Examples of the the word, wax , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Ice sole that slows the skier down. It is not uncommon to apply a new layer of, wax ,if the weather changes, or when moving in altitude. Waxless skis have a fish
  2. The acetate surface coating of the aluminum discs was little better than the, wax ,that Edison had used at the turn of the century, with the same limited dynamic
  3. Composition A: Granular explosive consisting of RDX and plasticizing, wax , Such as, composition A-5 (RDX coated with 1.5 % stearic acid) and
  4. Leather for armor *http://www.dagorhir.com/HowTo/cbgryml.htm Boiled leather in, wax ,*http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/leather/hl. HTML Cool
  5. Newer snow. Using a wax that is too hard will not give sufficient grip, while, wax , that is too soft will cause the formation of an ice sole that slows the skier
  6. Composer (b. 1763) *1850 – Marie Tussaud, founder of the Madame Tussauds, wax ,museum (b. 1761) *1859 – Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian (b. 1805)
  7. Facility devoted to scientific discovery, and the very next year invented a, wax ,phonograph cylinder that was later used by Thomas Edison; The laboratory was
  8. Wax products on the market manufactured for wax less skis, though standard glide, wax ,can also be used on the tips and tails of the ski. Waxless skis are better
  9. Later discovered that this radiation could knock hydrogen atoms out of paraffin, wax , Initially it was thought to be high-energy gamma radiation, since gamma
  10. In areas with many sun/shadow boundaries. Some skiers apply a layer of glide, wax ,to keep them sliding smoothly and protecting the surface from dirt and ice
  11. Fame, such as appearing on the cover of Time, being spoofed in Mad, having a, wax ,statue in Madame Tussauds, or receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  12. Ebony for fretboards. Other design options include finishes, such as lacquer, wax ,and oil; flat and carved designs; Luthier-produced custom-designed instruments;
  13. Codex (block of wood) also suggests that it may have developed from wooden, wax ,tablets. In the 5th century, Isidore of Seville explained the relation between
  14. In May 1822 he paid a visit to Naples, to superintend the construction of, wax ,molds for an equestrian statue of the perjured Bourbon king Ferdinand VII.
  15. Classical technique, and the poles are longer. Neither fish scale skis nor grip, wax ,are used. Different limb-movement patterns are used for different terrain and
  16. Graphite. * H-6: Castable mixture of RDX, TNT,powdered aluminum, and paraffin, wax ,* Topped: 42 % REX,40 % TNT and 18 % powdered aluminum * PBX: RDX is also
  17. Domesticated from at least the Old Kingdom, and they provided both honey and, wax , The ancient Egyptians used donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden, and they were
  18. Lipids — oil — phospholipid — prion — sugar — vitamins — neurotransmitter —, wax ,**Biochemical mechanisms: proteolytic — cooperatively **Techniques:
  19. During the 11th century Writing in the 1st century BC, Horace refers to the, wax ,abacus, a board covered with a thin layer of black wax on which columns and
  20. Sometimes time-consuming and sometimes costly selection and application of kick, wax ,or Lister and will work between temperatures, an important advantage in areas
  21. They use solid sticks of CMYK-coloured ink, similar in consistency to candle, wax , which are melted and fed into a Piero crystal operated print-head. The
  22. Virtues to the ID of the gods ". Akkadian artists also discovered the" lost, wax ," method of bronze casting, previously believed to have been discovered much
  23. Rolled up, tied up. The parcels, once ready, were sealed up with sealing, wax ,and handed to the conductor. " Leonid Pasternak was ultimately awarded a medal
  24. Annuals. Ornamental annual perennials commonly grown as annuals are impatiens, wax ,begonia, snapdragon,Pelargonium, coleus and petunia. One seed-to-seed life
  25. It consists of thick leather, boiled in water (some sources hold that oil and, wax ,were used as well, others posit the use of ammonia from fermented animal urine
  26. Around the age of 84,after a reign of some 41 years. His body was embalmed in, wax , and buried at Sparta. Selected quotes When someone was praising an orator for
  27. Wax could be melted, and reformed into a blank. The custom of binding several, wax ,tablets together (Roman pupillary) is a possible precursor for modern books
  28. To their hardness: harder wax es are for colder and newer snow. Using a, wax ,that is too hard will not give sufficient grip, while wax that is too soft will
  29. Quality; racing wax es can be very expensive, over $100 for a 60 gram block of, wax , They are generally in the form of blocks, though they can be found as powders
  30. Wax, for example, in candles. This should not be confused however with true, wax , which consists primarily of esters. Alkanes with a chain length of
  31. The poleand also assists with pushing in all poling techniques. Glide, wax ,Glide wax es are used to make a ski glide faster, and are applied by ironing
  32. Mobile. During the 2nd stage writing began to appear on paper, papyrus,clay, wax , etc. Common alphabets were introduced and allowed for the uniformity of
  33. BC, Horace refers to the wax abacus, a board covered with a thin layer of black, wax ,on which columns and figures were inscribed using a stylus. One example of
  34. Water cannot reach the metal surface. Many solid alkanes find use as paraffin, wax , for example, in candles. This should not be confused however with true wax
  35. By keeping in the dark and sealing it in containers or even coating it in, wax , as with cucumbers. However, as oxygen is also important for plant respiration
  36. Month. Fees were collected for damages, the most common being" greasing" by, wax ,dripped from the candles by which the patrons read. Climate Interior portions
  37. Some users complain that the resulting prints are difficult to write on, as the, wax ,tends to repel inks from pens, and are difficult to feed through automatic
  38. Of trading companies, exporting (together with Benguela) palm and peanut oil, wax , coal, timber,ivory, cotton,coffee, and cocoa, among many other products.
  39. In June 2000,he became the first living Asian to have been immortalized in, wax ,at London's prestigious Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Another statue was
  40. And flares. *Calcium stearate (Ca (C18H35O2)2) is used in the manufacture of, wax ,crayons, cements,certain kinds of plastics and cosmetics, as a food additive
  41. Coated with 1.5 % stearic acid) and composition A-3 (91 % RDX coated with 9 %, wax ,) * Composition C: The original composition C was used in World War II, but
  42. Accounting, and for taking notes. They had the advantage of being reusable: the, wax ,could be melted, and reformed into a blank. The custom of binding several wax es
  43. Fusion of ancient and modern architectural styles. An adjacent museum houses a, wax ,statue of Ataturk, his writings, letters and personal items, as well as an
  44. The relations between different kinds of writing surfaces (including stone, wax , parchment, paper,walls, textiles,the body, and the heart),writing
  45. On the floor below the tree to protect it by catching the dripping candle, wax , and also to collect any needles that fall. Even when dripless candles
  46. Protecting the surface from dirt and ice build-up. There are specialty liquid, wax ,products on the market manufactured for wax less skis, though standard glide wax
  47. Empire in Tamil Nadu, used bronze to create intricate statues via the lost, wax ,casting method with ornate detailing depicting the Gods of Hinduism mostly, but
  48. In various photographs and items presently on exhibition. In another display, wax ,figures of former presidents of the Republic of Turkey are on exhibit. * TODD
  49. Primary cell wall of the plant epidermis is usually impregnated with Putin and, wax , forming a permeability barrier known as the plant cuticle. Secondary cell
  50. A recipe for varnish used in etching, consisting of three ounces of virgin, wax , two ounces of mastic, and one ounce of asphaltum. By the fifth edition in 1685

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