Examples of the the word, prolonged , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prolonged ), is the 6672 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agent (ability of the agent to retain its infectivity and virulence after a, prolonged ,period of storage) may also be desirable, particularly for military
  2. S Song of the Dead: Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma, prolonged ,constriction, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or
  3. Date for completion. Due to the world economic crisis, building start date is, prolonged ,to a yet undefined date. The project plans have been drawn, however.
  4. Hispaniola to escape the brutalities of Spanish rule on that island. After a, prolonged ,guerrilla campaign, Hatuey and successive chieftains were captured and burnt
  5. Four years of bitter fighting, Nineveh was finally sacked in 612 BC, after a, prolonged ,siege followed by house to house fighting, Sin-shar-ishkun was killed in the
  6. Tree lines planted since the 1970s have reduced the frequency of sandstorms, prolonged ,drought and poor agricultural practices have resulted in dust storms plaguing
  7. Geodon) - Approved in 2004 to treat bipolar disorder. Side-effects include a, prolonged ,QT interval in the heart, which can be dangerous for patients with heart
  8. 800 % under Allende's presidency. The crippled economy was further battered by, prolonged ,and sometimes simultaneous strikes by physicians, teachers,students, truck
  9. Ruminative worry, the core symptom of GAD. However, in some cases,a, prolonged ,treatment with benzodiazepines as the add-on to an antidepressant may be
  10. Encounters with brown bears usually last only a few minutes, though they can be, prolonged ,if the victims fight back. In 2008,a platinum mining compound in the
  11. Such as cocaine or ecstasy (see MDMA),the euphoric state intensifies and is, prolonged , Once some stimulative drugs wear off, a common side effect is a period of
  12. Inflation was out of control. The crippled economy was further battered by, prolonged ,and sometimes simultaneous strikes by physicians, teachers,students, truck
  13. Angola's major problems are a serious humanitarian crisis (a result of the, prolonged ,war),the abundance of minefields, the continuation of the political, and to a
  14. And possibly as many as 300,000 position patterns stored in their memory;, prolonged ,training is necessary to acquire that amount of data. A 2007 study of young
  15. To ensure that the battery is not depleted when the lights are used for a, prolonged ,period. The low power consumption of LEDs allows the vehicle's engine to
  16. Plants are gradually being constructed in order to deal with recent years of, prolonged ,drought. The Government has invested heavily in the creation of water
  17. Slow-wave sleep and a withdrawal period typified by rebound insomnia and a, prolonged ,period of anxiety and agitation. This may make the non-benzodiazepines
  18. In the setting of normal renal function and polemic state. Aspirin can cause, prolonged ,bleeding after operations for up to 10 days. In one study,30 of 6499 elective
  19. A year. Abu Bakr developed high fever and was confined to bed. His illness was, prolonged ,and when his condition worsened he felt that his end was near. Realizing his
  20. Not fooled by it and few boxers possess the physical toughness to withstand a, prolonged , unanswered assault. Recently, however,eight-division world champion Many
  21. Pobedonostsev awakened in his pupil very little love of abstract studies or, prolonged ,intellectual exertion, but he did influence the character of Alexander's reign
  22. Wells depicted Basic English as the lingua franca of a new elite which after a, prolonged ,struggle succeeds in uniting the world and establishing a totalitarian world
  23. About 100 grams of various americium isotopes, mostly 241Am and 243Am. Their, prolonged ,radioactivity is undesirable for the disposal, and therefore americium
  24. 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly, prolonged ,in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and
  25. Expresses his hope that the Alemannic would assume better manners through, prolonged ,contact with the Franks, which is by all appearances, in a manner of speaking
  26. Southeast Asian plant hopper genus Ankara are well known for having a pair of, prolonged ,filaments at the tips of the forewings that arise near a pair of small glossies
  27. May occur. These factors, combined with other possible secondary effects after, prolonged ,use such as psychomotor, cognitive,or memory impairments, limit their
  28. Carsten Spitzer wrote that he believed during his life, Friedrich suffered, prolonged ,inertia, a suicide attempt and what the artist himself described as a "
  29. And discussed include global or regional climate change (cf. Little Ice Age), prolonged , periods of drought, cyclical periods of topsoil erosion, environmental
  30. Antimony causes headaches, dizziness,and depression. Larger doses such as, prolonged ,skin contact may cause dermatitis; otherwise it can damage the kidneys and the
  31. And short-term store. Long-term memory allows us to store information over, prolonged ,periods (days, weeks,years). We do not yet know the practical limit of
  32. To re-impose arbitrary rule during what was called the Reconquista led to a, prolonged ,struggle, including infighting from Bernardo O'Higgins, who challenged Carrera
  33. Köppen CSA). The dominant feature of Athens climate is alternation between, prolonged ,warm and dry summers and mild, wet winters. With an average of yearly
  34. Public. But the design of the idealized free library was the subject of, prolonged ,and heated debate. On one hand, the library profession called for designs that
  35. Tissue. The death of Marie Curie at age 66 from leukemia was probably caused by, prolonged ,exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation, but it is not clear if this was
  36. He halted off the Isle of Array, and negotiations commenced. Alexander artfully, prolonged ,the talks until the autumn storms should begin. At length Aaron, weary of
  37. The encilhamento bubble and of the 1st naval revolt, the country entered in a, prolonged ,cycle of financial, social and political instability, that would extend until
  38. Result in the release of beryllium dust (lung cancer is a possible result of, prolonged ,exposure to beryllium laden dust). Although the use of beryllium compounds in
  39. With the plucking hand. When a string is rapidly hammered on, the note can be, prolonged ,into a trill. Two-handed tapping In the two-handed tapping styles, bassists use
  40. Studied 30 films (made between 1970 and 2004) that portrayed actors in, prolonged ,comas, and he concluded that only two films accurately depicted the state of a
  41. Remained below to look after the people (Exodus 24:9-14). It was during the, prolonged ,absence of Moses that Aaron yielded to the clamors of the people, and made a
  42. Which reduces visibility to 400 meters or ¼ mile or less and must last for a, prolonged ,period of time — typically three hours or more. Ground blizzards require high
  43. Then standard erasable PROM (EPROM) chips. EPROM chips may be erased by, prolonged ,exposure to ultraviolet light, which accessed the chip via the window. Chip
  44. Following the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 BC — the nation descending into a, prolonged ,and brutal series of civil wars involving three rival kings, Ashur-etil-ilani
  45. When it simultaneously affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is, prolonged ,and when it severely compromises people’s chances of regaining their rights and
  46. Welfare of marine cultured organisms is to reduce stress to a minimum, as, prolonged , or repeated stress can cause a range of adverse effects. Attempts to minimize
  47. The trust between Mandela and de Clerk. Moreover, internal disputes in the ANC, prolonged ,the war as consensus on peace was not reached. The next significant steps
  48. Such as lycopene and ascorbic acid can be destroyed by long-term storage or, prolonged ,cooking. Other antioxidant compounds are more stable, such as the polyphenolic
  49. Anger of the Bishop of Cologne, to whom Bremen had been suffragan, but after, prolonged ,negotiations, Pope Nicholas I approved the union of the two dioceses in 864.
  50. The loss of salvation is much more related to experiences that are profound and, prolonged , Wesley sees two primary pathways that could result in a permanent fall from

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