Examples of the the word, cheek , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cheek ), is the 6678 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nuair a rinse me Y. *" Why did you hit him? " –" He was after giving me, cheek , " A similar construction is seen where exclamation is used in describing a
  2. Lamo's federal public defender dropping the demand for blood, and accepting, cheek ,swabs instead. " Reached for comment, Lamo reportedly affirmed to Paulsen his
  3. Jesus taught that if someone comes to harm you, then one must turn the other, cheek , This has led four Protestant Christian denominations to develop a theology of
  4. Fewer than four toes on each foot, and well-developed, prominent canine teeth, cheek ,teeth (premolars and molars) that generally have cutting edges. The last
  5. Throw. A right-handed boomerang is thrown with the wind on one's left, cheek , The angle to the wind depends on the boomerang, but starting with a 45 degree
  6. Stay Happy (1949),for which the posters depicted Stewart being kissed on one, cheek ,by top-billed Joan Fontaine and on the other by a chimpanzee. In the
  7. Attach on both sides of this crest Paranthropus also have characteristic wide, cheek ,bones (zygotic arches) projecting forward of the nasal opening and marks
  8. Of the jaw, which fall out and are not replaced. Adult aardvarks only have, cheek ,teeth at the back of the jaw, and have a dental formula of: Genetically
  9. Typical Romagna quill shaped egg pasta usually dressed with Glacial (, cheek ,bacon),peas, Parmigiano Region and a hint of cream. * Grain con
  10. On September 28, 1995,Kirby Puckett, of the Minnesota Twins, was struck in the, cheek ,by a Dennis Martínez fastball, breaking his jaw and loosening two teeth. It
  11. That he was" the first casualty of the war" when he gained a scar on his, cheek ,from freeing a trapped telegraph wire. Defeat of the Confederacy required vast
  12. His turn the other cheek philosophy. " If anyone strikes you on the right, cheek , turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give
  13. Orangutan has a large head with a prominent mouth area. Adult males have large, cheek ,flaps (which get larger as the ape ages) that show their dominance to other
  14. He also sought to set an example by his actions there, turning the other, cheek ,when being beaten and refusing to show his captors any dejected feelings.
  15. On the motel's second floor balcony. The bullet entered through his right, cheek , smashing his jaw, then traveled down his spinal cord before lodging in his
  16. A marmot, making it one of the largest Mesozoic mammals known (20-60g). The, cheek ,teeth combined the functions of piercing, shearing and grinding, and the molars
  17. In some quarters because of its comic book-like action sequences and tongue in, cheek ,comedy. Since the late 1990s,however, the genre has gained new respectability
  18. Gold/silver paint with a Pikachu & a Fichu around the screen. Pikachu's, cheek ,lights up instead of the usual power light. (Fichu/Pikachu edition) * Yellow
  19. Shot to shot and is usually at the corner of the mouth, on the chin, to the, cheek , or to the ear, depending upon one's preferred shooting style. The bow arm is
  20. Incisors to clip leaves at the front of the mouth, separated from the grinding, cheek ,teeth by a wide disaster. The dental formula for koalas is The male koala, like
  21. 100th home run, a record that stands today. He was struck just above the left, cheek ,bone by a fastball thrown by Jack Hamilton of the California Angels on Friday
  22. Dimension conjectures are correct). They are sometimes described (tongue in, cheek ,) as" theories of everything ". Motivation for quantizing gravity comes from
  23. Wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg fought the intruders, who shot him through his, cheek ,and then forced him to help them find more hostages. Leading the kidnappers
  24. And occurred in North America, Asia (especially Mongolia) and Europe. The, cheek ,teeth were short-crowned (brachyodont),with the tubercles more-or-less
  25. As lime) and chewed into a wad that is retained in the mouth between gum and, cheek ,(much in the same as chewing tobacco is chewed) and sucked of its juices. The
  26. New servers or adding Gopher support to browsers is often done in a tongue in, cheek ,manner, principally on April Fools' Day. Native Gopher support Browsers that
  27. A white chevron appears between the eyes and two large white spots grace each, cheek , There is another white chevron where the neck meets the chest. The large ears
  28. Of Matthew, the message to His followers that one should" Turn the other, cheek ," and His example in the story Periscope Adulterate, in which Jesus intervenes in
  29. Aberdeen! " (" Kissinger! Nazi! Step down! ") Kissinger, holding his left, cheek , did not respond. Up to his death he refused to comment on the incident. Other
  30. circularly. The adults have no incisor or canine teeth, just a set of, cheek ,teeth, which are not clearly differentiated into molars and premolars. Uniquely
  31. Paleocene of Mongolia and China and occupied the small predator niche. The, cheek ,teeth show the same characteristic notches that serve in today's carnivores to
  32. Such as a small brain, but it also has striking differences, including high, cheek ,bones, and a flat plane beneath its nose bone, which gives it a flat face. (, )
  33. In the lip formation. The performer's use of the air, tightening of, cheek ,and jaw muscles, as well as tongue manipulation can affect how the embouchure
  34. Typical Romagna quill shaped egg pasta usually dressed with Glacial (, cheek ,bacon),peas, Parmigiano Region and a hint of cream. * Grain con
  35. Be named for Oakley, Buckinghamshire, near to Theme. Tolkien insists, tongue in, cheek , that the village of Theme originally referred to the Tame Dragon housed in it
  36. Paroccipital processes that are large and not fused to the auditory ballad *, cheek ,teeth are abundant and hence indicative of a broad, hypocarnivorous (
  37. Devil) are proportionately stronger. The Adolf has greatly reduced, cheek ,teeth, sometimes absent in the adult, but otherwise has the same dentition as
  38. Probably took larger prey and were definitely a carnivore to some degree. The, cheek ,teeth of Hyracolestes ermines (an ermine-like shrew - 40g) and Cartoon
  39. By door-handles; the chests of young women impaled on steering-columns; the, cheek ,of handsome youths torn on the chromium latches of quarter-lights. To Vaughan
  40. Button, and a blue arrow with a Pikachu & a Fichu around the screen. Pikachu's, cheek ,lights up instead of the usual power light. (Fichu/Pikachu PAL edition) *
  41. And American football and has written that his" tongue was firmly planted in, cheek ," when making the speech. Kemp notes that about half of his grandchildren play
  42. Fixed) which are two long strips of wood running in the gap from spine to, cheek ,with rectangular mortises through which the jacks can move up and down. *
  43. 12.7 mm) machine guns in the nose, four more fixed ones in forward-firing, cheek ,blisters, two more in the top turret, one each in a pair of new waist positions
  44. Its juices. The juices are absorbed slowly by the mucous membrane of the inner, cheek ,and by the gastrointestinal tract when swallowed. Alternatively, coca leaves
  45. Of the Philadelphia Daily News, whose wife fainted when Sinatra kissed her, cheek , 'Take care of it, Lee,' Sinatra said, and he was off. " The professional
  46. With heavy digging claws on the forefeet. Armadillos have many, cheek ,teeth, which are not divided into premolars and molars, but usually have
  47. That one should" not resist an evildoer" and promoted his turn the other, cheek ,philosophy. " If anyone strikes you on the right cheek , turn the other also;
  48. On a musical guest (or a cast member, mostly Roy Clark) and kiss him on the, cheek ,among others. Sometimes, certain animals would carry appropriate signs with
  49. In the military. After obtaining a commitment from Robinson to" turn the other, cheek ," to racial antagonism, Rickey agreed to sign him to a contract for $600 a
  50. Adrien Brody ran on stage and, instead of giving her the standard peck on the, cheek , planted a long kiss on Berry. 2002 – present As Bond girl Jacinta 'Jinx '

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