Examples of the the word, contingency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contingency ), is the 6986 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The storms brewing on the horizon in Europe and Asia, and began quietly making, contingency ,plans as early as the mid-1930s; new weapons and weapons platforms were
  2. In 2011,the Indian Air Force announced that modafinil was included in, contingency ,plans; the Indian Armed Forces Medical Services are researching its use. In the
  3. Socialist Republic of Vietnam. During that deployment, Kitty Hawk also offered, contingency ,support off the coast of Korea following the assassination of Republic of Korea
  4. Interpretations, as contrasted to a fact (also called a synthetic claim or a, contingency ,) which is only true in this world as it has historically unfolded. A
  5. Appeared unlikely that the British Second Army would break out,Montgomery's, contingency ,was designed to attract German forces to the British sector to ease the passing
  6. Of his ontological analysis of the modalities of being; namely impossibility, contingency , and necessity. Avicenna argued that the impossible being is that which cannot
  7. Have a pre-formulated plan to deal with its possible consequences (to ensure, contingency ,if the risk becomes a liability). From the information above and the average
  8. To make this possible was first flown on STS-121,but is intended only as a, contingency , and has never been used on any flight. * The orbiters were designed to carry
  9. Is closely related to the log-likelihood ratio test in the context of, contingency ,tables and the multinomial distribution and to Pearson's χ2 test: mutual
  10. To disprove a claim when that claim as defined encompasses every conceivable, contingency , * Creation science violates the principle of parsimony: Parsimony favors
  11. Said:" ... and this we understand to be God. " Aquinas's argument from, contingency ,allows for the possibility of a Universe that has no beginning in time. It is a
  12. S allusions to attacking the PA with nuclear weapons" was a threat based on, contingency ,planning to use the bomb, rather than the faux pas so many assumed it to be. "
  13. Would be able to judge its post-landing condition. He then collected a, contingency ,soil sample using a sample bag on a stick. He folded the bag and tucked it into
  14. With Russia seemed imminent, while the Government of India made ready for that, contingency , the Amir's reserved and circumspect tone in the consultations with him helped
  15. Of an infinite causal regress ”. Saint Thomas Aquinas’ argument from, contingency ,applies even if the universe had no beginning, but it would still have to be
  16. On the real value of the bid (without considering an eventual earn out). The, contingency ,of the share payment is indeed removed. Thus, a cash offer preempts competitors
  17. 2009. An independent review, published on 12 February 2010,was critical of the, contingency ,plans in place for assisting passengers stranded by the delays, calling them "
  18. Universe began to exist. # Therefore, the Universe had a cause. Argument from, contingency ,In the scholastic era, Aquinas formulated the" argument from contingency "
  19. Grapes, marbles,aggregates and some domestic imports. The port operates as a, contingency ,facility for general cargo ships, bulk carriers and ROR Os, in case of strikes
  20. Command; and Department of Defense manager of the space transportation system, contingency ,support at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. As commander, General Myers was
  21. External cause other than itself. The metaphysical structures of necessity and, contingency ,are different. Necessary being due to itself (Najib al-Walid bi-dhatihi) is
  22. The E-8C can respond quickly and effectively to support worldwide military, contingency ,operations. It is a jam-resistant system capable of operating while
  23. We are able to grasp the possibility, impossibility,necessity and, contingency ,among concepts and among formal categories. Categorical intuition, along with
  24. Psyches. Generally, Post-structuralists emphasized the inter-determination and, contingency ,of social and historical phenomena with each other and with the cultural values
  25. Popper's determinist definition of historicism tends to conflict with the, contingency ,that others view as central to the concept, as expressed earlier in the article
  26. They may work for an hourly fee according to a billable hour structure,a, contingency ,fee (usually in cases involving personal injury),or a lump sum payment if
  27. Potential events, are of significant benefit, giving additional time to allow, contingency ,plans to be put into place. The increased time gained by issuing accurate
  28. That" S-R psychology" which Skinner's system was most certainly not - the, contingency ,(S) comes after the response (R) in operant conditioning. Was a reason for
  29. However, in theory it could have still failed, and the BFS existed for that, contingency , While the BFS could run in parallel with PASS, the BFS never engaged to take
  30. The Universe could, under different circumstances, conceivably not exist (, contingency ,), its existence must have a cause – not merely another contingent thing, but
  31. During a practice session. At this point Subaru of America pulls out its, contingency ,funding. MR pulls from the race due to lack of funding. 2009: Phoenix
  32. Even the entire Lake Erie shoreline west of Pennsylvania. Addressing this, contingency , the Ohio delegates included a provision in the draft Ohio constitution that if
  33. From contingency In the scholastic era, Aquinas formulated the" argument from, contingency ,", following Aristotle in claiming that there must be something to explain why
  34. Of the theory are guilty of seeking selective examples, and there was much, contingency ,and chance in German history. In addition, there was much debate within the
  35. By extrapolation from micro to macroevolution is proposed. Historical, contingency ,means explanations at different levels may exist. Gradualism does not mean
  36. In else (essentially),in fair (becoming),and the argument from, contingency , The basic premise of all of these is that something caused the Universe to
  37. Into distinct colors linguistically is a matter of culture and historical, contingency ,(although people everywhere have been shown to perceive colors in the same way
  38. On the day the election results became known, most white families had prepared, contingency ,plans for flight, including the packing of cars and suitcases. However, after a
  39. Policy failed to generate the desired result,Bennett's government had no real, contingency ,plan. The party's pro-business and pro-banking inclinations provided little
  40. Around the south-eastern harbors at that time. The British also had several, contingency ,plans, including the use of poison gas. Landing craft In 1940 the German Navy
  41. Puerto Rico and Cuba. Since 1894,the Naval War College had been formulating, contingency ,plans for a war with Spain. By 1896,the Office of Naval Intelligence had
  42. Does not determine the future, but He does know it. God's certainty and human, contingency ,are compatible. Corporate view of election The majority Arminian view is that
  43. War Games" and" War Crimes" saw Batman become a wanted fugitive after a, contingency ,plan of his to neutralize Gotham City's criminal underworld is accidentally
  44. Nitrogen oxides. If the levels of these two pollutants reach critical levels, contingency ,actions are implemented which may include closing factories, changing school
  45. For unclaimed property. For example, it has deputized sister states to act as, contingency ,fee auditors for unclaimed property. A state may levy, however,a franchise tax
  46. Such as crisis management, emergency management, emergency preparedness, contingency ,planning, emergency services, and civil protection. In some countries, civil
  47. Machinery for collective guarantees were too slow and ineffective, there was no, contingency ,for a general threat of war and no provision for Turkey to defend itself.
  48. The will (21 and 25 are common),a trust must come into existence until the, contingency ,age is reached. The executor of the will is (usually) the trustee, and the
  49. Chung He. The deployment was then extended two-and-a-half months to support, contingency ,operations in the North Arabian Sea during the Iran hostage crisis. For their
  50. That Ripper apparently took advantage of" Wing Attack Plan R," a wartime, contingency ,plan which is intended to give Field Commanders authority to retaliate with

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