Examples of the the word, altitude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( altitude ), is the 6669 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tested successfully. This missile is an End atmospheric interceptor with an, altitude ,of. According to scientist V K Sara swat of DIDO the missiles will work in
  2. Severally at regular changes of entropy and temperature, respectively (like, altitude ,on a contour map),then as the eye moves towards the axes (towards the
  3. Radar Airborne radar was one of the first tactical sensors. The benefit of, altitude ,providing range has meant a significant focus on airborne radar technologies.
  4. Surface, depriving the navigation computer of vital information on the vehicle, altitude ,and ground speed. This was later determined to be an unintended consequence of
  5. Taking the spacecraft to a speed of 15,300 miles per hour (6.84 km/s) and an, altitude ,of about 115 miles (185 km). * An S-IVB-500
  6. This procedure with their spacecraft in the Operations and Checkout Building, altitude ,(vacuum) chamber on October 18 and 19, 1966,and the backup crew of Shirr
  7. FOBS) that would give little warning to the defense. Another problem was high, altitude ,EMP (whether from offensive or defensive nuclear warheads) which could
  8. Pilot error. The first simple autopilots were used to control heading and, altitude ,and had limited authority on things like thrust and flight control surfaces. In
  9. Can reach altitude of. During the test the target missile was intercepted at an, altitude , India became the fourth nation in the world to acquire such a capability and
  10. Factors, including aspect (head-on interception, side-on or tail-chase), altitude , the speed of the missile and the target, and how hard the target can turn.
  11. The PAD missile has the secondary stage of the Prithee missile and can reach, altitude ,of. During the test the target missile was intercepted at an altitude . India
  12. Its altitude over the lunar far side was approximately greater than the orbital, altitude ,on the remaining Apollo lunar missions. Due to this fact, Apollo 13 holds the
  13. Mission notes Because Apollo 13 followed the free return trajectory, its, altitude , over the lunar far side was approximately greater than the orbital altitude on
  14. See above) or high concentration of gaseous precursors to acid rain. High, altitude ,forests are especially vulnerable as they are often surrounded by clouds and
  15. Of GPWS is the lack of" look-ahead" information, because it only provides, altitude ,above terrain" look-down ". In order to overcome this weakness, modern
  16. For a meteor, the standard distance for measurement of magnitudes is at an, altitude ,of at the observer's zenith. Apollo 1 (also designated Apollo Saturn-204 and
  17. And warm, sunny,and rather dry summers. Inland conditions vary depending on, altitude ,but the higher areas above 1,500 m/5,000 ft are rather cold and frequently
  18. To slow the craft down into an initial lunar orbit. Once the lowest point of, altitude ,was reached in the orbit, the SPS engine was fired again to further stabilize
  19. Canceled because of problems with the Bushmaster's accuracy in tests" at the, altitude ,we were employing it ". There were also schedule considerations that drove the
  20. At the single point where enemy aircraft were expected to appear at low, altitude ,in conduction of strafing runs directed at large infantry and field artillery
  21. States Air Force also presents an Astronaut Badge to its pilots who exceed in, altitude , Deaths Eighteen astronauts (fourteen men and four women) have lost their
  22. Classification, Ankara features a semi-arid climate. Because of Ankara's high, altitude ,and its dry summers, nightly temperatures in the summer months are cool. Ankara
  23. Balloons drift with the wind, though normally the pilot can control the, altitude , either by heating the air or by releasing ballast, giving some directional
  24. And hydrology The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on location, altitude , and proximity to the sea. Temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity
  25. A rugged mass of mountains forming the largest continuous area of its, altitude ,in the whole continent, little of its surface falling below, while the summits
  26. Stages are covered at launch by a fairing, which splits off once sufficient, altitude ,has been reached (typically above 150 km). Variants * The original version is
  27. Approach orbit was to refine the lunar gravitational potential to within (LR, altitude ,update lock) needed for a landing. Earth-based observations, unmanned
  28. Target ballistic missile (a modified Prithee) with 2,000 km range, at an, altitude ,of 15 km over the Bay of Bengal. On March 6,2011, India successfully tested an
  29. June 20, 2011,a total of 523 people from 38 countries have reached or more in, altitude , of which 520 reached Low Earth orbit or beyond. Of these,24 people have
  30. As of June 20, 2011,529 people qualify as having reached space, above, altitude , Of eight X-15 pilots who exceeded in altitude , only one exceeded 100
  31. In Balance district, about 70 km from Wheeler Island across the sea, at an, altitude ,of 16 km over the Bay of Bengal. The interceptor was fired five minutes after
  32. See more than 50 million visitors a year. Flora A natural vegetation limit with, altitude ,is given by the presence of the chief deciduous trees—oak, beech,ash and
  33. Giving some directional control (since the wind direction changes with, altitude ,). A wing-shaped hybrid balloon can glide directionally when rising or falling;
  34. Include chronic ethanol abuse, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, high, altitude , cerebral edema, coeliac disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus and
  35. Its maiden voyage. *1963 – American Joe Walker in an X-15 test plane reaches an, altitude ,of. *1966 – Labor movements NFWA and AWOL merge to become the United Farm
  36. Remaining Apollo lunar missions. Due to this fact, Apollo 13 holds the absolute, altitude ,record for a manned spacecraft, reaching a distance of from Earth on 7:21 pm
  37. As having reached space, above altitude . Of eight X-15 pilots who exceeded in, altitude , only one exceeded 100 kilometers (about 62 miles). Space travelers have
  38. By measuring the azimuth, the angle from north, of the structure and the, altitude ,of the horizon it faces The azimuth is usually measured using a theodolite or a
  39. Are also common in the coastal cities of Durrës, Sarandë and Lore. In high, altitude ,localities, smoked meat and pickling is very common. Allah (or;, ) is the
  40. FAI) Sporting Code for astronautics recognizes only flights that exceed an, altitude ,of. In the United States, professional,military, and commercial astronauts who
  41. As it climbs to cruise between and at close to Mach 5. Phoenix uses it's high, altitude ,to gain gravitational potential energy, which is later converted into kinetic
  42. Other expedition members were similarly struck with illness. They reached an, altitude ,of before deciding to turn back. In 1903 Crowley wed Rose Edith Kelly, the
  43. Ellipse). Armstrong took semi-automatic control and, with Aldrin calling out, altitude ,and velocity data, landed at 20:17 UTC on July 20 with about 25 seconds of fuel
  44. Saturn's guidance system caused the S-IVB to fly past the Moon at too high an, altitude ,to achieve earth escape velocity. It remained in a semi-stable earth orbit
  45. Of 18,000 tungsten-carbide spherical impactors 140 seconds after launch, at an, altitude ,of. The V-1000 missile system was nonetheless considered not reliable enough
  46. Seasons than resorts further north in Mexico, but this varies depending on, altitude , The warmest areas are next to the sea where the city is. Tropical Storms and
  47. For the prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease and even, altitude ,sickness. Although initial studies suggested that antioxidant supplements might
  48. The missile is launched without the benefit of an aircraft's speed or high, altitude , its range is considerably shorter. Raytheon is currently marketing an
  49. In the Anatagiri Hills of the Eastern Ghats, near Visakhapatnam. They are at an, altitude ,of about 800 to 1300 meters and are famous for million-year-old stalactite and
  50. States, professional,military, and commercial astronauts who travel above an, altitude ,of are awarded astronaut wings. As of June 20, 2011,a total of 523 people from

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