Examples of the the word, ge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ge ), is the 6676 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Occidental is: A (a),B (be),C (CE),D (DE),E (e),F (EF),G (, ge , ),H (ha),I (i),J (jot),K (key),L (El),M (em),N (en),O (o
  2. Noun. Phrases consisting of a number, a classifier, and a noun, such as (Yi, ge , rén,one-person),are known as" classifier phrases ". Some linguists have
  3. Ğ (" musk GE "; i.e." soft g" ): a, be,CE, çe, de, e,Fe, ge , yumuşak, ge , he, ı,i, je, ke, le, me,né, o,ö,pe’re,see, şe, te, u,ü, ve,ye, ze
  4. Note that English loan words with this spelling usually use the resound; * ‹, ge , › mostly in the end of the word in many French loanwords, like
  5. Say" one person" or" this person ", Chinese speakers say respectively (Yi, ge , rén,one-person) or (the GE men,this-person). If a noun is preceded by
  6. Mass-classifiers often do: phrases with count-classifiers such as (Yi, ge , rén,one-person) can only be translated as" one person" or" a person "
  7. Where its use is inevitable, like Fans (France),farmers (pharmacy) G/g (, ge , ) gap (talk),bank (mad),bag (garden),being (herd of camels),Padang
  8. Markka. In Helsinki slang, the post-1963 new markka was known as hu ge HU., ge , ( from Swedish tundra" a hundred" ). Coins When the markka was introduced
  9. Person ", Chinese speakers say respectively (Yi GE men,one-person) or (the, ge , rén,this-person). If a noun is preceded by both a demonstrative and a number
  10. Year),you Nanchang (a certain factory),to Xiao (our school),Liang, ge , rén (two people). ##Numbers up to 100 are written as single words: Gandhian
  11. English. In Cantonese, a similar phrase would be rendered as" Diagram Neil GAM, ge , " Or literally" Why you like that? " The" one" in the sample phrase does
  12. Is the earth goddess. In Akkadian orthography she has the syllabic values' GI, ge , QI, qe (for toponyms). Some scholars identify her with Ninhursag (lady of
  13. Po) 1289—1326,grandson Jam yang King Sense ('jam bangs run DGA' sent, ge , ) 1289—1326,great-grandson Lord Sense (blog grow sent GE) 1345—1390,and
  14. Cannot ordinarily say *"five mud ", a Chinese speaker cannot say * (WU, ge , nì,five-mud). For such mass nouns, one must use mass-classifiers.
  15. Gzhon nu sent GE) 1200—1266,and he buy his nephew Lima Sense (NYC ma sent, ge , ) 1251—1287. The linea ge then went to his cousin More Ling pa Sense Wherein (
  16. Standard of placing vowel e after a consonant by default (be, ce, de, ge , ),but before colorants (El, en ) and voiceless fricatives (EF, es). The
  17. Who lived a simple life. Lorena built the URI (DBU RI) and Sin ge r (sent, ge , ri) monasteries and visited Bhutan where he founded Thar paling (their pa going
  18. Long in advance, historically in a ge neration poem (bani loan 班次聯 or paid, ge , 派字歌 in Chinese) listing the names. Also, siblings ' names are frequently
  19. Then went to his cousin More Ling pa Sense Wherein (do rue going pa sent, ge , shes RAB) 1238—1287,son of Logon Sontag (Dion stag) a member of the branch
  20. Or high-spin d5 configurations, the effective magnetic moment takes the form (, ge , = 2.0023 ... ≈ 2),: \mu _\some 2\sort\mu _=\sort\mu _, where n is the number
  21. Part valley. It was built around the Taking Sense Seymour (stag ts hang sent, ge , bsam grub) cave where he is said to have meditated in the 8th Century. He flew
  22. Its shape, Lake of Kennesaw (Luke 5:1,etc.),from Dinosaur (Hebrew),GE,", valley ", and either nether," branch ", or nation," to guard "," to watch
  23. Night is the older, by one day. " — Thales;: To gar hey, eàn poly, ou TI, ge , hēdý.:" A sweet thing tasted too often is no lon ge r sweet. ";: To Dis
  24. Orthography diver ge d from that used by the diaspora. The Ukrainian letter, ge , ґ was banned in the Soviet Union from 1933 until the period of Glasnost in
  25. Gros sent GE) 1345—1390,and great-great-grandson Wherein Sense (she's RAB sent, ge , ) 1371—1392. These first nine holders of Santa Gyare's linea ge were known as
  26. Which already have the counterparts of KO, k'o, and ho that represent pinyin, ge , KE, and he. Punctuation In addition to the apostrophes used for distinguishing
  27. Each have two possible spellings at the end of a word, ck and k for, d ge and, ge , for,and TCH and ch for. The spelling is determined by the type of vowel that
  28. Plains name cop />. Plains are subsequently incorporated in 1896 name, ge , />. Plains' continued to experience growth fueled by cotton cultivation well
  29. Ends and desires. Origin and usa ge The word comes from Old English out, or,GE, oht, from stem of ENSAN" to conceive of in the mind, consider ". In common
  30. And the pioneering Wise Sanitarium were both built in the 1920s name, ge , />. Despite differentiation into peanut cultivation name GE />, the Great
  31. 6.4 % from 18 to 24,28.3 % from 25 to 44,22.9 % from 45 to 64,and 18.0 % 65,GE, or older. The median a ge was 39. For every 100 females there were 95.9 males.
  32. Gyare's linea ge were known as the" Incompatible Nine Lions" ( Maya med sent, ge , dgu). Wherein Sense, who died at the a ge of 21,was succeeded on the throne of
  33. Like in English, which can be written with ‹ j ›, ‹ g ›, ‹ DG ›, ‹ DGE ›, or ‹, ge , › ). In other cases, there are not enough letters in the alphabet to represent
  34. In Unicode, they are and. Turkish use In Turkish, the ğ is known as musk, ge ,'soft g' and is the ninth letter of the Turkish alphabet. It is very similar
  35. Exception is ğ (" musk GE "; i.e." soft g" ): a, be,CE, çe, de, e,Fe, ge , musk GE, he,ı, i,JE, ke, le, me,né, o,ö,pe’re,see, şe, te, u,ü, ve
  36. Drama Sense was succeeded by his own nephew Hönne Sense (Zion nu sent, ge , ) 1200—1266,and he buy his nephew Lima Sense (NYC ma sent GE) 1251—1287. The
  37. Ge, PMo; also Ta, occ. Wo means that the outcome is -e for a guttural (i.e., ge , KE, he,e); -o for a labial (i.e. PO, bo, mo ); -UO elsewhere; but for
  38. B (be); C, c (CE); D, d (DE); E, e (e); F, f (Fe / EF); G, g (the /, ge , ); H, h (ha / has); I, i (i); Î, î (î din i); J, j (JE); K, k (key /
  39. Proposals. The modified Kabocha abecedary is:::::: a, be,CE, de, e,EF, ge , ha, ::::: i, je, ka, el, om, en,o, pa,::::: AR, es, ta,u, vi,CA, ĝe, ::::: hi
  40. Into the later Zhou Dynasty. Name Sun /> The discovery of a Chenggu-style, ge , dag ge r-axe at Xiaohenan demonstrates that even at this early sta ge of Chinese
  41. Garden (1988) gives a list of 22 spellings (‹ ch ›, ‹ Che ›, ‹ g ›, ‹,GE, ›,‹ GI ›, ‹ IGE ›, ‹ j ›, ‹ JE ›, ‹ SC ›, ‹ sch ›, ‹ sh ›, ‹ Shi ›, ‹ is ›, ‹
  42. Town until Jimmy Carter rose to political prominence in the 1970s name, ge , />. Geneva is a town in Talbot County, Georgia,United States. The population
  43. Consonant letters are the consonant plus e. The one exception is ğ (" musk, ge ,"; i.e." soft g" ): a, be,CE, çe, de, e,Fe, ge , yumuşak GE, he,ı, i,JE
  44. With phonetically equivalent native Italian letters and digraphs: ‹ GI › or ‹, ge , › for ‹ j ›; ‹ c › or ‹ ch › for ‹ k › (including in the standard prefix kilo-
  45. In the subsequent Han Dynasty that the Warring States era Chinese had employed, ge , chuan ships (dag ge r-axe ships, or halberd ships),thought to have a simple
  46. 1920's name GE />. Despite differentiation into peanut cultivation name, ge , />, the Great Depression deprived the community of much of its prosperity
  47. France / Belgium Golden Lion (Venice Film Festival):: Not One Less (Yi, ge , dou by Deng Shaw),directed by Zhang You, China Golden Bear (Berlin Film
  48. Rin Chen) 1258—1313 who was succeeded in turn by his son Sense Alpo (sent, ge , rgyal PO) 1289—1326,grandson Jam yang King Sense ('jam bangs run DGA '
  49. Kun DGA' sent GE) 1289—1326,great-grandson Lord Sense (blog grow sent, ge , ) 1345—1390,and great-great-grandson Wherein Sense (she's RAB sent GE)
  50. Lha 'bum). The linea ge passed to Sense Sherab's brother Sense Inches (sent, ge , rin Chen) 1258—1313 who was succeeded in turn by his son Sense Alpo (sent

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