Examples of the the word, invaluable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invaluable ), is the 6666 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The entire time. While not officially a diplomat, Louisa Adams did serve an, invaluable ,role as wife-of-diplomat, becoming a favorite of the tsar and making up for her
  2. To Germany in October 1938. The experience of the Spanish Civil War proved, invaluable ,- air and ground crews perfected their skills, and equipment was evaluated
  3. Hill provided Welles with an ad hoc educational environment that proved, invaluable ,to his creative experience, allowing Welles to concentrate on subjects that
  4. And its allies also committed the colonies and Dominions, which provided, invaluable ,military, financial and material support. Over 2.5 million men served in the
  5. A well was dug. An elaborate set of stairs were built, and the well served as an, invaluable , protected source of drinking water during times of siege for some portion of
  6. Construction. Bronze also has very low metal-on-metal friction, which made it, invaluable ,for the building of cannon where iron cannonballs would otherwise stick in the
  7. Fiction," as Dick felt that he could not sell a mainstream novel. Providing, invaluable ,aid in this field was Judy-Lynn del Rey, head of Ballantine Books' SF division
  8. LCAO-MO method),especially in qualitative or very approximate usage. They are, invaluable ,in providing a simple model of bonding in molecules, understood through
  9. Roman form of the elegiac couplet. Catullus, the first of these, is an, invaluable ,link between the Alexandrine school and the subsequent elegies of Bibulous and
  10. Across the Dnieper River and closed in on Kiev, the JU 87s again rendered, invaluable ,support. On 13 September, Stukas from STG 1 destroyed all the rail networks in
  11. Sons into the Kikuyu system willingly, as they saw this as a potentially, invaluable ,career opportunity for their children. Eventually the Sultan turned to foreign
  12. In 1958,does not provide an intimate record of her personal life, but it is an, invaluable ,source for understanding a vibrant part of British society in the late 19th
  13. Of gladiators. Mosaics dating from the 2nd through 4th centuries CE have been, invaluable ,in the reconstruction of combat and its rules, gladiator types and the
  14. Rose. Many of the cannons and other weapons from the Mary Rose have provided, invaluable ,physical evidence about 16th century weapon technology. The surviving
  15. To various branches of physical geography such as Curtis Mar but and his, invaluable ,legacy for Penology, Mark Jefferson, Isaiah Bowman, among others. Notable
  16. To museum collections was denied. Once he gave permission, his advice was, invaluable , In 1963, he helped Ruth De Ette get started at a site in the Calico Hills of
  17. Necessarily involves the cloud from which the star formed, ammonia is an, invaluable ,tool in understanding this surrounding molecular material. Since this molecular
  18. Which have the" wrong" connection between spin and statistics, have proved, invaluable ,in explaining the quantum particle behavior of the Yang–Mills theories, for
  19. Tactics, gaining a keen insight into their strengths and weaknesses that proved, invaluable ,during the Revolution. He demonstrated his toughness and courage in the most
  20. Believed was inevitable. Nonetheless, for Green,Polybius's Histories remain, invaluable ,and the best source for the era it covers. Ron Mellor also sees Polybius as
  21. Two moons of Mars. Since its interstellar discovery,NH3 has proved to be an, invaluable ,spectroscopic tool in the study of the interstellar medium. With a large number
  22. Government. Long before the council became a bulwark of democracy, it rendered, invaluable ,aid to the institution of kingship by: # Preserving the institution of kingship
  23. In them back to Sanders for more than $1.5 million. This experience would prove, invaluable ,to Thomas when he began Wendy's about a year later. Wendy's Thomas opened his
  24. Becoming aces by downing five or more enemy aircraft. Such long legs were, invaluable ,until the P-47 N and P-51D entered service. Postwar operations The end of the
  25. Invariance. This invariance under cyclic transformations makes Kuiper's test, invaluable ,when testing for cyclic variations by time of year or day of the week or time
  26. Over CCTV videotapes; useless with computers) * George, the cleaner (, invaluable ,source of information) * The 'Colored Crayon' Department - the users of
  27. 1,1931. Lewis Wickets Hine's photography of the construction provides not only, invaluable ,documentation of the construction, but also a glimpse into common day life of
  28. Phylogenies. However, despite these limitations, the inclusion of fossils is, invaluable , as they can provide information in sparse areas of trees, breaking up long
  29. Algorithms are complex, and the experience of tracing through runs is, invaluable , Section Implementations lists many free GP systems. Typically, they are
  30. Kurt Gödel – computability – not a computer scientist per se, but his work was, invaluable ,in the field * Ian Goldberg – cryptographer, off-the-record messaging * Odd
  31. Missiles such as Penguin or Sea Skua, to attack them. The helicopter is also, invaluable ,for search and rescue operation and has largely replaced the use of small boats
  32. Collections of the 20th century; UC Santa Cruz is honored to receive this, invaluable ,gift. The Grateful Dead and UC Santa Cruz are both highly innovative
  33. Design and programming. He realized that a language like Small talk would be, invaluable ,in building development environments for system developers at ITT. However, he
  34. Stern," Gomez" Kaiser," Lukas" Talk and" Gal" Alice, who would prove, invaluable ,in combat). The operation was met by communists with enthusiasm, but by
  35. Be adopted. By secretly giving inside information to the Kootenai, Maria was an, invaluable ,ally. As stated in the Alexia, Isaac and Alexios left Constantinople in
  36. In Liberia (UNTIL) were presented with UN Peacekeeping medals for their ", invaluable ,contribution to the peace process. " Up to three Ethiopian battalions used to
  37. The Christian Faith ', that went into seven editions over 20 years: an, invaluable ,instrument of Theological learning for generations of students of Catholicism.
  38. The blaze, which destroyed a collection of Japanese prints that Wright declared, invaluable , Wright estimated the loss at $250,000 to $500,000. Wright rebuilt the living
  39. Since Qt 4.7. Development tools Within JavaScript, access to a debugger becomes, invaluable ,when developing large, non-trivial programs. Because there can be
  40. Allen Spinal Cord Atlas project. All of these scientific findings will prove, invaluable ,to international researchers working on cures for neurological and nervous
  41. There need no Embellishment to pronounce them excellent samples; but the most, invaluable ,of all is the Flax-plant, which grows more luxuriant than in New Zealand. ”
  42. Legislative, and judicial branches of government, and constitute an, invaluable ,source of primary source materials for students and faculty in political
  43. Bengali, Persian and Arabic, among others, described by Tome Fires as of, invaluable ,richness. Despite its wealth, it was mostly a wooden-built city, with few
  44. On an island in the Marta River in Poznań. Nowadays, the Polish lakes provide an, invaluable ,location for the pursuit of water sports such as yachting and wind-surfing. The
  45. Guide to 19th-Century Polish-Language Civil-Registration Documents can be, invaluable , Available sources may include vital records (civil or church registration)
  46. Dad's Army, broadcast in July 1968. Captain Mainspring says" We have one, invaluable ,weapon in our armory: ingenuity and improvisation ", to which Private Fraser
  47. And Nyquist plots were extensively used as design tools. Even today, they are, invaluable ,tools to understanding filter behavior. Reference books had extensive plots of
  48. Electrical systems. Nevertheless, the ability to sketch ideas is still, invaluable ,for quickly communicating with others. Although most electrical engineers will
  49. In ways that literally have never been seen before. The images are also, invaluable ,for conveying the effects of climate change to non-scientists. Adding the
  50. To the royal family; his assistance toward the end of Friedrich’s career proved, invaluable ,to the ailing and impoverished artist. Zhukov sky remarked that his friend's

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