Examples of the the word, compatibility , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compatibility ), is the 6984 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Allowing it to use DDR3 in a new native socket AM3,while maintaining backwards, compatibility ,with AM2+, the socket used for the Phenom, and allowing the use of the DDR2
  2. The next generation of computing while still maintaining near-complete backward, compatibility , The secret of the Apple IIGS's compatibility was a single chip called the
  3. A note attached reads" Super Stella: Multipurpose" ). The system was to have, compatibility ,with Atari 2600 cartridges, and was based on a 10-bit processor. It was still
  4. A connector allowing use of an actual Apple floppy drive, which enhanced its, compatibility ,with software that took advantage of Apple hardware for copy-protection.
  5. AGP card, or a Universal AGP Pro card. It is important to check voltage, compatibility ,as some cards incorrectly have dual notches and some motherboards incorrectly
  6. Receive monaural signals generated by old transmitters. It also allowed forward, compatibility , since old monaural FM radio receivers still could receive a signal from a new
  7. Perhaps without supporting all new features. A standard supports forward, compatibility ,if older product versions can receive, read,view, or play the new standard.
  8. Signals in a way that black & white televisions ignore. This way backwards, compatibility ,was achieved. That concept is true for all analog television standards. However
  9. Feature not often found in word processors. However, due to the incomplete, compatibility ,with Microsoft Word, one cannot transfer a complete table. When a table is
  10. Port used in some PCIe motherboards made by MSI to offer a limited backwards, compatibility ,with AGP. It is, effectively,a modified PCIe slot allowing for performance
  11. For example, the introduction of FM stereo transmission allowed backward, compatibility ,since new FM radio receivers could receive monaural signals generated by old
  12. For basic Arabic language alphabet is the U+06xx range. Other ranges are for, compatibility ,to older standards and do contain some ligatures. The only compulsory ligature
  13. These could run ProDOS and Applewoods and had an Applesoft-like BASIC, but, compatibility , with other software was hit-or-miss. Apple also challenged VTech's Laser 128
  14. Symbol) for floating point notation was added to Unicode 5.2 for backward, compatibility ,with historic Burn (spacecraft) ALGOL software. The AWK utility is a data
  15. At 4 MHz, ( with a software selectable throttle to the original speed for, compatibility ,purposes) and the display supported upper and lower case, hardware snow
  16. Protocol, but later also IRA, though the Sharp ASK protocol was kept in for, compatibility ,reasons. Unlike the Palm Pilot, all Newton devices are equipped with a standard
  17. Is also valid, and retains its meaning, under the new. Description Backward, compatibility ,is a relationship between two components, rather than being an attribute of
  18. Receive a signal from a new transmitter. In programming languages, backward, compatibility , refers to the ability of a compiler for version N of the language to accept
  19. Configuration restraints (however,2.5 MB is not officially supported and has, compatibility ,problems). Later 3rd-party upgrade kits allow a maximum of 14 MB
  20. Versions All versions of the Bluetooth standards are designed for downward, compatibility , That lets the latest standard cover all older versions. Bluetooth v1.0 and
  21. Did not want to encourage continued development of the II platform, Apple II, compatibility ,on the Apple III existed only in a special" Apple II Mode" which was limited
  22. Put the screen into the top 24 KB and as a result this probably only broke, compatibility ,with around 2 % of software. The Blogger Turbo Board was a professionally
  23. Later VAX implementations dropped this ability from the CPU but retained code, compatibility ,with earlier machines by implementing the missing instructions in an operating
  24. Operating systems used both characters to mark the end of a line, perhaps for, compatibility ,with Teletype machines. This de facto standard was copied into CP/M and then
  25. If it provides all the functionality of the old component. Backward, compatibility ,is the special case of compatibility in which the new component has a direct
  26. New features included connection to AIM Pages, additional customization, and, compatibility , with address book programs and sites through a" Universal Address Book "
  27. Leaders of Muslim countries, since they failed to enforce sharia law. Religious, compatibility ,Abdul Bar Aswan writes that: History Researchers have described five distinct
  28. Near-complete backward compatibility . The secret of the Apple IIGS's, compatibility ,was a single chip called the Mega II, which contained the functional equivalent
  29. The electrical power of two) in the AGP form factor. While it offers backward, compatibility ,with AGP cards, its disadvantages include
  30. To the 2600 and Mattel's Intellivision, consumers criticized its lack of, compatibility ,with the 2600's expansive library of games, especially since an Atari 2600
  31. Include data formats and communication protocols. The reverse is forward, compatibility , which implies that old devices allow (or are expected to allow) data formats
  32. Extra storage requirements are usually offset by the need for the accuracy and, compatibility ,with calculator or hand calculation that fixed-point decimal arithmetic
  33. System) was used to support these disk capacities when using the TRS-80, compatibility , mode. For the educational market a version of the first model was produced with
  34. For Atari Corp., benefiting largely from Atari’s name and the system's 2600, compatibility , Profits were strong due to low investment in game development and marketing.
  35. Limited support of AGP cards. The manufacturer has published a non-exhaustive, compatibility ,list of cards and chipsets that do work with the modified slot. Compatibility
  36. Were used as the defaults, although Applejack was supported for backwards, compatibility ,at first. Mac OS X v10.5 was the last Apple OS to support Applejack. Addressing
  37. For new APL interpreter developments. Even today, most APL vendors cite APL2, compatibility , which only approaches 100 %, as a selling point for their products. APL2 for
  38. Programs written in it to have a non-standard user interface, and also caused, compatibility ,problems with newer versions of the operating system. Today the language has
  39. Of Unicode, but use 16 or 32 bits per character, so they require conversion for, compatibility , (similarly UCS-2 is upwards compatible with UTF-16) Order ASCII-code order
  40. Disagreement over questions of values, ideology and tactics is common. The, compatibility ,of capitalism, nationalism and religion with anarchism is widely disputed.
  41. And firmware improvements, one of the CPC6128's most prominent features is the, compatibility ,with the CP/M+ operating system that rendered it attractive for business uses.
  42. These became popular as later Kick start versions caused some backwards, compatibility ,problems with earlier Amiga software titles. The effect of these switchable
  43. These feature sets were implemented in such a way as to maintain software, compatibility ,with its heritage as originally an extension of the ISA bus. This
  44. Ready for flight just by itself, and the extra time needed to incorporate, compatibility ,with the Gemini, made that impractical. This became moot when slippage in
  45. Between persons in groups," willingness to associate "; see also interpersonal, compatibility ,and friendliness. * Affinity (taxonomy) - mainly in natural history -
  46. Memory. Such upgrades often have the option to revert to 68000 modes for full, compatibility , Some boards have a socket to seat the original 68000,whereas the 68030 cards
  47. Or 32-bit binary formats, called UTF-8,UTF-16 and UTF-32). To allow backward, compatibility , the 128 ASCII and 256 ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) characters are assigned
  48. Classical genetics recognizes three alleles, IA,IB, and IO, that determines, compatibility ,of blood transfusions. Any individual has one of six possible genotypes (AA
  49. Releases of the Newton operating system retained the original recognizer for, compatibility , but added a hand-printed-text-only (not cursive) recognizer, called "
  50. Of Occam, an Oxford Franciscan who died in 1349,attacked the Thomism view of, compatibility ,between faith and reason. His view, widely accepted today, was that God must be

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