Examples of the the word, stereo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stereo ), is the 6995 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To transfer AV/C commands over an L2CAP channel. The music control buttons on a, stereo ,headset use this protocol to control the music player. AVDP (Audio/Video
  2. Had the ability to play Video CDs, audio CDs and had an option for applying, stereo ,3D effects to the audio. History The Doctor V64 came out in 1996 and was priced
  3. Report (the second movement played over the closing credits). The first, stereo ,recording of the Ninth Symphony was by Fer enc Friday conducting the Berlin
  4. Digital optical recording and playback to reproduce audio signals with superb, stereo ,quality. This research at Philips established the technical standard for
  5. Expansion options. There are two Atari 2600 DE9M sockets for joysticks or mice, stereo ,audio (RCA connectors 1 V p-p). There is a floppy drive port for
  6. Header data) less than available in Red-Book audio. " Frame" For the Red Book, stereo ,audio CD, the time format is commonly measured in minutes, seconds and frames (
  7. Labs of the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Leopold Minkowski. In 1933, stereo , signals were transmitted live from Philadelphia to Washington, DC. In 1937,the
  8. Left the Board, and a U. S. Bureau of Mines professor joined. After thorough, stereo ,photographic documentation of the CM-012 interior, the board ordered its
  9. To Hunt's 1960 recording. In the 1980s the same version was converted to, stereo , Ronnie Hunt said he was paid £6,and found the experience frustrating as Eric
  10. mm, stereo photo jack * One headphone output 3.5 mm stereo photo jack * A 16-bit, stereo , sound system @ 48 and 44.1 kHz ** An experimental-electronic-development
  11. On the part of theaters to co-operate in installing a limited number of 2K, stereo , installations to show Disney's Chicken Little in 3-D film. Six more digital
  12. Is called a frame, which consists of 33 bytes and contains six complete 16-bit, stereo , samples (two bytes × two channels × six samples 24 bytes). The other nine
  13. Systems at that time. As early as 1942 AEG was making test recordings in, stereo , However, these devices and techniques remained a secret outside Germany until
  14. Standard by the FCC in 1961,and the conversion of hundreds of stations to, stereo ,within a few years. The other was an FCC rule making in 1966 that required
  15. In radio and television transmitters and receivers, high-fidelity (" hi-fi" ), stereo ,equipment, microcomputers and other electronic digital equipment, and guitar
  16. Internal headphone audio output (4-pin strip) * One microphone input 3.5 mm, stereo ,photo jack * One headphone output 3.5 mm stereo photo jack * A 16-bit stereo
  17. In radio and television transmitters and receivers, high-fidelity (" hi-fi" ), stereo ,equipment, microcomputers and other electronic digital equipment, and guitar
  18. Applications are numerous, some common examples are audio amplifiers in a home, stereo ,or PA system, RF high power generation for semiconductor equipment, to RF and
  19. Pops Orchestra recorded the work for RCA Victor, including one of the first, stereo ,recordings of the music. In 1945,Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony
  20. S analogue satellite service, initially in mono (on UK Gold) and later in, stereo ,(on UK Living). Digital distribution The BBC launched its national radio
  21. Split screen (using the Shifter video chip) *DMA sound chip with 2-channels, stereo ,8-bit PCM sound at 6.25/12.5/25/50 kHz and stereo RCA audio-out jacks (using
  22. Means" solid" sound (referring to three-dimensional) – so quadraphonic, stereo ,was used for amplifiers with 4 channels; 5.1 and 7.1 systems refer to Home
  23. Coming from two loudspeakers. " Deserts was premiered in Paris in the first, stereo ,broadcast on French Radio. At the German premiere in Hamburg, which was
  24. On DVD-Video players a Dolby Digital 5.1 multichannel or Dolby Digital 2.0, stereo , mix of The Downward Spiral can be selected, along with videos of" March of the
  25. Source lossy audio codec, specifically optimized for transparent compression of, stereo ,audio at nitrates of 160–180 bit/s. * MTV – a Sony proprietary format for
  26. Player a high resolution 24-bit/48 kHz Advanced Resolution Surround and, stereo ,versions of The Downward Spiral can be played, allowing the user a similar high
  27. Remastered and released on CD. Shostakovich recorded the two concertos in, stereo ,in Moscow for Melody. Shostakovich also played the piano solos in recordings
  28. Obsolescence issues. By contrast, raw uncompressed PCM audio (44.1 kHz,16 bit, stereo , as represented on an audio CD or in a. WAV or. riff file) is a standard
  29. Broadcasting on FM by General Electric, which resulted in the approval of an FM, stereo ,broadcast standard by the FCC in 1961,and the conversion of hundreds of
  30. Ss: ff),where one frame corresponds to one sector, or 1/75th of a second of, stereo ,sound. In this context, the term frame is erroneously applied in editing
  31. Of screen, a jack to plug ear-listeners * SC1435 - Color monitor,14" screen, stereo ,speakers, replacement for SC1224 (readied Magnate 1CM135) * SM195 -
  32. Several prominent filmmakers have committed to making their next productions in, stereo ,3D. In August 2006,the Malayalam digital movie Moonnamathoral, produced by
  33. RISC core as the GPU, but not limited to graphic production ***Two Days (, stereo ,) convert digital data to analog sound signals **Wave table synthesis, FM
  34. Drive loudspeakers),headphone amplifiers, and public address amplifiers. **, stereo ,amplifiers imply two channels of output (left and right),although the term
  35. The studio's various tone-generating capabilities, and Shibata's 20-minute, stereo , piece " Unique Concrete for Stereophonic Broadcast ". Intro Takanashi
  36. Read, view,or play the new standard. For example, the introduction of FM, stereo ,transmission allowed backward compatibility since new FM radio receivers could
  37. Which are color coded according to their pyrotechnic contents *Color-code 3D, stereo , image system using blue/amber viewing glasses *Electrical wiring — AC power
  38. Protocol) Used by the advanced audio distribution profile to stream music to, stereo ,headsets over an L2CAP channel. Intended to be used by video distribution
  39. Levels) and sampling rates, and mixed down to two fully left and fully right, stereo ,outputs. A software controllable low-pass audio filter is also included. * One
  40. One microphone input 3.5 mm stereo photo jack * One headphone output 3.5 mm, stereo ,photo jack * A 16-bit stereo sound system @ 48 and 44.1 kHz ** An
  41. Bridges can rise and fall. The lifelike environment was enhanced further by the, stereo ,sound system, which made it possible to roughly determine the direction and
  42. Some (Homebrew) carts with EEPROM to save hi-scores. **Headphone port (, stereo ,; wired for mono on the original Lynx) *Battery holder (six AA) ~4–5 hours (
  43. Is called a frame, which consists of 33 bytes and contains six complete 16-bit, stereo , samples (two bytes × two channels × six samples = 24 bytes). The other nine
  44. Sounds from previous tracks creeping up on start of tracks),and it includes a, stereo ,and multichannel SACD layer. The second bonus disc is a collection of remixes
  45. Of Puzzle Bobble was released. It was almost identical aside from being in, stereo ,and having some different sound effects and translated text. When set to the US
  46. Of the 1965 Lincoln Center revival was the first recording of Carousel in, stereo ,and featured Wait in the role of Billy, which he had originated. Studio
  47. Second bonus disc is a collection of remixes and b-sides and also includes a, stereo ,SACD layer in addition to the Red book CD layer. The last three tracks on the
  48. A MIDI digital control interface. Typical effects include: - * Effects such as, stereo ,chorus, phasers and Flanders which shift the pitch of the signal by a small and
  49. As monitors, plotters,printers, scanners (remote and document) and analytic, stereo ,plotters, along with computer programs for visualization, image processing
  50. Sound chip with 2-channels stereo 8-bit PCM sound at 6.25/12.5/25/50 kHz and, stereo ,RCA audio-out jacks (using enhancements to the Shifter video chip to support

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