Examples of the the word, immense , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immense ), is the 6670 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was not such as to soften these peculiarities. He was also noted for his, immense ,physical strength, though the large we non the left side of his nose caused him
  2. Rich saddles and housings, carrying hawks on their wrist, followed by an, immense ,train of attendants. The bells of the churches were rung as they passed. They
  3. In foreign policy. In this treaty - which was never ratified due to its, immense ,unpopularity - the United States was to give up rights to use the Mississippi
  4. Decca were arranged. But the torrential rain and violence of the rivers caused, immense ,hardship to the Mughal and the communication with the Mughal fleet and Latham
  5. Directed toward her farming, sheep-breeding,and land conservation. The, immense ,popularity of Potter’s books was based on the lively quality of her
  6. Break apart as they cross over it, causing their horses to dredge through an, immense ,river. Prose Edda The bridge is mentioned in the Prose Edda books Gylfaginning
  7. Berlin's residents were French, and their cultural influence on the city was, immense , Many other immigrants came from Bohemia, Poland,and Salzburg. With the
  8. Othello Excel gave the version of" Amazing Grace" set to" New Britain ", immense ,popularity by publishing it in a series of hymnals that were used in urban
  9. The major navies of the world The stakes were high, the pressure on Bellicose, immense , and his caution certainly understandable. His judgment might have been that
  10. Publications He wrote a number of books and papers two of which are of, immense ,importance namely (1). India in Transition, about the preparation politics
  11. Antoni Saudi, which can be seen throughout the city. His best known work is the, immense ,but still unfinished church of the Sagrada Família, which has been under
  12. Both simultaneously. The new designs of armored cruiser might inflict, immense ,damage on British trade worldwide in the event of a war. For this reason, the
  13. Ruhr Khan and Cinnabar Khan. The death of his children caused ` Abdul’Baha, immense ,grief – in particular the death of his son Human Effendi came at a difficult
  14. From Hogan. At WrestleMania III, he was billed at, and the stress of such, immense ,weight on his bones and joints resulted in constant pain. This took place in
  15. The help which he wanted from the West was simply mercenary forces and not the, immense ,hosts which arrived, to his consternation and embarrassment, after the pope
  16. In order to achieve a state of grace, happiness,or contentment. Since its, immense ,popularity and iconic nature," grace" and the meaning behind the words of "
  17. By Frederick Warner & Co. and earned Potter an independent income as well as, immense ,profits for her publisher. In 1905,Beatrix and Norman Warner became
  18. Shot Fashion) and Take Saith, the film premiered in April 1961 and was an, immense ,success at the box office, earning more than any previous Kurosawa film.
  19. Reconstruction Northern anger over the assassination of Lincoln and the, immense ,human cost of the war led to demands for harsh policies. Vice President Andrew
  20. Disease (the latter with Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt). He accumulated, immense ,experience in neurosyphilis, having a 200-bedded ward devoted exclusively to
  21. Children as slaves. Thence Barbarossa sailed to NixOS, whence he carried off an, immense ,booty, compelling the Duke of NixOS to purchase his further independence by a
  22. Roosevelt, the U. S. entered the" race" to develop the bomb, drawing on its ", immense ,material, financial,and scientific resources" to initiate the Manhattan
  23. Work, Chess Praxis, elaborates upon these ideas, adds a few new ones, and has, immense ,value as a stimulating collection of Nimzowitsch's own games accompanied by
  24. And Mexico, which still considered Texas a part of their land, created an, immense ,motive for Sam Houston, the first and third President of the Republic of Texas
  25. Particularly to politics. His non-violent resistance movement satyagraha had an, immense ,impact on India, impressed public opinion in Western countries and influenced
  26. Kurosawa's movies. However, Kurosawa did not want to smother the young actor's, immense ,vitality, and Mifune's rebellious character electrified audiences in much the
  27. But that in 2005,the price was down to four cows indicating that supply was ", immense ,". The weapon has appeared in a number of conflicts including clashes in the
  28. Of buildings have been exposed, which are perhaps part of the Serapeum. Nearby, immense ,catacombs and columbaria have been opened which may have been appendages of the
  29. Part of a Gothic-led grand coalition of lower Danube tribes which inflicted, immense ,damage on the Balkan provinces of the Roman Empire in a series of massive
  30. Group X3J10,APL remains highly data-parallel. This gives language implementers, immense ,freedom to schedule operations as efficiently as possible. As computer
  31. Papyrus and associated plants, including the soft-wooded ambush, flourish in, immense ,quantities, and little else is found in the way of vegetation. South Africa is
  32. In the north-east of the city, but little else. Hogarth explored part of an, immense ,brick structure under the mound of Km al-Dikka, which may have been part of
  33. Her know her army has had a glorious victory. " Aftermath French losses were, immense ,: over 30,000 killed, wounded and missing. Moreover, the myth of French
  34. Encounter pondered anthropology's ties to colonial inequality, while the, immense ,popularity of theorists such as Antonio Gram sci and Michel Foucault moved
  35. Bombast and continuous venting of Radian rage," Rand's ethics are" a most, immense ,achievement, the study of which is vastly more fruitful than any other in
  36. The term" Magnus" to Albert us during his own lifetime, referring to his, immense ,reputation as a scholar and philosopher. Albert us was educated principally at
  37. Self-written mini-operetta The Girl with the Golden Hair. The concert attracted, immense ,media attention from across Europe and Australia. They continued the tour
  38. Is usually the case. On the south side of the cloister stood the refectory,an, immense ,building, long and wide, accommodating six longitudinal and three transverse
  39. Do, I Do" and" Mamma Mia" on nationwide television in August 1975 started an, immense ,interest in ABBA,resulting 1 positions on both the single and album
  40. Of poor technique or desperation. Sometimes it has been used, because of its, immense ,potential power, to finish off an already staggering opponent who seems unable
  41. A large stone cross. To the south of the church lay the cloister-court, of, immense , size,placed much farther to the west than is usually the case. On the south
  42. Been questioned, even during the period of their prominence. In spite of the, immense ,resources spent on battleships, there were few pitched battleship clashes. Even
  43. And theory of knowledge. The first thinker to be deeply sensitive to the, immense ,difficulties to be found here was Augustine, who labored almost to despair
  44. Engraved objects in great number for example, ring-bezels and gems; and an, immense ,quantity of clay impressions, taken from these. *Weapons, tools and implements;
  45. Was inflamed with desire to have her—which is Aphrodite's realm. Due to her, immense ,beauty, Zeus was frightened that she would be the cause of violence between the
  46. Was close by. The bakehouse, also remaining, is a detached building of, immense ,size. English Clinic houses The first English house of the Clinic order was
  47. In a northwest-southeast direction. The vast extent of the islands defines an, immense ,exclusive economic zone of. The westernmost point of this area is from the
  48. Of Families is very similar to that of Blenheim, for here too there is an, immense ,area of arable land unimpeded by woods or hedges. Villeroy’s right rested on
  49. Objects of antiquity being discovered. The wealth underground is doubtlessly, immense ,; but despite all efforts, there is not much for antiquarians to see in
  50. Had themselves been influenced by Western Renaissance draftsmanship) had an, immense ,influence on Impressionism and subsequent development. Later, African

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