Examples of the the word, irrigation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( irrigation ), is the 6665 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Less than per year, with the result that agriculture was totally dependent upon, irrigation , Prior to the Akkadian period the progressive salinization of the soils
  2. Sargon thus became a gardener, responsible for the task of clearing out, irrigation ,canals. This gave him access to a disciplined corps of workers, who also may
  3. Seem to have been a regular occurrence, requiring constant maintenance of, irrigation ,ditches and drainage systems. Farmers were recruited into regiments for this
  4. Lost to desertification and erosion from human industrial activities. Improper, irrigation ,of farm land can wick the sodium, calcium,and magnesium from the soil and
  5. Raising domesticated species. For plants, this usually requires some form of, irrigation , although there are methods of dryland farming; pastoral herding on rangeland
  6. Including large-scale intensive cultivation of land, monocropping,organized, irrigation , and the use of a specialized labor force, particularly along the waterway now
  7. 3.3 billion, as well as other livestock in lesser quantities. In this region, irrigation ,is widely used. Wheat, accounting for almost half of the $2 billion
  8. Sciences include research and development on: * Production techniques (e.g., irrigation ,management, recommended nitrogen inputs) * Improving agricultural productivity
  9. Low atmospheric pressure would make liquid water, let alone a planet-girding, irrigation ,system, impossible. Wallace originally became interested in the topic because
  10. Lesser and more geographically focused cultivation of barley and oats. Using, irrigation , maize, cotton and rice are also grown on the banks of the Guadalquivir and
  11. The sea anymore and is lost in the desert. Use of water from the Amu Darya for, irrigation ,has been a major contributing factor to the shrinking of the Aral Sea since the
  12. Such as sunflower and peanuts have gained favor. There are many multi-state, irrigation ,projects in development, including Goddard River Basin Irrigation Projects and
  13. Was stopped in 1904 and the canal has since then, been exclusively used for, irrigation ,purposes only. At present the canal does not flow in district Gurgaon, but only
  14. Of sheep and goats to graze on the stubble and be watered from the river and, irrigation ,canals. For this privilege, they would have to pay a tax in wool, meat,milk
  15. Regionally and globally, fluctuates due to human and climatic factors such as, irrigation , deforestation, desertification,terracing, landfill,and urban sprawl.
  16. And interaction with more distant communities. Southwest farmers developed, irrigation ,techniques appropriate to seasonal rainfall, including soil and water control
  17. Above-average rainfall. This would allow crops to be grown without benefit of, irrigation , At the same time, nearby areas experiencing significantly drier patterns were
  18. Agriculture The ancient peoples of the Andes such as the Incas have practiced, irrigation ,techniques for over 6,000 years. Because of the mountain slopes, terracing has
  19. Of the common man by building universities for study, and water transit and, irrigation ,systems for trade and agriculture. He treated his subjects as equals regardless
  20. Of taxation, the reconquest of Sudan, the inauguration of the substantial, irrigation ,works at Aswan, and the increase of cheap, sound education, each received his
  21. The Baroque Canal, Karshi Canal, and Bukhara Canal were among the largest of the, irrigation ,diversions built. The Main Turkmen Canal was a proposed project that would have
  22. Two rivers approached, and whoever controlled Fish ultimately controlled the, irrigation ,systems of the other cities downstream. As Sargon extended his conquest from
  23. Ancient culture, as smaller streams were more easily diverted or controlled for, irrigation , Cultural characteristics The Ancient Pueblo culture is perhaps best known for
  24. Trial of Henry Wire, POW camp commander The Agra Canal is an important Indian, irrigation ,work which starts from Okla in Delhi. The Agra canal originates from Okla
  25. The land. Farmers were also subject to a labor tax and were required to work on, irrigation ,or construction projects in a corvée system. Artists and craftsmen were of
  26. Particularly important in areas which are normally arid and rely upon constant, irrigation , and on large scale farms. However, genetic engineering of plants has proven to
  27. Is a significant drop in Lake Sevan's water level because of draw downs for, irrigation ,and the diversion of water to hydroelectric plants to compensate for the
  28. Near East, and Europe began making use of agricultural technologies including, irrigation ,systems based on hydraulic and hydrostatic principles, machines such as normal
  29. End up at dry deserts. The state needs more than $2 billion to rehabilitate its, irrigation ,systems so that the water is properly managed. At, Afghanistan is the world's
  30. Goddard, Krishna,Penna, and Thungabhadra flow through the state, providing, irrigation , Rice, sugarcane,cotton, Chili pepper, mango,and tobacco are the local crops.
  31. Cultivation is dryland farming of cereals and sunflowers without artificial, irrigation , especially in the vast countryside of the Guadalquivir valley and the high
  32. A system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation ,systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, Egypt
  33. Is reduced. Making non-arable land arable often involves digging new, irrigation ,canals and new wells, aqueducts,desalination plants, planting trees for shade
  34. Rainfall, only annually on average. As a result, agricultural areas require, irrigation , Approximately of the land is irrigated. The greatest precipitation falls in
  35. Were paid in produce and labor on public walls, including city walls, temples, irrigation , canals and waterways, producing huge agricultural surpluses. In later Assyrian
  36. Genetic engineers may someday develop transgenic plants which would allow for, irrigation , drainage, conservation,sanitary engineering, and maintaining or increasing
  37. Infrastructures (and offering services): health, education,systems of, irrigation , which stripped the responsibility away from the state. The state provides
  38. Red River Soil and Water Conservation District as a reservoir for agricultural, irrigation ,in times of need and for recreation purposes. The recreation area camping area
  39. Under the direction of the vizier, state officials collected taxes, coordinated, irrigation , projects to improve crop yield, drafted peasants to work on construction
  40. Cereals rice, corn,and wheat provide 60 % of human food supply. For example, irrigation ,increased corn yields in eastern Colorado by 400 to 500 % from 1940 to 1997.
  41. By 6000 BC, mid-scale farming was entrenched on the banks of the Nile. This, as, irrigation , had not yet matured sufficiently. About this time, agriculture was developed
  42. By hand, and could also be used to transfer water from a body of water into, irrigation ,canals. The Archimedes screw is still in use today for pumping liquids and
  43. Period the progressive salinization of the soils, produced by poorly drained, irrigation , had been reducing yields of wheat in the southern part of the country, leading
  44. For Natural Resources in Africa. History Agricultural practices such as, irrigation , crop rotation, fertilizers,and pesticides were developed long ago, but have
  45. Western Azerbaijan. The waters of the reservoir provide hydroelectric power and, irrigation ,of the Kura-Aras plain. Most of the country's rivers are not navigable. About
  46. The pharaohs of the 12th Dynasty undertook a far-sighted land reclamation and, irrigation ,scheme to increase agricultural output in the region. Moreover, the military
  47. Inhabitants, introduced from northern Spain, the workings of the terracing and, irrigation ,systems on which the district's agriculture depends. Much as Andalusia
  48. Conditions of the Nile River Valley. The predictable flooding and controlled, irrigation ,of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which fueled social development
  49. Around 2 t/ha, African under 1 t/ha, Egypt and Arabia up to 3.5 to 4 t/ha with, irrigation , In contrast, the average wheat yield in countries such as France is over 8
  50. Greenhouses are also sometimes included. Sometimes they are also outfitted with, irrigation ,systems or heat sink-systems which can respectively irrigate the plants or help

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