Examples of the the word, dod , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dod ), is the 6668 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge in November 1825,though he, dod , not go into residence there until 16 October 1826. At the university he found a
  2. Read (bat),meaning" house ". However, the second part can be read as 1) (, dod , ),which means" uncle" or" beloved" or as 2) (David). The phrase
  3. He was able to see his father on the headland and cry out -"O 'had, dwi Wei, dod , adra i far. " (Oh father, I have come home to die). The ship broke up and
  4. With the game encompass scenes such as the infamous battle at Omaha Beach (, dod , charlie ), streetfighting in the Italian city of Salerno during Operation
  5. Sources # Liszewscy Era i Bohemia, Zapomniana boaters, Kwartalnik Historicity, dod , Do Now Łowiczanin z Dina 30 Russia 2009 r.
  6. Dark shall fall. Y meant yr mynyddoedd in can, ac y make’r arglwyddes in, dod , (The last two lines are in Welsh and are translated in the book into English
  7. Mentioned in an Inscription of v. s. 847 (770 AD). You can also see traces of, dod , rajpoot by visiting The Fort of Shalwar- Gagnon Fort The Gagnon fort stands
  8. 1640's. Poet Fearless was the author of many poems, one of which was Ocean, dod , chuairt a Chalbhaigh, addressed to An Alpha Road Ó Downhill. Family tree:
  9. In the 1980s,which turned the road into a major shopping hub of Surat. Good, dod , means horse racing in Gujarati, thus Good DOD Road can be translated into
  10. Pasha uses the word drum for smoking (Hindi: Chuan) and Kashmiri uses the word, dod , for milk (Sanskrit: Buddha, Hindi: doodah). This was seen in Ashoka rock
  11. Other than the present periphrastic with bod:: Mae hi'n good y Byrd hi'n, dod ,- She knows she's coming: ADY o'n medal yr Seth hi i Gaerdydd? - Does he
  12. Yn Syria or dying when AR Perl o Food AR y teeth pan y make y llano in, dod , i moon. Avis: Attention à la Marie montane! Attention aux debris de roc OUI (
  13. Their next-generation gear-driven touring car, replacing the Evo4 MS. The Evo5,DOD, away with the Evo4's front main shaft input cup, using a CV joint instead (
  14. His territory were affected by the war. Like his predecessor, Philip Wolfgang, dod , not participate in witch hunts, which were spreading rapidly, so these were
  15. Memory, a shrine at Karachi was erected. A treaty now defined the basal and, dod , territories,under main gulag Singh, regent during Anchal hands minority, nadir
  16. ทฤษฎี) # Chuan my rub Chan tee (ช่วยมารับฉันที) # Shed ta Na (เจตนา) # Era, dod , keun FAH (กระโดดขึ้นฟ้า) # Sprung née art Mai me Chan (พรุ่งนี้อาจไม่มีฉัน)
  17. Private enterprise numbers allocated by DIANA under the (ISO. Org., dod , Internet. Private. Enterprise) arc. Another increasingly used form of DID is
  18. Gsum): * Desire (Tibetan: http://rywiki.tsadra.org/index.php/' dod _chags ’, dod , chags) is aligned with the humor Wind (Tibetan: lung, Sanskrit: data -" air
  19. Home page, with at least three second-level domains within mil (" defense ",", dod ,", and " pentagon" ) redirecting to its home page of http://www.defense.gov
  20. Such objectives as a radio antenna and Flak 88 mm gun anti-aircraft gun (, dod , glider ). Day of Defeat maps offer the player the ability to blast through
  21. Streetfighting in the Italian city of Salerno during Operation Avalanche (, dod , avalanche ), and a Glider mission where the American 101st Airborne lands in a
  22. Near Mevagissey, Cornwall. A Rodman (plural" dolmen" ) or a handyman, dod , is a local British vernacular word for a land snail. The word is used in some

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