Examples of the the word, lively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lively ), is the 6660 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the French Revolution and the debates that it spawned in Britain. In a, lively ,and sometimes vicious pamphlet war, now referred to as the Revolution
  2. Be described adequately enough as copying the style of a speaker engaged in a, lively ,oral debate with an opponent. Among ancient writers on ethics who use the
  3. Allied Bombing of Lübeck in World War II) presented the dead dancers as very, lively ,and agile, making the impression that they were actually dancing, whereas their
  4. Things they directly experience. Thus, he divides perceptions between strong and, lively ," impressions" or direct sensations and fainter" ideas," which are copied
  5. By ticket sales which opened in Venice). L'Oreo has dramatic power and, lively ,orchestration. L'Oreo is arguably the first example of a composer assigning
  6. Was seven times the length of his own foot. He had a round head, large and, lively ,eyes, a slightly larger nose than usual, white but still attractive hair, a
  7. Lost for centuries were unearthed in the 19th and 20th centuries, producing, lively , speculation about their importance in early Christianity among religious
  8. Some logistical support for organizing events. Recreation Eindhoven has a, lively ,recreational scene. For going out, there are numerous bars on the Market square
  9. Where he was made a fellow of the Royal Society, and became embroiled in a, lively ,bisexual love-triangle with the politician John Harvey, and Lady Mary Worthy
  10. Self-styled" Safari Courier" letters),written in a very modern and, lively ,Polish, amused his family with their spoofing of the Warsaw newspapers and
  11. Liberal, but not active in public affairs; my mother, idealistic,with a, lively ,interest in public matters; the founder about 1854 of the kindergarten in my
  12. Within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences. A, lively ,debate continues about the existence of God. Epistemology studies criteria of
  13. Parades and pageants are the heart of the Carnival festivities. There is, lively ,music, colorful costumes, hand-made masks, and floats. The traditional
  14. By Doors to 357/356 BC. Plutarch gives a detailed account of it, with a, lively ,picture of the palace. Guards watched throughout the night, except at Alexander
  15. Bob" Hicks and James" Kokomo" Arnold as representatives of this style. The, lively ,Memphis blues style, which developed in the 1920s and 1930s near Memphis
  16. The song by rewriting the words. In the nineteenth century there was some, lively ,debate about the national anthem and, even then, verse two was considered to be
  17. Portraits, and,though none of these include the version used in the film. Five, lively ,Gilbert and Sullivan tunes also appear in the soundtrack, and serve as jaunty
  18. Was the end of any collaboration between the pair, who became famous for their, lively ,debates. Eddington defended his method by pointing to the utility of his
  19. Judiciary Committee hearings ended in a straight party-line vote, there was, lively ,debate on the House floor. The two charges passed in the House (largely with
  20. This, the writing comes to have the quality of an old Flemish picture, humanity, lively , and amusing and loveable in the foreground and nature magnificent beyond. "
  21. Kurosawa's health began to deteriorate. While his mind remained sharp and, lively , his body was giving up, and for the last half year of his life, the director
  22. And rather loudly, and had an infectious and reverberating laugh, and a, lively ,sense of humor. One colleague from the Salk Institute described him as" a
  23. To this day the details of the destruction (or destruction) remain a, lively ,source of controversy. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina was inaugurated in 2003 near
  24. With a solo bassoon passage) * Emanuel Charier: España, two bassoons play a, lively ,Spanish tune, similar to the main theme * Giuseppe Verdi: La Donna È Mobile
  25. To the American Kennel Club’s breed standards," the dachshund is clever, lively ,and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground
  26. The Church of England. He was not a servant of the status quo, but argued for a, lively ,religion which emphasized grace, holy and charitable living, and for the plain
  27. Municipal art galleries exist in all the main towns and there is a large and, lively ,commercial art scene. Cyprus was due to host the international art festival
  28. From street vendors than other age demographics. Entertainment There is also a, lively ,music scene in Dar es Salaam which is divided between several styles. The
  29. And by La Marmara in 1825. In northern and central Sardinia, the dance is, lively ,and animated with leaps and agile movements and usually accompanied by a choir
  30. Land conservation. The immense popularity of Potter’s books was based on the, lively ,quality of her illustrations, the non-didactic nature of her stories, the
  31. Reforms in 1999. There is no customer deposit insurance system. Benin has a, lively ,and diversified microfinance sector. Data from 2003 by the Central Bank stated
  32. Wrist to" dip" the bow into the strings. Staccato is usually associated with, lively ,playing. On a violin, spiccato bowing comes off the string, but on a cello, the
  33. Dominican descent in the US, counting both native- and foreign-born. A type of, lively , fast-paced rhythm and dance music consisting of a tempo of about 120 to 160
  34. More formal social activities. In Masked ball at the Opera, Manet shows a, lively ,crowd of people enjoying a party. Men stand with top hats and long black suits
  35. Channels, chords are played as arpeggios, coining the C64's characteristic, lively ,sound. It was also possible to continuously update the master volume with
  36. South Gloucestershire). John of Worcester and William of Amesbury add some, lively ,detail by suggesting that Edmund had been feasting with his nobles, when he
  37. Europe's largest indoor skateboard park Area 51 (skate park) and is home of a, lively ,skateboard culture. *Eindhoven has two boxing clubs, The Golden Gloves and
  38. Schemes have tended, with some exceptions, to be unsatisfactory. This remains a, lively ,topic of debate and study. Progress, while ongoing, has nevertheless been
  39. While in the background an ancient discus thrower has been captured in a, lively ,bending motion, with the discus high above his head, creating a vivid
  40. In terms of box-office success. The fantasy element of their films, with, lively , musical numbers reviving the montage aesthetic, sometimes stretched the
  41. Of Fine Art to the Museum of the Army and the Comic Museum. Brussels also has a, lively ,music scene, with everything from opera houses and concert halls to music bars
  42. Readers are more because Eugenics studded this work with so many fascinating and, lively ,fragments from historians and philosophers which are nowhere else preserved.
  43. S commentaries on Aristotle often corrected the philosopher, encouraging a, lively ,debate in the spirit of jihad. In the medieval Islamic world, due to Avicenna
  44. And schooled in riding, hawking,and hunting. Eleanor was extroverted, lively , intelligent, and strong-willed. In the spring of 1130,when Eleanor was six
  45. By the democrats. Decides was no professional orator; his style is simple and, lively , natural but inartistic. List of extant speeches
  46. Dating back to the Cardinals years) of pronouncing names backwards. Carry had, lively ,discussions with commentator Steve Stone, who was hand-picked by Harry himself
  47. San Lorenzo. It houses the Basilica of San Lorenzo with the Chappelle Medical,a, lively ,open market of souvenirs and handmade products, and the Laurentian Library.
  48. Regular participants in inter-Celtic festivals, and Cornwall itself has several, lively ,inter-Celtic festivals such as Perranporth's Lender Pecan folk festival. On
  49. Foot Biennially and the Goldfields Music Festival. Entertainment Ballarat has a, lively ,and well established theatrical community with several local ensembles as well
  50. Of political parties have their own newspapers, and these papers conduct a, lively , often highly partisan, debate on public issues. Mail Egypt Post is the

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