Examples of the the word, bert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bert ), is the 12296 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is a Germanic thematic name,composed of the elements Theo-" people" and, bert ," bright ". The name is attested primarily in the German Middle Ages. The Cat
  2. Forward but must be rotated the opposite way, which makes it similar to a, bert , slide but without placing the hand on the ground.; CESS Slide: This is a four
  3. Syllable" tar" has generally remained constant but the second syllable ", bert ," has variously been spelled as" Bart "," Bert" " bat "," bad" etc.
  4. In Maynard the Fox is called either Tybalt or Tibet (Her bert ,i.e. Theo +, bert ," bright" ). Historical people called Theobald include: *Lewis Theobald, an
  5. A Bert is usually performed on banks or transitions. When performing a, bert , the skateboarder crouches down while doing a front side carve, plants his front
  6. General Thomas M. Anderson * Filipino Emilio Aguinaldo Bertelsmann slide, or,Bert, is a skateboarding trick where the skateboarder slides on the wheels of his
  7. Trick where the skateboarder slides on the wheels of his skateboard. A, bert , is usually performed on banks or transitions. When performing a Bert the
  8. Del bert or Al bert are born, composed of" Adel" ( meaning" noble" ) and ", bert ," which is derived from" beach" ( meaning" bright" or" shining" ) hence
  9. The Lombards. Lombard personal names show *b > p, having pert, perg, prand for, bert , berg, brand. According to most scholars, the pre-Old High German runic
  10. Flip tricks can now be held like grab tricks, reverts are eliminated, and the, bert , slide has been optimized for downhill racing. Additionally, a combo buffer has
  11. Germ Fontanel Latch ford' — 'Latch ford' coming from her father's name, Al (, bert , ) Latch ford. She remarried and became Marge Smith, the wife of an advertising
  12. But the second syllable" Bert" has variously been spelled as" Bart ",", bert ,"" bat "," bad" etc. Example Places named Target include: Scotland *
  13. A phenomenon growing in popularity in Northeastern America where the name ", bert ," is texted or posted on a friend's Facebook. Other variations include sending
  14. Of Chapter 27 of Volga saga," Hand tear overfit Gram ok Leger i metal area, bert ,", which means:" He takes the sword Gram and lays it bare between them ". The

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