Examples of the the word, immunity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immunity ), is the 6993 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is part of the legal system. The officers who administer the punishment have, immunity ,from prosecution for assault. In the United States, the United Kingdom
  2. To bring about a manageable and recoverable infection that will provide later, immunity , By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Royal Society in England was
  3. Or exterminated in long wars or by European diseases to which they had no, immunity , By the mid-16th century, sugar had become Brazil's the most important export and
  4. Appear not to be efficacious, because that person already has a level of, immunity ,and BCG is not adding to that immunity . This effect is called masking, because
  5. Obtained the surrender of the city from its population, after promising them, immunity , although 4,000 rebel men escaped in a night sally. The city surrendered on 2
  6. The body's normal defenses. Nevertheless, new strains may evolve that escape, immunity ,induced by vaccines; for example an update Influenza vaccine is needed each
  7. 9-bit functions in the 16-bit non-linear function. What these functions gain in, immunity ,to differential and linear attacks they lose to algebraic attacks. That is
  8. By inducing a short term form of immunity called passive immunity . Passive, immunity ,is achieved through the transfer of ready-made antibodies in the form of human
  9. By Palmer and Long. An alternative explanation is suggested by mouse studies:, immunity ,against mycobacteria stops BCG from replicating and so stops it from producing
  10. Still in existence today. Devastated by European diseases to which they had no, immunity , and civil wars, in 1532 the Incas were defeated by an alliance composed of
  11. Bank exercises supervision and police power over its premises. The bank enjoys, immunity ,from criminal and administrative jurisdiction, as well as setting
  12. For use as forced labor there, and exposure to diseases to which they had no, immunity , The smallpox that ravaged the Taint Indians after Columbus's arrival wiped
  13. Smallpox, therefore providing a better opportunity to fight and achieve, immunity , Dependent upon a person's constitution, by adhering to a specific diet or
  14. Were located on Dominoes (cathedral island),which formed a prince-episcopal, immunity ,district, distinct from the city of Brandenburg. Only in 1929 the - meanwhile
  15. Of vaccination is limited since the vaccine provides high level of, immunity ,for only 3 to 5 years. Revaccination's protection lasts longer. As a
  16. Distinct from the city of Brandenburg. Only in 1929 the - meanwhile former -, immunity ,district was incorporated into the city itself. History in the diocesan region
  17. Populations reduced to a fraction of their former size but survivors developing, immunity ,and increasing again. Entomological warfare (EW) is a
  18. By BCG; in contrast, the Malawi school children had a high baseline cellular, immunity ,to mycobacteria and this was not significantly increased by BCG. Whether this
  19. To these diseases, while the indigenous peoples had no time to build no such, immunity , Smallpox decimated the native population of Australia, killing around 50 % of
  20. It is the attachment point to T lymphocytes, the key cell in cell-mediated, immunity , Once infected by HIV, patients produce antibodies to the more changeable parts
  21. Allegations. The case could not proceed in Nicaraguan courts because Ortega had, immunity ,to prosecution as a member of parliament, and the five-year statute of
  22. That the CIA supported Hekmatyar's drug trade activities by giving him, immunity ,for his opium trafficking that financed operation of his militant faction. The
  23. Though an Arian, not Orthodox. He had trusted to the sanctity of Easter for, immunity ,from attack. Alaric's wife was reportedly taken prisoner after this battle; it
  24. As it was with a beautiful situation and an excellent harbor. It enjoyed, immunity ,from imperial burdens. The city minted its own coins; some from the era of
  25. Case and court to court, and a prosecutor could argue that Cooper had forfeited, immunity ,on any of several valid technical grounds. The question was rendered moot in
  26. Examples of immunogen antigens intentionally administered to induce acquired, immunity ,in the recipient. Cells present their immunogenic-antigens to the immune system
  27. Are often treated by inducing a short term form of immunity called passive, immunity , Passive immunity is achieved through the transfer of ready-made antibodies in
  28. Bacterium can, however,live naturally in any environment. Persons with lower, immunity ,such as persons with AIDS or children who are malnourished are more likely to
  29. Of Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett as violating the sovereign, immunity ,rights of the several states as specified by the Eleventh Amendment to the
  30. On or before 5 September 1718,but contained a caveat which stipulated that, immunity ,was offered only against crimes committed before 5 January. Although in theory
  31. That person already has a level of immunity and BCG is not adding to that, immunity , This effect is called masking, because the effect of BCG is masked by
  32. And Malawi. In this study, the UK school children had a low baseline cellular, immunity ,to mycobacteria which was increased by BCG; in contrast, the Malawi school
  33. Be due to the fact that they have been ruled to have" government contractor, immunity ," by the US courts. CAC say:" We remain proud of our work in Iraq and our
  34. General laz1. JPG|General view at night Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal, immunity ,and a policy held between governments that ensures that diplomats are given
  35. World diseases. Over the centuries, the Europeans had developed high degrees of, immunity ,to these diseases, while the indigenous peoples had no time to build no such
  36. Joint-venture operation starting April 1,2011. Recent developments Antitrust, immunity ,In February 2010,the US DOT granted AA preliminary antitrust immunity to allow
  37. Or terrorism, whether by bearing arms or otherwise, who has thereby lost the, immunity ,from being targeted that he would otherwise have under the Third Geneva
  38. Supplement or replace defective genes or to bolster a normal function such as, immunity , It can be used to target somatic cells (i.e., those of the body) or gametes
  39. In Europe and North America. Situations in which a species has developed, immunity ,to pesticides are worse. Such as the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa
  40. The chemical companies, as contractors of the US government, shared the same, immunity , The case was appealed and heard by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on June
  41. Square File: Damascus general laz1. JPG|General view at night Diplomatic, immunity ,is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures
  42. The causes include sexual intercourse with an infected individual, low, immunity , antibiotics, and diabetes. Male genital yeast infection is less common, and
  43. To crystalline mineral structures. The game posits that this grants them, immunity ,to the effects of hostile environments and pollution, and they require no
  44. As a beneficial side effect of this hypnotic technique she finds that it gives, immunity ,from the voices within. Meanwhile, Farad'n has been told about the assassination
  45. To Rome, Octavian had the Senate grant him, his wife, and his sister tribunal, immunity , or sacrosanctness. War with Antony Meanwhile,Antony's campaign against
  46. The U. S. government was not a party in the lawsuit, due to sovereign, immunity , and the court ruled the chemical companies, as contractors of the US
  47. Antibodies. These diseases are often treated by inducing a short term form of, immunity ,called passive immunity . Passive immunity is achieved through the transfer of
  48. An example is a virus capsid protein fragment). Antibodies contribute to, immunity ,in three ways: they prevent pathogens from entering or damaging cells by
  49. Antitrust immunity In February 2010,the US DOT granted AA preliminary antitrust, immunity ,to allow the airline to work with British Airways, Iberia Airlines, Finnair and
  50. October 7,Japan gave final approval to the venture later that month. And the, immunity ,grant was finalized in early November 2010 Expanded New York City service On

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