Examples of the the word, fulfilment , in a Sentence Context

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  1. From neighboring countries. The absence of VAT also led to the growth of a, fulfilment , industry,whereby low-value luxury items, such as videos, lingerie and contact
  2. One ought always to do what one wants to do; e.g. in the long term,the, fulfilment , of short-term desires may prove detrimental to the self. Fleeting clearance
  3. The promise itself has three parts: offspring, blessings,and land. The, fulfilment , of the promise to each patriarch depends on having a male heir, and the story
  4. Of the Last Supper and a foreshadowing of the heavenly banquet – the, fulfilment , of the Eucharistic promise. Other Low Church Anglicans believe in the Real
  5. Use John makes of Ezekiel, his ultimate purpose is to present Revelation as a, fulfilment , of Daniel 7. The Book (s) of Kings (- the two books were originally one)
  6. After Robert, King of Naples had sent both a fleet and an army against them. In, fulfilment , of an oath, on his return from Italy Louis founded Etta Abbey on 28 April
  7. In 1904 where the deeds and values of Saint Edmund's life continue through, fulfilment , of the College's mission. The original mother house is at Cantigny, but since
  8. In Heaven and this is the only resurrection. There is no other life; man's, fulfilment , is in this life alone. Due to persecutions, this sect does not appear to have
  9. Other circumstances, such as arrest on suspicion of a crime or imprisonment in, fulfilment , of a sentence. The article also provides the right to be informed in a language
  10. Emphasizes the freedom of all to do good. Clement lays great stress on the, fulfilment , of moral obligations. In his ethical expressions he is influenced strongly by
  11. Messiah, in whom the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament find their, fulfilment , They believe he is the Son of Man, in that he inherited human nature (with
  12. Their text of Revelation with the prophecy they thought was being promised, fulfilment , For example, an anonymous Scottish commentary of 1871 prefaces Revelation 4
  13. The lovers can be together, and their desires can be openly expressed and reach, fulfilment , : it is the realm of oneness, truth and reality and can only be achieved fully
  14. Which is known self-evidently to be good, according as it tends towards the, fulfilment , of the person, istislah calls good whatever is connected to one of five" basic
  15. Extending a promise of deliverance to the remnant of Israel which remains. The, fulfilment , of this prophecy is commonly understood to have taken place when Judah was
  16. The test are rewarded with Paradise:" Verily for the Righteous there will be a, fulfilment , of (the heart's) desires;" According to the Islamic teachings, God exists
  17. Recognition meant a departure for Osaka from his medical practice and the, fulfilment , of a life's ambition—to become a full-time martial artist. Ohtsuka's
  18. Have included one on society and one on the state, but his death prevented, fulfilment , of this. Many of the radicals felt that Germany's lawmakers were continuing
  19. Been charged at a much lower rate than UK or French VAT, and as such Jersey's, fulfilment , industry continues. The strategy for introducing the new GST tax was to fill a
  20. Not be in the world an example of another genius so universal, so incapable of, fulfilment , so full of yearning for the infinite, so naturally refined, so far ahead of
  21. Appearance at Elton John's Thanksgiving concert at Madison Square Garden, in,fulfillment, of his promise to join the singer in a live show if" Whatever Gets You Through
  22. Of the Balkan League. But it was not a secret that Bulgaria's target was the, fulfilment , of the never materialized Treaty of San Stefano signed after the Russo-Turkish
  23. Attribute the origin of Theosophy to a universal striving for spiritual, fulfilment , which they assert exists in all cultures and at all times. According to
  24. For the crucifixion of Jesus" at the hands of the lawless" is viewed as the, fulfilment ,of the plan of God. Paul's Christology has a specific focus on the
  25. The measure is found in the price which a person is willing to pay for the, fulfilment , or satisfaction of his desire. (Marshall 1920:78) Cardinal and ordinal
  26. From all major sleep laboratories, led to the formulation of the expectation, fulfilment , theory of dreaming, which suggests that dreaming metaphorically completes
  27. To acquiring substantial skill, knowledge,and experience. However, personal,fulfillment, is the aim. Personal clubs are similar to Hobby Clubs. These
  28. Prompting the Dark Lord to attack the Potters in an attempt to prevent its, fulfilment , Though he asked Voldemort to spare Lily, Snape, still fearing for her safety
  29. The same time preventing Alcmena from delivering Heracles. This resulted in the, fulfilment , of Zeus's oath by Eurystheus rather than Heracles. Ovid According to Ovid's
  30. Deferred meanings of words in an utterance to a play between expectation and, fulfilment , of meaning. Eco comes to these positions through study of language and from
  31. The Apostle Paul also connects Jesus' death and resurrection with a, fulfilment , of scripture. Paul's epistles The earliest written records of the death and
  32. Of Antioch. He was the long-awaited male heir, and was named Alexis as a, fulfilment , of the AIMS prophecy. His reign and death),stirred up riots in the streets of
  33. S analysis, he states that Daemons formulaic plot lines typified the" wish, fulfilment ," mentality of 1970s Japan, where the electronics revolution glamorized the
  34. Republic, the independence of the Nation, the integrity of its territory or the, fulfilment , of its international commitments are under serious and immediate threat, and
  35. Conscience and his emotions, and ultimately to sacrifice his own life for its, fulfilment , He is subject to doubt, fears and even guilt. In the end he is the Son of Man
  36. In the scientific form of philosophy, contains only demands, shadowings; its, fulfilment , is given only in the Gospel, the object of certainty in theology, by which also
  37. Which was making some in the audience ridicule the disciples as drunks, was the, fulfilment , of the prophecy of Joel which described that God would pour out his Spirit on
  38. Of the obligations of membership, including EU law. Evaluation of a country's, fulfilment , of the criteria is the responsibility of the European Council. No member state
  39. Were older than the Greek philosophers and their authority is accredited by the, fulfilment , of their predictions (AOL., xix-xx ). The Scriptures and the teachings of
  40. The central focus of a person's faith, would be what Wesley referred to as" a, fulfilment , of the law of Christ. " Wesley believed that this doctrine should be constantly
  41. Of the staff or administration usually have education that is necessary for the, fulfilment , of their duties. Depending on the university, the main administration is more
  42. Greatly as a result of his military service, continued to seek emotional, fulfilment , initially in a succession of love affairs with men, including the actor Ivor
  43. Protection charms to more specific things such as financial success and sexual, fulfilment , It was also around this time that the legendary figure of Hermes Trismegistus
  44. Neighbouring countries. The absence of VAT has also led to the growth of the, fulfilment , industry,whereby low-value luxury items, such as videos, lingerie and contact
  45. The right understanding after the apostolic suggestion and the New Testament, fulfilment , Valuable though not binding is the exegetical tradition of the ecclesiastical
  46. Basis. To him the Bible was divinely inspired, as was proved both by the, fulfilment , of prophecy and by the immediate impression which the Scriptures made on those
  47. Imprisoned in an insane asylum by her husband; like Mary, Maria also finds, fulfilment , outside of marriage, in an affair with a fellow inmate and a friendship with
  48. Created Swan Song Records in 1974. As such, Coda can be seen as a contractual, fulfilment , " We're Going to Groove" opens the album and, according to the album notes, was
  49. April 1996,was" Fast love ", an energetic tune about wanting gratification and, fulfilment , without commitment. The song was somewhat unusual for a popular song, in that
  50. So that there were exactly 1000 years from the temple to Christ, who was the, fulfilment , of the Temple. Death In 1655,Usher published his last book, De Greece

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