Examples of the the word, spectator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spectator ), is the 6674 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Birth of Brouwer's ideas resembles that of a midwife more than that of a mere, spectator , ". Brouwer's approach yielded its fruits, and in 1912 he also found a proof
  2. There, running the inside lane, setting a world record time of 47.82 seconds. A, spectator ,handed him a Ugandan flag, and Anti-bug accepted it and ran around the track
  3. Baseball had become among the most blue-collar-oriented of leading American, spectator ,sports. In the late 1900s and early 2000s,baseball's position compared to
  4. Targeted toward a middle-class, white-collar audience: relative to other, spectator ,pastimes, the National League's set ticket price of 50 cents in 1876 was high
  5. And associations. Australian rules football and cricket are the most popular, spectator ,and participation sports in Ballarat, while basketball, netball,horse racing
  6. Beyond the fence while in flight) * Spectator interference or home run (, spectator ,touched ball after it broke the plane of the fence). On August 28, 2008
  7. Honolulu, it was the first ever Iron man and is also the World Champs. Fans of, spectator ,sports in Honolulu generally support the football, volleyball,basketball
  8. Own voyeurism is made shockingly obvious and even more shockingly,the, spectator ,identifies with the perverted protagonist. The inference is that she includes
  9. Acid–alkali reactions can be simplified to: (a) + (a) → by omitting, spectator ,ions. Acids are generally pure substances which contain hydrogen ions () or
  10. Fantasy Sports Leagues with monetary entry fees and winnings, and in-person, spectator ,games like Mound ball. Arbitrage betting is a theoretically
  11. Alfonso himself is depicted throughout the text, both as participant and, spectator ,and as an older man and as a younger. The pages are filled with many socials
  12. Which players join either the terrorist or counter-terrorist team (or become a, spectator ,). Each team attempts to complete their mission objective and/or eliminate the
  13. 20th century, rugby union in Cornwall has emerged as one of, the most popular, spectator ,and team sports in Cornwall (perhaps the most popular),with professional
  14. Parts of the brain with the conscious mind relegated to the role of, spectator , The scientific data seem to support the idea that conscious experience is
  15. Rivals: AZ's home ground in the 2005–06 season, the Alkmaarderhout, had a, spectator ,capacity of 8,390. AZ were undefeated in all 32 of their home matches in
  16. And hurling are the traditional sports of Ireland as well as most popular, spectator ,sports. They are administered by the Gaelic Athletics Association on an
  17. Crafted into the work by the writer and relished by a 'sensitive, spectator ,' or Saturday or one with positive taste and mind. Poets like Alias were
  18. Was concerned with how human morality depends on sympathy between agent and, spectator , or the individual and other members of society. Smith defined" sympathy" as
  19. Is not a fatal disease. " The American visitor" once again is an alert, spectator ,of Parisian life" and" the street noises and French atmosphere are triumphant
  20. Bandy in Sweden is famous for its" culture" - both playing bandy and being a, spectator ,requires great fortitude and dedication. A" bandy briefcase" is the classic
  21. In Canada, but has never enjoyed sustained popularity as a major professional, spectator ,sport even though the last few years have showed an improvement in terms of
  22. And how he perceives the female character. The second is the perspective of the, spectator ,as they see the female character on screen. The third" look" joins the first
  23. In bis (cyclooctadiene)nickel (0) are labile. In some cases, dienes are, spectator ,ligands, remaining coordinated throughout a catalytic cycle and influencing the
  24. Around in the night we are consumed by fire with a radical critique of the, spectator ,who goes to the cinema to forget about his dispossessed daily life.
  25. Along the two side walls of the chapel. The setting places the viewer as a, spectator ,in front of the statue with the Corner family leaning out of their box seats
  26. Of describing the object like a title, was meant to carry the mind of the, spectator ,towards other regions more verbal. Sometimes I would add a graphic detail of
  27. And vegetables, is a popular Kentucky dish served at the Derby. The infield,a, spectator ,area inside the track, offers general admission prices but little chance of
  28. Hockey in the country, is Canada's official winter sport, its most popular, spectator ,sport, and its most successful sport in international competition. Lacrosse, a
  29. Being association football and second being Cricket)—club hockey is not a large, spectator ,sport and few players play as full-time professionals. Hockey is a sport played
  30. Prevented anywhere on the court by an opposing team player, official or, spectator , It is also awarded when the referees interrupted a legitimate scoring chance
  31. Theory of psychology in which individuals seek the approval of the" impartial, spectator ," as a result of a natural desire to have outside observers sympathize with
  32. And their strategy of sedate batting saw many draws. During this period, spectator ,attendances dropped, and media condemnation increased, but Simpson and Larry
  33. Gate every two years. Several major clubs representing the most popular, spectator ,sports in Germany have their base in Berlin. Quotations *" Berlin is and
  34. Baseball league was established in 1936. Today baseball is the most popular, spectator ,sport in the country. Since the establishment of the Japan Professional
  35. Inspired by Duel in the Sun” ( 1981). In addressing the heterosexual female, spectator , she revised her stance to argue that women can take two possible roles in
  36. Korea Baseball Organization, and independent leagues. Venues for, spectator ,sports in Honolulu include: * Stan Sheriff Center at Shimano (basketball and
  37. Made of the pure, mere form. Fantasy and imagination should be evoked in the, spectator , in the reader, in the listener. All was focused around the individual Man, as
  38. Are unknown, Austen would certainly have joined in these activities, as a, spectator ,at first and as a participant when she was older. Most of the plays were
  39. Or does man have free will. To quote V. E. Watts on Boethius, God is like a, spectator ,at a chariot race; He watches the action the charioteers perform, but this does
  40. Man. Edmond Malone asserted that" his appearance at first sight impressed the, spectator ,with the idea of a well-born and well-bred English gentleman. " Renowned for
  41. Language of Rothko, such literal detail—a bridge of empathy between the real, spectator ,and the presentation of a transcendental landscape—is no longer necessary; we
  42. Fund a memorial to him in the city center. Gaelic football is the most popular, spectator ,sport in Ireland, and Belfast is home to over twenty football and hurling clubs
  43. Have been significant. Sports in Indonesia are generally male-orientated and, spectator ,sports are often associated with illegal gambling. The most popular sports are
  44. And the Cyprus Rugby Federation. Football is by far the most popular, spectator ,sport. The Cyprus League is nowadays considered as quite competitive and
  45. Emotional state or have, but thanks to aesthetic distance, the sensitive, spectator ,relishes the NASA, the aesthetic flavor of tragedy, heroism or romance. The 9th
  46. In Western culture towards participatory arts, as opposed to traditional, spectator ,arts. Participants in a LAP cast off the role of passive observer, and take on
  47. And ethnic groups throughout the world ". Key themes The gaze and the female, spectator ,In considering the way that films are put together, many feminist film critics
  48. Of the voyeurism encoded into film by creating distance between the male, spectator ,and the female character. The only way to do so, Mulvey argues, is by
  49. Include Gaelic handball and rounders. Soccer is the third most popular, spectator ,sport and has the highest level of participation. Although the League of
  50. The Melbourne Football Club. Australian football is a major participation and, spectator ,sport in Australia. The sport is also played at amateur level in several

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