Examples of the the word, glow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glow ), is the 6659 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gas, incandescent solid particles called soot produce the familiar red-orange, glow ,of 'fire '. This light has a continuous spectrum. Complete combustion of gas
  2. Great bound, : :A far-away light up the forestays running:: :You convey a, glow ,to a ship in trouble, : :Sailed in the darkness. The poem was written in Sapphire
  3. Excitation (called" perturbation technique" ) to measure electro-photonic, glow , The Molotov methods are used in some hospitals and athletic training programs
  4. In culture In computer graphics * Electric Indigo is sometimes used as a, glow ,color for computer graphics lighting, possibly because it seems to change color
  5. Which exhibit little or no layered structure),fire agate (which seems to, glow ,internally like an opal) and Mexican crazy-lace agate (which exhibits an
  6. Voltage is applied, the glass opposite of the negative electrode is observed to, glow , due to electrons emitted from and travelling perpendicular to the cathode (
  7. To ten times brighter than clear nights, any organisms that are affected by sky, glow ,(e.g. zooplankton and fish that visually prey on them) are much more likely
  8. For astronomers. Cold, dark molecular clouds of gas and dust in our galaxy will, glow ,with radiated heat as they are irradiated by embedded stars. Infrared can also
  9. Increases, the peak shifts to shorter wavelengths, producing first a red, glow , then a white one, and finally a blue color as the peak moves out of the
  10. Cigarettes' which were fitted into the cylinder head as a primitive, glow ,plug. Lucas developed the Thermostat, where an electrical heating element was
  11. The vision of some pageant passing through the garden in the deep, rich, glow , of light and the splendor of flowers. " The suffering of Alice Jacobus was
  12. Hydrogen peroxide is used with phenol oxalate ester and an appropriate dye in, glow ,sticks as an oxidizing agent. It reacts with the ester to form an unstable
  13. Example of this is the cosmic microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform, glow ,that fills the sky in the microwave part of the spectrum; stars, galaxies and
  14. Of the party dawns. Act Two Armfeldt's country estate is bathed in the golden, glow ,of perpetual summer sunset at this high latitude (" Night Waltz One and Two "
  15. Lights may be confused with ground lights. Sky glow refers to the ", glow ," effect that can be seen overpopulated areas. It is the combination of all
  16. Of the tube, exciting the atoms of the glass and causing them to emit light,a, glow ,called fluorescence. Researchers noticed that objects placed in the tube in
  17. Upon impact on the cathode, sputter cathode material that is excited in the, glow ,discharge to emit the radiation of the sputtered material, i. e., the element
  18. Definitions also include limits on light emitted above 90 degrees to reduce sky, glow , ) Over-illumination is the excessive use of light.
  19. Many, are fluorine and hydrogen, and hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. The, glow ,of a flame is complex. Black-body radiation is emitted from soot, gas,and fuel
  20. Eventually reaches the eyepiece. This direct form of light pollution causes a, glow ,across the field of view which reduces contrast. Light trespass also makes it
  21. Bläck (" ink" ). More distant cognates include Latin flag rare (" to blaze, glow , burn" ), and Ancient Greek fleeing (" to burn, scorch "). Black supplanted
  22. For each tone). 'SORRY ...' produced 0101010101 ..., which made the lights, glow ,with equal brightness when the tuning was correct. This tuning sequence is only
  23. Combustion engines without spark plugs Many model airplanes use very simple ", glow ," and" Diesel" engines. Glow engines use glow plugs. " Diesel" model
  24. With input from optics expert Richard Better of," recreating the huddle and, glow ,of a pre-electrical age. " Awards The film received Academy Awards for Best Art
  25. Him. As they celebrate the return of the ring and its gold to the river, a red, glow ,is seen in the sky. As the people watch, deeply moved, the interior of Valhalla
  26. Directions, that is not associated with any star, galaxy,or other object. This, glow ,is strongest in the microwave region of the radio spectrum. The CMB's
  27. Actually seemed to be an advantage, conferring some sort of puzzling magic, glow ,upon the speaker. World population is still growing, and UN projections show
  28. Cool the exhausts overheated after a while. Flame dampers prevented the exhaust, glow ,on night operations, but they had an effect on performance. Multiple ejector
  29. Sunlight on the dust particles. It forms a slightly more luminous, oval, glow , directly opposite the Sun within the band of luminous zodiacal light. The
  30. For their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform, glow ,that fills the Universe in the microwave band of the radio spectrum. * 1997:
  31. Also incorporated a credit for reducing the amount of light trespass and sky, glow ,into their environmentally friendly building standard known as LEED. Light
  32. In many colors and degrees of transparency/opacity, including varieties that, glow ,in the dark or have internal glitter; peg boards come in various shapes and
  33. Dark. But a sufficiently sensitive radio telescope shows a faint background, glow , almost exactly the same in all directions, that is not associated with any
  34. Which is fluorescent. Illumination with a UV light gives a green/blue, glow ,if the test is positive. Copper and an aromatic amine As used by fumigators to
  35. On cloudy nights. Measurement and global effects Measuring the effect of sky, glow ,on a global scale is a complex procedure. The natural atmosphere is not
  36. In vacuum tubes. Other uses of the metal include high-energy lasers, vapor, glow , lamps,and vapor rectifiers. This technology is primarily applied to the
  37. Pump, to a pressure of around 10−3 atm and found that, instead of an arc,the, glow ,filled the tube. The voltage applied between the two electrodes of the tubes
  38. Airplanes use very simple" glow " and" Diesel" engines. Glow engines use, glow ,plugs. " Diesel" model airplane engines have variable compression ratios. Both
  39. Significantly more to sky- glow than an equal amount of yellow light. Sky, glow ,is of particular irritation to astronomers, because it reduces contrast in the
  40. Also became known as the City of the" Violet Crown" for the wintertime violet, glow ,of color across the hills just after sunset. Even today, many Austin businesses
  41. The anode (positive) end of the tube, the glass of the tube itself began to, glow , What was happening was that as more air was pumped from the tubes, the
  42. Inside back wall with fluorescent chemicals such as zinc sulfide, to make the, glow ,more visible. Cathode rays themselves are invisible, but this accidental
  43. Which is the rear head. Many descriptions of the amphisbaena say its eyes, glow ,like candles or lightning, but the poet Cancer seems to contradict this by
  44. RAAF generator or Tesla coil. In a darkened room, this is visible as a faint, glow ,but, in this case, the film is affected in a slightly different way from usual.
  45. Law, the peak will be at 1.06 mm corresponding to a frequency of 283 GHz. The, glow ,is very nearly uniform in all directions, but the tiny remaining variations
  46. Especially in solids. The high radioactivity of einsteinium produces a visible, glow ,and rapidly damages its crystalline metal lattice, with released heat of about
  47. The light going up into the sky which reduces visibility of stars, see sky, glow ,below. This is any light which is emitted more than 90 degrees above nadir. By
  48. Never gaining much speed, so these tubes didn't produce cathode rays. The, glow ,in the gas was caused when the electrons or ions struck gas atoms, exciting
  49. Of stars and planets, it was smaller, much hotter, and filled with a uniform, glow ,from its white-hot fog of hydrogen plasma. As the universe expanded, both the
  50. As red light, although sources of up to 1050 nm can be seen as a dull red, glow ,in intense sources. The onset of infrared is defined (according to different

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