Examples of the the word, vigor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vigor ), is the 12295 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Before existing, is directed into every branch of business, giving life and, vigor ,to industry in its infinitely diversified operation. The enemies of the general
  2. 5,000 arrests were made and the Ku Klux Klan received a serious blow. Grant's, vigor ,in disrupting the Klan made him unpopular among many whites, but Frederick
  3. To survive for several reasons. First, their foes were severely lacking in, vigor , Corinth and Syracuse were slow to bring their fleets into the Aegean, and
  4. Plant of Honduras; having this flower exceptional characteristics of beauty, vigor ,and distinction ", as the decree dictates it. The National Tree of Honduras is
  5. Leading inevitably to failure and moral disaster. One sees a similarly renewed, vigor ,and variety in religious life and spirituality among the lower classes
  6. Pontevedra). The horns are taken to represent" aggressive power, genetic, vigor , and fecundity. " Divine representations of the Cernunnos type are exceptions to
  7. In the pursuit of women, a lifelong compulsion he indulged" with extraordinary, vigor ,and a surprising degree of success. " His diaries reveal a long succession of
  8. That fully burns that which opposes enlightenment. The emphasized perfection is, vigor ,(very). #Very difficult to train: Bodhisattva's who attain this Bhūmi strive
  9. An extract of dog and guinea pig testicle. He reported in The Lancet that his, vigor ,and feeling of well-being were markedly restored but, predictably,the effects
  10. Is in the form of a dialogue between Truth and Peace, and well illustrates the, vigor ,of his style. During the same year an anonymous pamphlet appeared in London
  11. New Wave's stylistic diversity occurred because New Wave" retained the fresh, vigor ,and irreverence of punk music, as well as a fascination with electronics, style
  12. To become Sultan. In the earlier part of his reign Ahmed I showed decision and, vigor , which were belied by his subsequent conduct. The wars which attended his
  13. Can only survive for a short period after dispersal before they die. Seed, vigor ,is a measure of the quality of seed, and involves the viability of the seed
  14. University, they offered him the commission. Pei took to the project with, vigor , and set to work with two young architects he had recently recruited to the
  15. Over days, months,and years. As an example, the changes in vegetation, vigor ,through a growing season can be animated to determine when drought was most
  16. Howitzer noted" a subtle general stimulation... the patients exhibited renewed, vigor ,and indeed this occasionally served to introduce disciplinary problems. " The
  17. Symbolism Imagery of the sea is often used in Camus's works to suggest life, vigor , and freedom. In The Plague, a key description of Oran occurs early, when it is
  18. Curious contemporary medical and astrological advice for maintaining health and, vigor , as well as espousing the Neoplatonist view of the world's enrollment and its
  19. Use of chemical inputs, breeding,and proximity to markets. Consequently,the, vigor ,of frontier expansion weakened. The variety of climates, soils,and drainage
  20. Was not included. The new empire was characterized by a great enthusiasm and, vigor , There was a rash of heroic artwork in imitation of Greek and Roman styles, and
  21. Fast neutron calculations, a task that Oppenheimer threw himself into with full, vigor , He was given the title" Coordinator of Rapid Rupture ", specifically
  22. The other cities once again hesitated, Thebes decided to resist with the utmost, vigor , However, the resistance was ineffective, and the city was razed to the ground
  23. Most common with plant hybrids, which when present is known as hybrid, vigor ,(heteros is) or heterozygote advantage. A transgressive phenotype is a
  24. Became evident. Papal representatives who pressed their claims with excessive, vigor ,could quickly become a nuisance and find themselves excluded from the imperial
  25. Have poor body condition the following season. This may reduce the health and, vigor ,of cows and calves at calving. Also, cows in poor body condition do not cycle
  26. Pest and disease fighting systems. Silicon has also been shown to improve plant, vigor ,and physiology by improving root mass and density, and increasing above ground
  27. Whose power stems mainly from his great piety, as well as from his princely, vigor , Referring approvingly to these hagiographies, the chronicler Cosmos of Prague
  28. In accomplishing the goals they set for themselves. Finally, intensity is the, vigor ,and amount of energy employees put into this goal-directed work performance.
  29. No durable good can ever result from it; while it remains in its full force and, vigor , We need only ask such a skeptic, What his meaning is? And what he proposes by
  30. Him. St. Cecilia remembered him as cheerful, charitable and full of unceasing, vigor , From a number of accounts, singing was apparently one of Dominic's great
  31. Slow them down, for the improvement of health and the maintenance of youthful, vigor ,at every stage of life. Those who take advantage of life extension findings and
  32. S time in the White House took its toll on his health. Full of enthusiasm and, vigor ,when he entered office, Polk left on March 4,1849,exhausted by his years of
  33. Greater chance of being invasive. Polyploidy may be associated with increased, vigor ,and adaptability. Playboy is an American men's magazine that features
  34. Universal claims of the Papacy in spiritual and temporal affairs, and with such, vigor ,that the Emperor was affronted. In 1548 (or 1550) he was granted the
  35. In a satire that revealed the possession still of his old fire of thought and, vigor ,of expression. He died in Geneva. He was not buried, like Calvin, in the
  36. AA, two complements of seven chromosomes,2n=14). Heteros is, or hybrid, vigor ,(as in the familiar F1 hybrids of maize),occurs in common (hexaploid)
  37. I felt sticky, but I bluffed it out, extended my sweaty hand with matching, vigor ,and said. " Katherine MacLean, I came in because I am interested in-- ": :He
  38. Hypotheses. Jean-Jacques Rousseau suggested Greek" ῥώμη, rhōmē ", strength, vigor , Another hypothesis refers the name to Roma, who supposedly was the daughter of
  39. Understanding is meant to help refine a person, as well as adding depth and, vigor ,to one's ritual observation. Hasidic practice and culture Liturgy and prayer
  40. Council has several aims in view: it desires to impart an ever-increasing, vigor ,to the Christian life of the faithful; to adapt more suitably to the needs of
  41. Acceptance, endurance (忍辱波羅蜜, bzod-pa) # Very parasite: energy, diligence, vigor , effort (精進波羅蜜, brtson-’Grus) # Dayana parasite: one-pointed concentration
  42. Is the capacity to support everything by will and without any fatigue * Very (, vigor ,), which indicates the power to retain immateriality as the supreme being in
  43. That opium was" mainly used to aid masculinity, strengthen sperm and regain, vigor ," and that it" enhances the art of alchemists, sex and court ladies. " He
  44. Factors determining the choice such as phenotypic characteristics, apparent, vigor , of individual, strength of mate signals, trophic resources, territoriality etc.
  45. A comfortable retirement until suffering strokes in 1956 that robbed him of his, vigor ,and left him in pain. Whale committed suicide on 29 May 1957 by drowning
  46. Be a live man, and hope (Divine Providence permitting) to survive in all my, vigor , politically and physically, some years to come. " In popular culture In 1945
  47. Vilnius by the offer of a share in the empire, Otho, with unexpected, vigor , prepared for war. From the much more remote provinces, which had acquiesced in
  48. By environmental factors. Migrant has proposed heteros is (hybrid, vigor ,associated with historical reductions of the levels of inbreeding) as an
  49. Salts. They all react with water to form strongly alkaline hydroxides. The, vigor ,of reaction increases down the group. The alkali metals have the lowest first
  50. Medieval Europe ", for Theodoric had made it" his intention to restore the, vigor ,of Roman government and Roman culture ". The chance of forming a national state

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