Examples of the the word, repel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repel ), is the 12437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their coworkers originally used rubidium-87,an isotope whose atoms naturally, repel ,each other, making a more stable condensate. The JILL team instrumentation now
  2. Between alkane and water: Alkanes are said to be hydrophobic in that they, repel ,water. Their solubility in nonpolar solvents is relatively good, a property
  3. Angular momentum ±, where ħ is the reduced Planck constant). They attract or, repel ,each other by exchanging bosons. The interaction of any pair of fermions in
  4. That of a proton is +1. Charged particles whose charges have the same sign, repel ,one another, and particles whose charges have different signs attract. Coulomb
  5. Forms. This discovery led to the well-known axiom: like-charged objects, repel ,and opposite-charged objects attract. The electromagnetic force is very strong
  6. Magnetic poles (or states of polarization at individual points) attract or, repel ,one another similarly and always come in pairs: every north pole is
  7. Be at nearly one Bohr radius from the nucleus. Because the electrons strongly, repel ,each other, the effective charge description is very approximate; the effective
  8. Such as alumina and boron carbide have been used in ballistic armored vests to, repel ,large-calibre rifle fire. Such plates are known commonly as small arms
  9. A total of over 6,000 sorties. Finnish anti-aircraft defenses managed to, repel ,the raids as only 5 % of the dropped bombs hit their planned targets. Major air
  10. To release Count Hendrick Fugger and his Imperial Classier brigade to help, repel ,the French cavalry thrust. Despite his own desperate struggle, the Imperial
  11. In a rampage and eventual destruction of the town. Elsewhere, Spanish troops, repel ,a French attack in the Battle of San Martial. *1864 – During the American Civil
  12. With a slender, ridged beak. Horticulture Chervil is sometimes used to, repel ,slugs. Traditional Chervil had various traditional uses. It was claimed to be
  13. Bond pairs, which leaves one lone pair of electrons. The lone pair of electrons, repel ,more strongly than bond pairs, therefore the bond angle is not 109.5° as
  14. Instinctive fear of cougars has led to the development of sound systems which, repel ,coyotes from public places by replicating the sounds of a cougar. Rarely, bears
  15. Punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to, repel ,an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a
  16. A cloth. If a similar ball is charged by the same glass rod, it is found to, repel ,the first: the charge acts to force the two balls apart. Two balls that are
  17. Of unprovoked foreign aggression, such further aid as might be necessary to, repel ,it, provided that he align his foreign policy with the British. The British
  18. Mounted on the press, water is spread over it. The developed areas of the plate, repel ,water thus allowing the ink to adhere to only those parts of the plate which
  19. Colloidal particles often carry an electrical charge and therefore attract or, repel ,each other. The charge of both the continuous and the dispersed phase, as well
  20. By the Libyans and the Sea Peoples. Initially, the military was able to, repel ,these invasions, but Egypt eventually lost control of Syria and Palestine. The
  21. Pieces of glass and resin, it may be observed: # that the two pieces of glass, repel ,each other. # that each piece of glass attracts each piece of resin. # that the
  22. The two balls apart. Two balls that are charged with a rubbed amber rod also, repel ,each other. However, if one ball is charged by the glass rod, and the other by
  23. Have been clearly demonstrated by experiments: # Electric charges attract or, repel ,one another with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance
  24. General Ripper will have put the security forces there on high alert—ready to, repel ,any outside force. Turgid son tries to persuade Muffled to seize the moment and
  25. The sun outshone the moon just as the Imperial and allied army successfully, repel ,the Turks A Susanna in the Bath and the Stoning of the Elders (1526) set
  26. During a fierce three-hour battle, while the center was able to successfully, repel ,the initial British attack. As British reinforcements arrived, the center came
  27. Is the civil war against Sudanese-backed rebels. Chad successfully manages to, repel ,the rebel movements, but recently, with some losses (see Battle of N'Djamena (
  28. Had unified tribes in the Northwest to rise up against the Americans, trying to, repel ,European American settlers from those lands north of the Ohio. Four hundred
  29. Romans. However, despite being outdated, Celtic chariot tactics were able to, repel ,the invasion of Britain attempted by Julius Caesar. According to Doors
  30. From which the drug oxycodone is synthesized. Osage orange fruits are used to, repel ,cockroaches. Bayberry fruits provide a wax often used to make candles. Many
  31. NATO participation in accordance with the strategy of the alliance, detect and, repel ,any sovereignty violation of Danish territory (including Greenland and the
  32. Rubber and wooden bullets, night sticks, water cannons, dogs,and horses to, repel ,the protesters. After the November 2000 G8 protest in Montreal, at which many
  33. Need either some form of propulsion to counteract any drift, or some way to, repel ,the surface of the sphere away from the star. For the same reason, such a shell
  34. Often have a waxy coating on their stems to prevent water loss and potentially, repel ,water from their stems. Because of the plants' high water-retention ability
  35. Should labor chiefly on their own reason; to perfect this is in our power. To, repel ,evil opinions by the good is the noble contest in which humans should engage;
  36. To the square of the distance between them: unlike charges attract, like ones, repel , # Magnetic poles (or states of polarization at individual points) attract or
  37. Before the Academy that parallel wires carrying currents attract or, repel ,each other, depending on whether currents are in the same (attraction) or in
  38. Du Fay had discovered two types of static electricity, and that like charges, repel ,each other whilst unlike charges attract. Du Fay announced that electricity
  39. Crusader assault of 9 April. The crusaders' second attack proved too strong to, repel , and Alexios V fled into Thrace on the night of 12 April 1204,accompanied by
  40. The brick to dry evenly. Dung offers the same advantage and is also added to, repel ,insects. The mixture is roughly half sand (50 %),one-third clay (35 %)
  41. That the resulting prints are difficult to write on, as the wax tends to, repel ,inks from pens, and are difficult to feed through automatic document feeders
  42. On the chemical character of released substances, necrotaxis can accumulate or, repel ,cells, which underlines the pathophysiological significance of this phenomenon.
  43. Name came from the fact that it looks like a coil-like incense used in China to, repel ,mosquitos; Chinese 蚊香 http://wapedia.mobi/zh/%E8%9A%8A%E9%A6%99 (pronounced as
  44. i. e., when the cathode is positive and therefore would be expected to, repel ,the positively charged cations; this is due to electrode potential relative to
  45. Piece of glass attracts each piece of resin. # that the two pieces of resin, repel ,each other. These phenomena of attraction and repulsion are called electrical
  46. Martel, who despite his enormous gifts, would probably not have been able to, repel ,the Vikings in addition to the Muslims, Saxons,and everyone else he defeated.
  47. Thus, if we place two such jugs a meter apart, the electrons in one of the jugs, repel ,those in the other jug with a force of \franc = 4.1 \times 10^ N This is larger
  48. As a treatment for dandruff and psoriasis, as well as being used to kill and, repel ,head lice. When used as a medication in the U. S., coal tar preparations are
  49. Itself. Thereafter, he constructed a fleet and naval arsenal at Seville to, repel ,future raids. He responded to William of Septimania's requests of assistance
  50. Which maintains 1,000 troops in the country. Debt relies on the French to help, repel ,the rebels, and France gives the Chadian army logistical and intelligence

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