Examples of the the word, vine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vine ), is the 9014 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Origin. The three most studied beta-carotene compounds found in the B. carpi, vine ,are harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine. Harmine and harmaline are
  2. Of DMT in plants frequently used by Amazonian natives as additive to the, vine ,Banisteriopsis carpi to make ayahuasca decoction. In 1957,American chemists
  3. Or" vine of the souls "; AYA means" spirit" while Hausa or was means ", vine ,". The spelling of ayahuasca is the Hispanicized version of the name; many
  4. From the Inhale henakandaya. However, this name is used to refer to the brown, vine ,snake, Ahaetulla pulverulenta, a slender arboreal species that grows to five
  5. In the villages. Let us get up early to the vine yards; let us see whether the, vine ,hath budded, whether the vine -blossom be opened, and the pomegranates be in
  6. To two weeks earlier than Cabernet Sauvignon. Water stress is important to the, vine ,with it thriving in well drained soil more so than at base of a slope. Pruning
  7. Of food. " In this connection, he attributes to Christ the saying about the, vine ,with ten thousand branches, and the ear of wheat with ten thousand grains, and
  8. Basis has been theorized for the duo based on the etymology of emblem meaning ", vine , " In Indo-European societies, an analogy is derived from the drilling of fire
  9. Is not open, but rather covered with a grille in the form of an intertwining, vine ,or a decorative knot, carved directly out of the wood of the soundboard. Back
  10. See below). It has been noted that effects can be had from imbibing the Carpi, vine ,alone, but that DMT-containing plants remain inactive when drunk as a brew
  11. Persecution. The first German Lutherans arrived in 1838 bringing with them the, vine ,cuttings that they used to found the acclaimed wineries of the Barons Valley.
  12. Like the Son of Man reaps the earth. (14:14-16) ###A second angel reaps" the, vine ,of the earth" and throws it into" the great wine press of the wrath of God ...
  13. Amino, which may be related to the Greek term amperes, itself meaning ", vine , Liana ". The latter etymology has resulted in a number of theories. According
  14. Customs of the Greeks. He exhorted moderation in everything, saying that the, vine ,bears three clusters of grapes: the first wine, pleasure; the second
  15. Family is important for frequency and number of genera. The lemon and wild, vine ,are also here met with, but are more common on the northern mountains. The
  16. Diocese or regional church. Protestants Baptist The bread and" fruit of the, vine ," indicated in Matthew, Mark and Luke as the elements of the Lord's Supper are
  17. Flavoring beer is the sole major commercial use of hops. The flower of the hop, vine ,is used as a flavoring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today.
  18. Holy Spirit),the sacrificial lamb (symbolic of Christ's sacrifice),the, vine ,(symbolizing the necessary connectedness of the Christian with Christ) and
  19. Psychoactive infusions or decoction prepared from the Banisteriopsis SPP., vine , usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine-containing species of
  20. Flavoring beer is the sole major commercial use of hops. The flower of the hop, vine ,is used as a flavoring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today.
  21. In Brazil," ayahuasca" or" Alaska" is Quechua for" spirit vine " or ", vine ,of the souls "; AYA means" spirit" while Hausa or was means" vine ". The
  22. Many parts of the world, is the edible berry of a cultivar group of the woody, vine ,Actinide delicious and hybrids between this and other species in the genus
  23. Trees may still be seen. Introduced weeds, including the low-growing woody, vine ,Tributes cities, now dominate extensive open areas, providing increased
  24. From *Albion and subsequently to Alma (" elm" ). The second suggestion is ", vine ,", which is reached through *Amino, which may be related to the Greek term
  25. And the MALI. Harmaline found in Peanut Carmela, as well as the Ayahuasca, vine , Banisteriopsis carpi and tobacco is a reversible inhibitor of MAO-A (RIMA).
  26. Small fish, feta cheese, dolmades (rice, currants and pine kernels wrapped in, vine ,leaves),various pulses, olives and cheese. Olive oil is added to almost every
  27. Wine region in the South West Australia Zone, with nearly 5,500 hectares under, vine ,and over 138 wineries as at 2008. The region is made up predominantly of
  28. Are native to the Eastern United States and Canada. * Vitus riparian, a wild, vine ,of North America, is sometimes used for winemaking and for jam. It is native to
  29. Sometimes the filling is quest con Morocco (cheese combined with Morocco,a, vine ,flower bud native to Central America). Popular results are popular filled
  30. The number of growers has recently dropped from 14,000 and the area under, vine ,has also decreased significantly. In the meanwhile however, the global demand
  31. Beans would be planted around the base of the developing stalks, and would, vine ,their way up as the stalks grew. All American beans at that time were vine
  32. Sources of beta-carotenes for the brew. Other terms include: * CIO (generic, vine , Liana)," carpi "," Tosca "," vegetal "," Dame" or" Santa Dame" in
  33. The Chuck islands. Nauru, which had been bypassed and left to" wither on the, vine ," by American forces, was finally set free from the Japanese on 13 September
  34. Of his bodyguard, Pausanias. As Ananias tried to escape, he tripped over a, vine ,and was killed by his pursuers, including two of Alexander's companions
  35. Vines. Irrigation equipment is installed in the bed to provide irrigation for, vine ,growth and for spring and autumn frost protection. Cultivation Cranberry vine s
  36. Leaves, provided and used by Guarujá Indians, identified as pertaining to the, vine ,Diopters Cabrera (then known as Banisteriopsis husband). Not only did
  37. Canada ----: This entry focuses on the Ayahuasca brew; for information on the, vine ,of the same name, see Banisteriopsis carpi Ayahuasca (Alaska pronounced in
  38. One sprite is multiplexed for the logs and the scorpion, and the swinging, vine ,is drawn by shifting the position of the" ball" on each scan line. Despite
  39. Also result when bees are proximate to tutu bushes (Criteria arboreal) and the, vine ,hopper insect (Scolypopa Australia). Both are found throughout New Zealand.
  40. A Greek-American youth group *Bitter melon or Goya, a tropical and subtropical, vine ,with edible fruit *Goya, a nightclub in the former Neuss Schauspielhaus, Berlin
  41. Nation, neither will they learn war anymore. But everyone will sit under his, vine ,and under his fig tree, and no one will make them afraid. Micah 4:2-4 The End
  42. 1993,during the Tosca Project. Preparation Sections of Banisteriopsis carpi, vine ,are macerated and boiled alone or with leaves from any of a number of others
  43. Vine their way up as the stalks grew. All American beans at that time were, vine ,plants," bush beans" having been bred only more recently. The cornstalks
  44. Lesser extent in Brazil," ayahuasca" or" Alaska" is Quechua for" spirit, vine ," or" vine of the souls "; AYA means" spirit" while Hausa or was means "
  45. The most important fields of Georgia’s agriculture. Over 450 species of local, vine ,are bred in Georgia, and the country is considered as one of the oldest places
  46. To reduce the risk of producing toxic honey by closely monitoring tutu, vine ,hopper, and foraging conditions within 3 km of their apiary. Honey-producing
  47. To, in his paraphrase of the Book of Micah," sit in safety under his own, vine ,and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid. " In private and in
  48. Paint, hematite,the ink bag of the octopus and the root of a kind of grass or, vine ,were used to give different colors to the threads (Turner Ch. 5 pg. 71). They
  49. Both are found throughout New Zealand. Bees gather honeydew produced by the, vine ,hopper insects feeding on the tutu plant. This introduces the poison Turin into
  50. Price squeeze induced by an increasingly strong international competition, and, vine , pull schemes, the number of growers has recently dropped from 14,000 and the

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