Examples of the the word, vow , in a Sentence Context
The word ( vow ), is the 6658 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- On their capability and circumstances. Following the primary non-violence, vow , the laity usually choose professions that revere and protect life and totally
- Nullity provisions that allowed the state to override the church-sanctioned, vow ,” if they deemed it necessary. Many argued that the state had no right to
- Attempt to take his life. When King Andrew II, having fulfilled his Crusader, vow , took his troops northward, he proceeded through Armenian Kingdom of Militia.
- Thought it too unimportant and nonthreatening to bother asking it to make the, vow ,(alternatively, it seemed too young to swear). When Loki, the mischief-maker
- Sarvavasthasu Arvada Sarmatia maithuna-tyago brahmacaryam preincarnate" The, vow ,of brahmacarya is meant to help one completely abstain from sex indulgence in
- Denominations as well, for example, within the Lutheran Church. Benedictine, vow ,and life The Rule of St Benedict (ch. 58.17) requires candidates for
- Between inauguration and the firing on Ft. Sumter showed he adhered to his, vow ,not to be the first to shed fraternal blood. But he also vow ed not to surrender
- This solemn commitment tends to be referred to as the" Benedictine, vow ," and is the Benedictine antecedent and equivalent of the evangelical counsels
- Right and by using the dragon's name Year, he is able to force the dragon to, vow ,that neither it nor its offspring will ever trouble the islanders. Then, with
- Frigga made every object on earth vow never to hurt Bald. All objects made this, vow ,except mistletoe. Frigga had thought it too unimportant and nonthreatening to
- By practicing the six perfections. Indelibly entwined with the Bodhisattva, vow ,is merit transference (pariṇāmanā). In Mahayana Buddhism life in this world
- Who made Medea fall in love with him. Infuriated with Jason for breaking his, vow ,that he would be hers forever, Medea took her revenge by presenting to Cressey a
- Undertakes a vow to be a Buddhist vegetarian, one is expected to follow this, vow ,until it is humanly impossible to continue one's vegetarian diet. Acceptance
- Of this vow is to conquer passion and to prevent the waste of energy. In this, vow , the householder must not have a sensual relationship with anybody other than
- China. He is known for aiding those who are lost. His greatest compassionate, vow ,is: If I do not go to the hell to help the suffering beings there, who else
- Of celibacy that is focused on God rather than a future marriage or a life-long, vow ,to the Church. Buddhism The rule of celibacy in the Buddhist religion, whether
- On this very date, Franco placed his sword upon the altar in a church and in a, vow , promised that he would never again take up his sword unless Spain itself was
- Work, meals,spiritual reading, sleep. Although Benedictines do not take a, vow ,of silence, hours of strict silence are set, and at other time silence is
- The temple of Athena and Hephaestus, raped Medusa because he refused to let her, vow ,of chastity stand in his way. Upon discovering the desecration of her temple
- More. Jason's son, Thessalus, then became king. As a result of breaking his, vow ,to love Medea forever, Jason lost his favor with Hera and died lonely and
- First time he was to battle non-Muslims, the Kefir, to the extent of taking a, vow ,to abstain from drinking (a common fraction among his people) for the rest of
- Took a biblical vow along with some others (). Near the end of the days of the, vow , Paul was recognized outside Herod's Temple and was nearly beaten to death by
- Orthodox churches are almost always drawn from among monks, who have taken a, vow ,of celibacy. They may be widowers, though; it is not required of them never to
- Out by a giant creature known as Laos that appeared in 1999 AD. The three, vow ,to find a way to prevent the destruction of their world. After meeting and
- Church. Benedictine Oblate endeavor to embrace the spirit of the Benedictine, vow ,in their own life in the world. Famous Benedictines Popes Apostles and
- The Asian side of the channel. They could not marry because Hero was bound by a, vow ,of chastity, and so every night Leander swam from Asia to Europe, guided by a
- shan't! This we hope, for this we hanker: this we say and this we, vow ,: as long as we fight back, we: It shan't, It shan't, It SHA
- Callisto, who Hesiod said was the daughter of Lyon, king of Arcadia, took a, vow ,to remain a virgin, as did all the nymphs of Artemis. But to have her, Zeus
- Used to come here by foot on pilgrimage from Agra every year in observance of a, vow ,he had made when praying for a son. The large pillars called" Rose ('Mile' )
- Augustus and her daughter Just Greta Honor Augusta, paid off their, vow ,for their liberation from the danger of the sea. "
- As guarantee of safety ". Lifeforms III Botanists was forced into a public, vow ,that he would grant protection to the family. Anna was highly successful in
- Of" citizenship" in Philippians 3:22. Some scholars have claimed that the, vow ,formula of the Rule is best translated as" to live in this place as a monk, in
- A hunting-trip and murder him. They sing a trio in which Brunhilde and Gunther, vow ,in the name of Wotan," guardian of oaths ", to kill Siegfried, while Hagen
- Of Jesus: on the 15 August 1534,in a small chapel in Montmartre, they made a, vow ,of poverty, chastity and obedience, and also vow ed to convert the Muslims in
- To Peter. It may also have been to secure the release of the king from a, vow ,to go on pilgrimage, if sources from after the Norman Conquest of England are
- Or a state of abstinence from sexual intercourse or the abstention by, vow ,from: marriage. Etymology The English word celibacy derives from the Latin
- To control the senses including mind from indulgence. The basic intent of this, vow ,is to conquer passion and to prevent the waste of energy. In this vow , the
- Of Milan. All priests or destined to become priests, they took a simple, vow ,of obedience to their bishop. The model for this was a society that already
- Lifestyles of communal ownership (no individual property) and the ", vow ,of poverty" in many monastic traditions may also be intended to make
- Non-violence) – to cause no harm to living beings. This is the fundamental, vow ,from which all other vow s stem. It involves minimizing intentional and
- Prophetic, this depressed him, so his mother Frigga made every object on earth, vow ,never to hurt Bald. All objects made this vow except mistletoe. Frigga had
- Law from an earlier era, after it got accepted by the community as a law or, vow , On the other hand, another principle recognizes the responsibility and
- Was one of Artemis's hunting attendants. As a companion of Artemis, she took a, vow ,of chastity. Zeus appeared to her disguised as Artemis, or in some stories
- Become an obstacle to nirvana or enlightenment. However, if one undertakes a, vow ,to be a Buddhist vegetarian, one is expected to follow this vow until it is
- Gallic presbyter Vigilantes, who opposed the cults of martyrs and relics,the, vow ,of poverty, and clerical celibacy. Meanwhile, the controversy with John II of
- Throughout life. (SB 7.12.7) This is called the brhad-vrata (" great, vow ,"),or naisthika-brahmacarya. " Naisthika-brahmacari refers to one who never
- Of Artemis Artery (" Artemis the Huntress" ). This was in fulfillment of a, vow ,made by the city before the battle, to offer in sacrifice a number of goats
- Terms of varnasrama principles, the highest standard of brahmacarya means the, vow ,not to marry but to observe strict celibacy throughout life. (SB 7.12.7) This
- To show that he was" living in obedience to the law ", Paul took a biblical, vow ,along with some others (). Near the end of the days of the vow , Paul was
- At latest about the year 200,sponsors or godparents are present at baptism and, vow ,to uphold the Christian education and life of the baptized. Baptists argue that
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