Examples of the the word, cavity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cavity ), is the 9016 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Varies with planetary gravity, the collapse and modification of the transient, cavity ,is much more extensive, and the resulting structure is called a complex crater.
  2. Endocervical canal The passageway between the external OS and the uterine, cavity ,is referred to as the endocervical canal. It varies greatly in length and width
  3. In the operating room. The surgeon manipulates instruments within the abdominal, cavity ,to perform procedures such as cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal),the most
  4. Results in a lung torsion (in which the dog's lung twists within the chest, cavity , requiring emergency surgery),due to the breed's typically deep,"
  5. The clock signal. *In atomic clocks the controller is an evacuated microwave, cavity ,attached to a microwave oscillator controlled by a microprocessor. A thin gas
  6. Of the primary problem. *Appendectomy -- Surgical opening of the abdominal, cavity ,and removal of the appendix. Typically performed as definitive treatment for
  7. Is a collection of pus (dead neutrophils) that has accumulated in a, cavity ,formed by the tissue in which the pus resides due to an infectious process (
  8. Contrast, the hot dense vaporized material expands rapidly out of the growing, cavity , carrying some solid and molten material within it as it does so. As this hot
  9. Crater do not include material excavated from the full depth of the transient, cavity ,; typically the depth of maximum excavation is only about a third of the total
  10. Below. *Exploratory laparotomy -- This refers to the opening of the abdominal, cavity ,for direct examination of its contents, for example, to locate a source of
  11. Liquid lava beneath the crust flows out, a hollow tube remains, thus forming a, cavity , Examples of such caves can be found on the Canary Islands, Hawaii,and many
  12. Allow introduction of a small camera, surgical instruments, and gases into the, cavity ,for direct or indirect visualization and treatment of the abdomen. The abdomen
  13. Cane to permanently assume the shape of the mandrel. ) The upper portion of the, cavity ,thus created is called the" throat," and its shape has an influence on the
  14. Of the crystals directed towards the free space to form a crystal-lined, cavity , or geode. On the disintegration of the matrix in which the agates are embedded
  15. Uniform silt-sand substrates. Has low reproduction rate and broods eggs in gill, cavity ,for up to 4-5 months. Can live for 2 years without food because of low
  16. For a skin abscess. Packing In North America, after drainage, an abscess, cavity ,is often packed. However, there is no evidence to support this practice and it
  17. And upwards. The flow initially produces an approximately hemispherical, cavity , The cavity continues to grow, eventually producing a paraboloid (bowl-shaped
  18. Initially forming a layer of impact melt coating the interior of the transient, cavity , In contrast, the hot dense vaporized material expands rapidly out of the
  19. With five toes each and supported massive pillar-like limbs. The brain, cavity ,was tiny and insignificant in comparison to the bodily mass, which
  20. To leak, allowing large quantities of Chile fluid to enter the dog's chest, cavity , This condition commonly results in a lung torsion (in which the dog's lung
  21. Are fed into the press. A screw forces the liquefied plastic into the mold, cavity , The mold closes with a metal stamper in contact with the disc surface. The
  22. Of compact bone, with lesser amounts of marrow, located within the medullary, cavity , and spongy bone. Most bones of the limbs, including those of the fingers and
  23. And leaking out. After this the body will usually repair the old infected, cavity , Magnesium sulfate is therefore best applied at night with a sterile dressing
  24. Its maximum size, it is called the transient cavity . The depth of the transient, cavity ,is typically a quarter to a third of its diameter. Eject thrown out of the
  25. Upwards. The flow initially produces an approximately hemispherical cavity . The, cavity ,continues to grow, eventually producing a paraboloid (bowl-shaped) crater in
  26. May unite while the rock is still viscous, and thus form a large, cavity ,which may become the home of an agate of exceptional size; thus a Brazilian
  27. Up. When this cavity has reached its maximum size, it is called the transient, cavity , The depth of the transient cavity is typically a quarter to a third of its
  28. To late summer. Nest architecture is simple, limited by the size of the nest, cavity ,(pre-existing),and colonies are rarely s, presumably stung to death by the
  29. Similar to the transient crater. In simple craters, the original excavation, cavity ,is overlain by a lens of collapse Brescia, ejecta and melt rock, and a portion
  30. Agates are hollow, since deposition has not proceeded far enough to fill the, cavity , and in such cases the last deposit commonly consists of quartz, often amethyst
  31. In trees, using natural holes or holes made by woodpeckers, often enlarging the, cavity ,by removing soft, rotten wood. They lay two to four eggs which are incubated by
  32. To his back. The lance would penetrate the chest and pass through the chest, cavity ,and exit from the back. The bone ring was designed to break after impact so
  33. And a topographically elevated crater rim has been pushed up. When this, cavity ,has reached its maximum size, it is called the transient cavity . The depth of
  34. Are accumulations of pus in a preexisting rather than a newly formed anatomical, cavity , Signs and symptoms The cardinal symptoms and signs of any kind of inflammatory
  35. Impact velocity. Modification and collapse In most circumstances, the transient, cavity ,is not stable: it collapses under gravity. In small craters, less than about 4
  36. Controlled by a microprocessor. A thin gas of cesium atoms is released into the, cavity ,where they are exposed to microwaves. A laser measures how many atoms have
  37. Removal of the original coating. The first layer spread over the wall of the, cavity ,has been called the" priming ", and upon this base zeolitic minerals may be
  38. Synthetic * Blood production — the marrow, located within the medullary, cavity ,of long bones and interstices of cancellous bone, produces blood cells in a
  39. Where rigid tubes are inserted through small incisions into the abdominal, cavity , The tubes allow introduction of a small camera, surgical instruments, and
  40. Evolutionary developments: the bilateral body plan; the color, an internal, cavity ,that provided space for a circulatory system and, in some animals, formed a
  41. Vertebrates. The fundamental bilateral body form is a tube with a hollow gut, cavity ,running from the mouth to the anus, and a nerve cord with an enlargement (a
  42. Organ (see stomach, kidney,liver, etc.) Diseases affecting the abdominal, cavity ,are dealt with generally under their own names (e.g. appendicitis). Types
  43. Is a recent text by Moon cited below. The first deposit on the wall of a, cavity , forming the" skin" of the agate, is generally a dark greenish mineral
  44. Sliding down the crater walls and drainage of impact melts into the deeper, cavity , The resultant structure is called a simple crater, and it remains bowl-shaped
  45. Resulting structure is called a complex crater. The collapse of the transient, cavity ,is driven by gravity, and involves both the uplift of the central region and
  46. Mineral in anime basalt and other alkaline igneous rocks. It also occurs as, cavity ,and vesicle fillings associated with reunite, calcite,and zeolites. Locations
  47. At the internal OS which is the opening of the cervix inside the uterine, cavity , Histology The epithelium of the cervix is varied. The endocervix (more distal
  48. By tentacles that bear adipocytes. Both forms have a single orifice and body, cavity ,that are used for digestion and respiration. Many cnidarian species produce
  49. Characteristics of the Tubulidentata is their teeth. Instead of having a pulp, cavity , each tooth has a cluster of thin, upright,parallel tubes of Valentin (a
  50. Popular dusting powder. Talc is known to be toxic if it enters the abdominal, cavity ,(i.e. via the vagina). Cornstarch is generally believed to be safe, however

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