Examples of the the word, prone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prone ), is the 6981 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The total distance is broken up by either two or four shooting rounds, half in, prone ,position, the other half standing. Depending on the shooting performance, extra
  2. M2/n variance = M2/ (n - 1) return variance This algorithm is much less, prone ,to loss of precision due to massive cancellation, but might not be as efficient
  3. Southerners complained that it was the North that was changing, and was, prone ,to new" isms ", while the South remained true to historic republican values of
  4. Endeavors are usually marks of developed nations, some areas of the world are, prone ,to slower development in education, including in BME.
  5. They have become popular family pets, but they are pack animals, and can be, prone ,to separation anxiety. Not all Beagles will howl, but most will bark when
  6. Such as microprocessors and computers. Although such a conversion can be, prone ,to loss, most modern audio systems use this approach as the techniques of
  7. The larger compounds are less water-soluble and less volatile (i.e., less, prone , to evaporate). Because of these properties, PAHs in the environment are found
  8. Institutions and academics more broadly, arguing that academia or academics are, prone ,to undeserved and/or pernicious elitism; the term" ivory tower" often carries
  9. Are too small to produce significant light scattering; however, it is more, prone ,to false alarms. Radionuclide As 241Am has a significantly longer half-life
  10. The dangers of deforestation and soil erosion, especially in tropical climates, prone ,to heavy rainfall. Noting the complex interactions between vegetation and
  11. Of the adversarial system often argue that the system is more fair and less, prone ,to abuse than the inquisitional approach, because it allows less room for the
  12. Neptunium compounds. Neptunium metal is very reactive. Ions of neptunium are, prone ,to hydrolysis and formation of coordination compounds. The largest chemical
  13. Is skied over three laps. The biathlete shoots twice at any shooting lane, once, prone , and once standing, for a total of 10 shots. For each miss, a penalty loop of
  14. The most likely reasons for bear attacks: Mothers defending cubs are the most, prone ,to attacking, being responsible for 70 % of brown bear-caused human fatalities
  15. Chute, standard skydiving gear can be used for lower BASE jumps, but is then, prone ,to kinds of malfunction that are rare in normal skydiving (such as "
  16. Eventually develops weak legs, a crooked back and although normally healthy, is, prone , to a range of illnesses; Hip dysplasia, common in Harriers and in some larger
  17. In propagation and interaction. Although solutions carry no charge and are thus, prone ,to decay, relatively long-lived dark solutions have been produced and studied
  18. BC the Persian Empire was still relatively young and highly expansionist, but, prone , to revolts amongst its subject peoples. Darius thus resolved to subjugate and
  19. Much easier to amplify the electric bass than the double bass (the latter is, prone ,to feedback in high-volume settings). The electric bass has both an
  20. To toxic arsenic from drinking water. Bangladesh is among the countries most, prone ,to natural floods, tornados and cyclones. Flora and fauna A major part of the
  21. 10–13 years, which is a common lifespan for dogs of their size. Beagles may be, prone ,to epilepsy, but this can be controlled with medication. Hypothyroidism and a
  22. Come from the soul without conscious restrictions. Ginsberg was much more, prone ,to revise than Kerouac. For example, when Kerouac saw the first draft of" Howl
  23. Of fire, but provided a simpler construction that was cheaper to build and less, prone ,to mechanical breakdowns. The increased space and reduced weight of the
  24. Though regular exercise helps ward off the weight gain to which the breed is, prone , Health The typical longevity of Beagles is 10–13 years, which is a common
  25. Beagles are considered a chondrodystrophic breed, meaning that they are, prone ,to types of disk diseases. In rare cases, Beagles may develop immune mediated
  26. The distance is skied over five laps; there are four bouts of shooting (two, prone , two standing, in that order) with the first shooting bout being at the lane
  27. They worked much better than fountain pens at high altitude, the latter being, prone ,to ink-leakage in the decreased atmospheric pressure. Ever sharp, a maker of
  28. Beer from light (thereby preventing" skunked" beer) and have a seal less, prone ,to leaking over time than bottles. Cans were initially viewed as a
  29. Shoots four times at any shooting lane, in the order of prone , standing, prone , standing, totaling 20 targets. For each missed target a fixed penalty time
  30. Laps. The biathlete shoots four times at any shooting lane, in the order of, prone , standing, prone ,standing, totaling 20 targets. For each missed target a fixed
  31. Of the combustion. Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less, prone ,to premature ignition, which causes knocking, than their straight-chain
  32. Or high pH. This makes aspartame undesirable as a baking sweetener, and, prone , to degradation in products hosting a high pH, as required for a long shelf life
  33. Declination must be taken into account. Compasses are also unreliable in areas, prone ,to magnetic interference, such as sites being supported by scaffolding.
  34. Of idols in soft stone that must be exhibited in the shade because they are, prone ,to weathering. Kalahari is an ancient textile art form dating back to the
  35. All team members start at the same time. Two athletes must shoot in the, prone ,shooting round, the other two in the standing round. In case of a miss, the two
  36. As a rule, the Bald Eagle is a poor choice for public shows, being timid, prone ,to becoming highly stressed, and unpredictable in nature. Native American
  37. Aluminium alloy, carbon fiber, or composite materials. Wooden arrows are, prone ,to warping. Fiberglass arrows are brittle, but can be produced to uniform
  38. Of the two and though he is oblivious to what should be obvious he is also, prone ,to moments of insight (another source of humor) and is nicer and more
  39. These small ducts are typically longer contiguous pieces, and therefore less, prone ,to leakage. Another added benefit of this type of ducting is the prevention of
  40. To South Africa, Australia,New Zealand and Hawaii. The couple learned to surf, prone ,in South Africa and in Waikiki became some of the first Britons to surf
  41. Are the extensive Rho dope Mountains. A significant part of Bulgaria's land is, prone ,to earthquakes. Two especially sensitive areas are the borders of the North
  42. High-pressure arteries and low-pressure veins. It can be extremely fragile and, prone ,to bleeding. The resultant sign, audible via stethoscope, is a rhythmic
  43. Seasons every year. Both dingoes and Benji lack a distinctive odor, and are, prone ,to howls, yodels,and other undulated vocalizations over the characteristic
  44. Men and for women, skied over five laps; there are four shooting bouts (two, prone , two standing, in that order),and each miss means a penalty loop of 150 m. To
  45. A greater proportion of useful fragments and deliver them into terrain where a, prone ,soldier would be protected from ground bursts. However, proximity fuses can
  46. II, where buildings (many of which were prefabricated wood structures) were, prone ,to decay, was preserved but not restored. Today, the Auschwitz I museum site
  47. Blockade may mimic idiopathic parkinsonism. The typical antipsychotics are more, prone ,to cause this, compared to the atypical antipsychotics. * Sexual dysfunction
  48. Or (women),each leg skied over three laps, with two shooting rounds; one, prone , one standing. For every round of five targets there are eight bullets
  49. Five circular targets to be hit in each shooting round. When shooting in the, prone ,position the target diameter is, when shooting in the standing position the
  50. Army. This council existed outside the fold of the Peshawar parties that were, prone ,to internecine rivalry and bickering, and served to smooth out differences

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