Examples of the the word, antarctica , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Diversity, with five species. An easily cultivated species of Dickson are D., antarctica , the soft tree fern. Species * Dickson Antarctica, Soft Tree Fern, Tasmanian
  2. Has taken advantage of this fact: the affixed will seize an individual of C., antarctica , out of the water column, and carry it around for protection. Local population
  3. Petrel, Macronectes Hall - Near-threatened ** Antarctic Petrel, Thalassoica, antarctica ,- Rare/Accidental ** Tahiti Petrel, Pterodroma strata - Rare/Accidental **
  4. 700 terrestrial and aquatic algal species. Two flowering plants, Deschampsia, antarctica , ( Antarctic hair grass) and Colorants utensils (Antarctic pearl wort),are
  5. Conifer in the world, and three kinds of Southern Beech; Nothofagus, antarctica , Nothofagus Emilio and the evergreen Nothofagus betides. Fruits grow in
  6. Moist and ephemeral habitats. Forests of the giant Antarctic kelp Durvillaea, antarctica , occur at a number of sites around Heard Island and at least 17 other species of
  7. Hazel pomades (Pomades asp era) and tree ferns (Dickson, antarctica , and Cynthia Australia). Pockets of the park feature cool temperate rainforest
  8. Queensland); Sect. Nothofagus (type Nothofagus Antarctica) *Nothofagus, antarctica , ( Southern Argentina and Chile) *Nothofagus betides (Southern Argentina
  9. Nation Bank *Black Lodge Singers, traditional music and drum group Dickson, antarctica , known as the Soft Tree Fern, Man Fern or Tasmanian Tree Fern, is an evergreen
  10. Wings of sea butterflies. Another large polar species of sea angel, Clione, antarctica , defends itself from predators by synthesizing a previously unknown molecule
  11. The following species from Terra del Fuel: Crimes winter, Nothofagus, antarctica , Nothofagus Emilio, and Nothofagus betides, were successfully introduced to
  12. Puffins graves),sooty shear water (P. arises),Tristan skua (Cataracts, antarctica , hamiltoni),Antarctic tern (Stern vitiate tristanenis),and brown noddy (
  13. Overhead is the most effective method of watering. Harvesting Large Dickson, antarctica , available for sale come from old growth Tasmanian forests, and may be hundreds
  14. S two flowering plant species, the Antarctic hair grass (Deschamps, antarctica , ) and Antarctic pearl wort (Colorants utensils),are found on the northern
  15. Probably Dickson Antarctica Image: Ferns. JPG|Tree ferns, probably Dickson, antarctica , Image: Hacker Filipina 92. JPG|"Filipina" from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen
  16. Pomerania. Host Island has the southernmost trees on earth (Nothofagus, antarctica , ). In Magellanic, Jules Verne described an imaginary republic on the island.
  17. Size. The name Fern Tree is adapted from the common name of the plant Dickson, antarctica , ( Tasmanian Tree Fern) which grows abundantly in the area. Set beneath Mount
  18. JPG|Crimes winter flowers File: Nothofagus Antarctica D. jpg|Nothofagus, antarctica , File: Nothofagus Emilio. JPG|Nothofagus Emilio File: Nothofagus betides.
  19. S two flowering plant species, the Antarctic hair grass (Deschamps, antarctica , ) and Antarctic pearl wort (Colorants utensils) are found on the northern
  20. Prothallus. JPG|A gametophyte (pratfalls) of Dickson SP. Image: Dickson, antarctica , Cultivated Garden England. JPG|A sporophyte of Dickson Antarctica. Image:
  21. The roots are dug up intact. If the crown of the Tasmanian tree fern Dickson, antarctica , ( the most common species in gardens) is damaged, it will die because that is
  22. Are carpeted in mosses and lichens and shaded by the tree ferns Dickson, antarctica , known locally as Man-ferns, and other rainforest tree species including
  23. On website of his birth village (in Czech) The Antarctic Petrel, Thalassoica, antarctica , is a boldly marked dark brown and white petrel, found in Antarctica, most
  24. Fern unrolling a new frond Image: Fern02. JPG|Tree fern, probably Dickson, antarctica , Image: Ferns. JPG|Tree ferns, probably Dickson Antarctica Image: Hacker
  25. S two flowering plant species, the Antarctic hair grass (Deschamps, antarctica , ) and Antarctic pearl wort (Colorants utensils),are found on the northern
  26. Of Dickson Antarctica. Image: SoriDicksonia. JPG|The underside of a Dickson, antarctica , frond showing the sort, or spore-producing structures. In the dermatophytes
  27. Dickson Antarctica Cultivated Garden England. JPG|A sporophyte of Dickson, antarctica , Image: SoriDicksonia. JPG|The underside of a Dickson Antarctica frond
  28. Poseidon sinus, Posidonia denhartogii, Posidonia ostenfeldii, Amphibolis, antarctica , Amphiboles Griffith, Halophila Australia, Halophila ovals, Ruppia metacarpal
  29. Family and genus there are some clear patterns. Antarctic Petrels, Thalassoica, antarctica , have to fly over to get to the ocean from their breeding colonies in
  30. Synonyms include Saginaw utensils Humboldt, Bonpland & Knuth. Deschamps, antarctica , ( Antarctic hair grass) is one of two flowering plants native to Antarctica
  31. South Polar Skua (Cataracts McCormick),and Antarctic petrel (Thalassemia, antarctica , ). The seals of the Antarctic Ocean include Leopard Seal (Hydra lepton)
  32. Plant in organic soils and heavily and regularly mulched and water. Dickson, antarctica , generally requires a minimum rainfall of 500 mm (20 inches) per year. In dry
  33. Penguin, Pygoscelis Adeline - rare/accidental ** Chinstrap Penguin, Pygoscelis, antarctica ,- rare/accidental ** Hawaii or Ireland Penguin, Eudyptes pachyrhynchus **
  34. People of Kenya to relieve some symptoms of malaria. Ornamental Missus, antarctica , and C. Alta are cultivated as garden plants. Ecology Missus species are used
  35. Of their habits. Species ** Antarctic armless flounder, Mancopsetta maculate, antarctica , ** Armless flounder, Neoachiropsetta Milford (Perth,1965). Nemesis is a
  36. Costata (C. Ag. ) Saunders Japan; Alaska, California - America) * Drilled, antarctica , ( New Zealand, South America, and Australia) * Durvillaea potato rum (
  37. And they occasionally occur at high altitudes in cloud forests. Dickson, antarctica , is the most abundant tree fern in South Eastern Australia. The plant can grow
  38. Image: Chinstrap Penguin. JPG|Chinstrap Penguin Pygostyles, antarctica , Image: Gentoo penguin NSF cropped. JPG|Gentoo Penguin Pygostyles papa
  39. Fiorella sewage, Pringlea antiscorbutica, Acaena Magellanic, and Deschamps, antarctica , * Coastal biotic vegetation is dominated by POA cookie and Fiorella sewage
  40. Column, and carry it around for protection. Local population density of C., antarctica , may reach extraordinary levels; up to 300 animals per cubic meter have been
  41. Ctenophora pellucid, and Alva lactic, and Desmarestia Antarctica, Lambia, antarctica , Luminaria saccharin, Neuroglossum ligulatum. Production Chloroform was
  42. In one genus in a future review. Synonyms for E. Australia have included B., antarctica , ( Lesson,1828),B. Antipodarum (Gray,1843),E. Temminckii (Gray,1864).
  43. Beech' ( not to be confused with its South American relative, Nothofagus, antarctica , ) is an evergreen tree native to the eastern highlands of Australia. Habitat It
  44. Australia: New South Wales, Queensland ); Sect. Nothofagus (type Nothofagus, antarctica , ) *Nothofagus Antarctica (Southern Argentina and Chile) *Nothofagus
  45. Species of Dickson are D. Antarctica, the soft tree fern. Species * Dickson, antarctica , Soft Tree Fern, Tasmanian Tree Fern. Australia. * Dickson fibrosis, Woolly
  46. File: Crimes winter. JPG|Crimes winter flowers File: Nothofagus, antarctica , D. JPG|Nothofagus Antarctica File: Nothofagus Emilio. JPG|Nothofagus Emilio
  47. Sea floors. Phylogenetic position In 2006 a molecular study on Laevipilina, antarctica , suggested that Monoplacophora and Polyplacophora form a well-supported clade
  48. Coralline officials, Cladophora pellucid, and Alva lactic, and Desmarestia, antarctica , Zambia Antarctica, Laminaria saccharin, Neuroglossum ligulatum. Production
  49. Cancer research at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. Nothofagus, antarctica , ( Antarctic Beech; in Spanish Nice or Nice),is a deciduous tree or shrub
  50. Wherever found. This species extends south of 56° south latitude. Deschamps, antarctica , ( Antarctic hair grass) is the only other native flowering plant in the region.

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