Examples of the the word, markets , in a Sentence Context

The word ( markets ), is the 6979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty,and home care, markets , Amway was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Angel and Richard DeVos. Based in Ada
  2. Of privately owned shops. The city also features many open-air, markets ,such as the Albert Upmarket, Westerstraat-markt, Ten Watermark, and
  3. Razzing, on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave, markets ,in places such as Turkey, Egypt,Iran, Algeria and Morocco. According to Robert
  4. Range of probabilistic outcomes of any event, and this is not possible in real, markets , where past market events intimately affect the present and the future.
  5. Under both free markets and central planning, Austrians maintain that free, markets ,are generally more efficient than central planning, since it is highly unlikely
  6. That the average monthly gross income for" Active" IBO's was $115. Global, markets ,According to the Amway website, as of 2011 the company operates in over 80
  7. Is used in many European countries, including the United Kingdom, and in other, markets , such as Latin America, Oceania and parts of Asia including Japan. A few years
  8. Boom in production. Following a few successful adaptations of anime in overseas, markets ,in the 1980s,anime gained increased acceptance in those markets in the 1990s
  9. S worth of grain was only one-half quart....: These sold at such prices in the, markets ,of all the cities!: He who slept on the roof, died on the roof, : He who slept
  10. Analysis * Technical analysis – the study of price action in securities, markets ,in order to forecast future prices * Business analysis – involves identifying
  11. They must therefore have a central place in the management of the economy. But, markets ,sometimes fail, requiring direct government intervention through instruments
  12. Asia/Australia. In 2008,Action announced that two-thirds of the company's 58, markets , reported sales increases, including strong growth in the China, Russia and
  13. As has the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The UN has referred to financial, markets ,in the United States as" American financial markets . " American Samoa is a
  14. Avoided paying sufficient taxes by abusing their state positions, distorted, markets , with unequal conditions, breached the rules of competition, impeded or
  15. The commercial and critical success of this film opened up Western film, markets ,for the first time to the products of the Japanese film industry, which in turn
  16. Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and, markets ,consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's
  17. Of the means of exchange (inflation),often focused on asset or capital, markets , resulting in" false signals" going out to the marketplace, in turn
  18. Where the trademark is owned by Bayer, using acetylsalicylic acid in all, markets , but using different packaging and physical aspects for each. Compendium status
  19. It the right to operate lower courts, enclose itself with a wall and hold, markets , The wall was built by Ulrich III, Count of Babelsberg. Some thirty-two
  20. Of crude oil annually and carries oil from the Caspian Sea oilfields to global, markets , The South Caucasus Pipeline, also stretching through the territory of
  21. Burdens on small-scale and organic growers and damaged domestic almond, markets , The federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in the spring of 2009 on procedural
  22. And New Zealand. The group also enjoyed significant success in Latin American, markets ,(particularly Mexico, Chile and Argentina) and recorded a collection of their
  23. Monastical (), for its part, is well known for its string of small shops and, markets , as well as its crowded flea market and taverns specializing in Bourbaki.
  24. And others that the unique confluence of events in each moment of time in real, markets ,makes the assignment of" objective" probabilities unrealistic, as these
  25. Sales increases, including strong growth in the China, Russia and India, markets , Amway Australia * See Amway Australia Pty Ltd Amway China Amway grew quickly
  26. Of anime have more adult oriented themes. Distribution While anime had entered, markets ,beyond Japan in the 1960s,it grew as a major cultural export during its market
  27. Rothbard sought to meld 19th century American individualists' advocacy of free, markets ,and private defense with the principles of Austrian economics:" There is, in
  28. Sustained. They claim that the money supply suddenly and sharply contracts when, markets ,finally" clear ", causing resources to be reallocated back toward more
  29. Complexity. While a true equilibrium may be impossible under both free, markets ,and central planning, Austrians maintain that free markets are generally more
  30. As its predecessors, showing a commercial decline in previously loyal, markets ,such as France, Australia or Japan. A track from The Visitors," When All Is
  31. Upmarket, Westerstraat-markt, Ten Watermark, and Dappermarkt. Some of these, markets ,are held on a daily basis, like the Albert Upmarket and the Dappermarkt.
  32. Stock market, listing more foreign issues than all other U. S. securities, markets ,combined. In 1953 the Curb Exchange was renamed the American Stock Exchange.
  33. Exchanges among all people. The Alaska Native Arts Foundation promotes and, markets ,Native art from all regions and cultures in the State, both on the internet; at
  34. European countries. " Waterloo" was ABBA's first number one single in big, markets ,such as the UK, Germany and Australia. In the United States, it peaked at
  35. United States, eliminating the high protective tariffs on Canadian goods in US, markets , However, this action did not bolster the economy, and construction of the CPR
  36. Cycles, and,as a necessary by-product, inflation (especially in asset, markets ,). By the central bank artificially" stimulating" the economy with
  37. In overseas markets in the 1980s,anime gained increased acceptance in those, markets ,in the 1990s and even more at the turn of the 21st century. Terminology
  38. Resource for facilitating more open and efficient trade between international, markets ,in the areas of standards, conformity assessment, and technical regulations.
  39. Has referred to financial markets in the United States as" American financial, markets , " American Samoa is a recognized territorial name at the United Nations.
  40. Cheap and reliable device, the Russian abacus was in use in all shops and, markets ,throughout the former Soviet Union, and the usage of it was taught in most
  41. Offset by the quarto four-wheel drive system which is standard in most, markets , Nonetheless, the A8 is usually the lightest all-wheel drive car in the
  42. Previous tribute of 350 Roman pounds (ca. 115 kg) of gold, to open their, markets ,to Finnish traders, and to pay a ransom of eight solidi for each Roman taken
  43. Company operates in over 80 countries and territories, organized into regional, markets ,: the Americas, Europe,greater China, Japan and Korea, and SE Asia/Australia.
  44. With critics blaming the economic crisis on her support of selfishness and free, markets , particularly through her influence on Alan Greenspan. For example, Mother
  45. Real sensation was" Dancing Queen ", not only topping the charts in the loyal, markets ,UK, Germany and Australia, but also peaking at number 1 in the United States.
  46. Outside Sweden, Anderson came to believe the name would work in international, markets , A competition to find a suitable name for the group was held in a Gothenburg
  47. Leader Kevin Rudd's first speech to parliament in 1998 stated: Competitive, markets ,are massive and generally efficient generators of economic wealth. They must
  48. The past century in response to new technologies, and the development of world, markets , This also led to technological improvements in agricultural techniques, such
  49. To matching the amounts spent on recorded music in the United States, these, markets , are nonetheless economically significant. Germany, for instance, is the largest
  50. In Iran, green almonds are dipped in sea salt and eaten as snacks on street, markets ,; they are called Chagall LADOM. *In Italy, the bitter almonds from apricots are

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