G. W. F. Hegel, whom Schopenhauer
  32. Length of circular arc swept out when one ray is rotated about the vertex to, coincide ,with the other (see" Measuring angles ", below ). Where there is no
  33. Image. Vertical synchronization eliminates this by timing frame buffer fills to, coincide ,with the vertical blanking interval, thus ensuring that only whole frames are
  34. In feelings of desire, motivation,pensive thought, and awe. This does not, coincide ,with the apathy and lack of motivation experienced by the negative symptoms of
  35. Very similar songs in southern Texas around 1901–1902. These observations, coincide ,more or less with the remembrance of Jelly Roll Morton, who declared having
  36. If their 4 candidates or more. Other strategies are also available and will, coincide ,with the optimal strategy in special situations. For example: * Vote for the
  37. Opposite side. In many cases, this variable changed sign; the hypotenuse could, coincide ,with the adjacent side (a zero input),or move beyond the adjacent side
  38. On television. Around the same time the film was rereleased theatrically to, coincide ,with Welles return to the New York stage where he played King Lear. That year
  39. For example the small town of Ripen was granted city status in 1836 to, coincide ,with the creation of the Diocese of Ripen, but also in recognition of its
  40. Emitted by the star and the other by the second source in the instant when they, coincide , If rays are straight, since they share two points (the coinciding sources and
  41. Barry Goldwater Photographs) was launched in September 2006 to, coincide ,with the HBO documentary" Mr. Conservative ", produced by granddaughter CC
  42. Kenner, the McDonald's food chain released several collectibles and mugs to, coincide ,with the release of the film. Peter David and Alan Grant wrote separate
  43. The discussions about whether the name Mari is original and just happened to, coincide ,closely with the Christian name María or if Mari is an early Basque attempt to
  44. Albany and the unincorporated community of Kensington. The eastern city limits, coincide ,with the county line (bordering Contra Costa County),which generally follows
  45. If I ≠ A and if the only ideal properly containing I is A. These notions, coincide ,with ring theoretic ones of prime ideal and maximal ideal in the Boolean ring
  46. Are an example of how resistance to the idea of a sacramental marriage could, coincide ,with holding church offices. His poems reveal the culture and tastes of a man
  47. Cannonades in battle. Based on the similarity of the names, that king might, coincide ,with the king China who defeated Delius in Brutus. The Battle of Berestechko (
  48. Share two points (the coinciding sources and the observer) then they must, coincide , However, since the velocities of the sources differ, the observer would see
  49. Study' ). The past future conditional and the past future perfect conditional, coincide ,in form with the respective indicative tenses. The subjunctive mood is rarely
  50. For finite sets and sequences it is easy to see that these two notions, coincide , since for every number describing a position in a sequence we can construct a

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