Examples of the the word, chi , in a Sentence Context
The word ( chi ), is the 6662 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Or coriander),ran far chi (cilantro/coriander roots),cilantro (far, chi ,faring),spearmint (Sarandë),and panda nus leaves (bad tea). Other spices
- Besides general health benefits and stress management attributed to tai, chi ,training, aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advanced tai
- Phonemic sequence was palatalized and realized phonetically as, approximately, chi , ; however, now and are distinct, as evidenced by words like TI" Western style
- Breath, body heat, blood,lymph, peristalsis,etc.) The study of tai, chi ,Chuan primarily involves three aspects: * Health: An unhealthy or otherwise
- いぇ, イェ. *Si, Ti,Tu, Hu, Wi and We are often transcribed into English with Shi, chi , CSU, fu, i and e instead, according to contemporary pronunciation. *While no
- Dakuten reflects remake voicing, the original hiragana is used. For example, chi ,('blood' ) is spelled ち in plain hiragana. When Haney ('nose' ) and chi (
- Territory, but by 1936 official investigations uncovered 53 dimensions for the, chi ,varying from 200 millimeters to 1250 millimeters; 32 dimensions of the Cheng
- Arts, require students to wear a uniform during practice. In general, tai, chi , chuan schools do not require a uniform, but both traditional and modern
- Shoes. The physical techniques of tai chi Chuan are described in the tai, chi ,classics, a set of writings by traditional masters, as being characterized by
- Khi nu (" mouse-dropping chi li" ) is the next hottest. The green or red frisk, chi ,fa (" sky pointing chi li" ) is slightly less spicy that the smaller chi lies.
- Was generated using twelve pinwheels: five were termed (by the British) χ (", chi ,") wheels, another five ψ (" psi" ) wheels, and the remaining two the "
- Statistical formulas such as regression, uncertainty coefficient, t-test, chi , square,and various types of ANOVA (analyses of variance) are fundamental to
- Herbs in Thai cuisine include far chi , ( cilantro or coriander),ran far, chi ,(cilantro/coriander roots),cilantro (far chi faring),spearmint (Sarandë
- Of the name are meant to represent the capital Greek letters tau, epsilon,and, chi , as TeX is an abbreviation of τέχνη (ΤΕΧΝΗ – techno),Greek for both" art "
- The mole fraction is sometimes denoted by the lower case Greek letter χ (, chi ,) instead of a Roman x. For mixtures of gases, the letter y is recommended.
- Using sensors from a computer mouse. In traditional Chinese culture, qì (also, chi ,or ch'i) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is
- Including herbology, food therapy, physical training regimens (gong, tai, chi , chuan, and other martial arts training),combustion, tui Na, and acupuncture.
- Sz),(ż, rz),the palatal (ś, si) and (ź, zi),and (ch, h ) and (, chi , hi) *affricates (c),(dz),(CZ),(dz),(ć, ci),(dz, dzi)
- Comfortable clothing and flat-soled shoes. The physical techniques of tai, chi ,Chuan are described in the tai chi classics, a set of writings by traditional
- Stillness in movement ", a state of mental calm and meditation in the tai, chi ,form. In a form of meditation using visualization, such as Chinese Qi Gong, the
- S t-test) *F-distribution, the distribution of the ratio of two scaled, chi ,squared variables; useful e.g. for inferences that involve comparing variances
- Scriptstyle\sort has the Rayleigh distribution, also known as the, chi ,distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. Combination of two or more independent
- Body as an energy system, except that it involves the circulation of QI (I, chi ,) energy. The Qi energy, equivalent to the Hindu Prank, flows through the
- Of the ratio of a standard normal variable and the square root of a scaled, chi ,squared variable; useful for inference regarding the mean of normally
- Ferries del Been who took the role. For Del, vieni he wrote Al Desi DI, chi ’t'Dora –" come and fly To the desire of the one who adores you" ( K. 577)
- Of its scientific researches. Electronegativity, symbol χ (the Greek letter, chi ,), is a chemical property that describes the tendency of an atom or a
- A common activity, with elderly citizens encouraged to practice gong and tai, chi ,Chuan. Young people in China are also keen on basketball, especially in urban
- Kung Fu alive. Much of his physical abilities seem to stem from his mastery of, chi , which often allows him to surpass physical limitations of normal athletes. In
- Choir gave j, ch,k, t,p, and h the irregular one-syllable names of I, chi , I, ti,pi, and hi, because they should not be used as final consonants, as
- Chi ('blood' ) is spelled ち in plain hiragana. When Haney ('nose' ) and, chi ,('blood' ) combine to make Hawaii 'nose bleed' ), the sound of 血 changes
- With the fact that there is no certain evidence of the use of the letters, chi ,and rho as a Christian sign before Constantine. Its first appearance is on a
- Chinese classical elements. Nevertheless, the ancient Chinese concept of Qi or, chi ,is believed to be close to that of air. Qi (; spelled QI in Pinyin Romanization
- Training, aspects of traditional Chinese medicine are taught to advanced tai, chi ,students in some traditional schools. Some martial arts, especially the
- For its benefit to health and health maintenance. Medical studies of tai, chi ,support its effectiveness as an alternative exercise and a form of martial arts
- Outlook, and strengthen the will to live. " Other practices such as yoga, tai, chi , and meditation may also have a positive impact on physical and psychological
- T, E,X in the name come from capital Greek letters tau, epsilon,and, chi , as the name of derives from the (skill, art,technique); for this reason, 's
- Fist "," great extremes boxing ", or simply" the ultimate" ( note that, chi ,in this instance is the Wade-Giles transliteration of the Pinyin I, and is
- Used as a verb or a noun. The letters' ck are often replaced with the Greek Χ (, chi ,) in other words as well. Keep Koreans express the sound of derisive laughter
- By superimposing the first two Greek letters in Christ (Greek:" Χριστός" ), chi ,ch and rho r, to produce ☧. Capital may refer to: * Capital city, the area of a
- Of Dragon Gate, the latter is helmed by Sui Hark. In order to promote tai, chi , in 2012 Jet Li will star in a film titled Tai Chi and will co-produce the
- Chinese province of Henan. The earliest extant Chinese transverse flute is a, chi ,(, according to tradition. The Bible, in Genesis 4:21,cites Jubal as being the
- a. Apart from the scale parameter a, the distribution is identical to the, chi ,distribution with 3 degrees of freedom. Physical applications of the
- China, where they are replaced by the alveolar sibilants. (hi becomes ZI, chi ,become sci, shi becomes is, and RI or may sound like. ) This is also common in
- Chiasic" referring to the cross shaped Greek letter" X" ( pronounced ", chi ,". ) This is usually a form of reference to the crucifixion for example, the
- Chen) - have secondary forms of a faster pace. Some traditional schools of tai, chi ,teach partner exercises known as" pushing hands ", and martial applications of
- Christian symbols appeared only as Constantine's personal attributes: the, chi ,rho between his hands or on his lab arum, but never on the coin itself. Even
- And Yang into a single Ultimate, represented by the Trinity symbol. Thus, tai, chi , theory and practice evolved in agreement with many Chinese philosophical
- Mahjong is a growing variety, particularly in southern China, disallowing, chi , melds,and using only the suited tiles. It can be played very quickly. *
- With a maroon color. Further often used herbs in Thai cuisine include far, chi , (cilantro or coriander),ran far chi (cilantro/coriander roots),cilantro
- Blood' ) combine to make Hawaii 'nose bleed' ), the sound of 血 changes from, chi ,to I. So Hawaii is spelled はなぢ according to ち: the basic hiragana used to
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