Examples of the the word, eloquent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eloquent ), is the 12439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reinvented the étude, expanding on the idea and making it into a gorgeous, eloquent ,and emotional showpiece. He also used his Études to teach his own revolutionary
  2. Had ever been before. He believed Marcus was" beginning to feel the wish to be, eloquent ,once more, in spite of having for a time lost interest in eloquence ". Front
  3. Be the most learned churchman of his day, and enjoyed a great reputation as an, eloquent ,and impassioned preacher, but the stiffness and artificiality of his style
  4. With the most remarkable gifts both of mind and body: he was handsome and, eloquent , but licentious; and, at the same time, active,hardy, courageous,a great
  5. Of ruthless measures. In his book Agricola the Roman historian Tacitus includes, eloquent ,and vicious polemics against the rapacity and greed of Rome. One, that Tacitus
  6. Comprehensive The Story of Civilization series, hailed it as" the most, eloquent ,book in French prose. " In Lenses, Pascal surveys several philosophical
  7. Of the country was too cold for them. He asked Front for" some particularly, eloquent ,reading matter, something of your own, or Cato, or Cicero, or Sallust or
  8. To Carl Stump. Nevertheless, he was described as an excellent teacher and, eloquent ,speaker. Eventually, he had begun to drift away from his colleagues, and left
  9. Ability to put his finger on the existence and root of the problem. He was an, eloquent ,spokesman for his point of view and no one can honestly doubt that Malcolm had
  10. Literature featured sophisticated themes and characters written in a confident, eloquent ,style, The last great ruler of the Middle Kingdom, Amenemhat III, allowed
  11. Of the work of Aristotle. Augustine's doctrine of efficacious grace found, eloquent ,expression in the works of Bernard of Chateaux; also Reformation theologians
  12. Legendary Iranian prince from the earliest centuries of the Empire; the poet is, eloquent ,in his praise of Siyâvash's skills on the polo field. Meadows also tells of
  13. In the breeze). Other proposals include a derivation from Celtic ll afar (", eloquent ,"),from the Latin Laurel vellum (" laurel standard" ) or from ancient
  14. 1715–1766),English clergyman * John Brown (vicar) (died 1845), eloquent , British evangelical preacher and Vicar of St. Mary's Leicester * John Brown of
  15. Christian clerics, such as R. S. Story, refer to him as" one of the most, eloquent ,preachers who ever since apostolic times have brought to men the divine tidings
  16. Him off with a massive rock, he deserves the armor. Odysseus proves the more, eloquent , and the council gives him the armor. Ajax," Unconquered," and furious, falls
  17. With a sense of the divine, of the incarnate logos, that is of rhetoric as an, eloquent ,and humane means to reach further devotion and further action in the Christian
  18. Were still there, though Paul had departed. They collectively instructed the, eloquent ,and brilliant Apollos. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him
  19. As little as possible. Rise and fall of Harmony Society George Rap had an, eloquent ,style, which matched his commanding presence, and he was the personality that
  20. They are pagans. Beowulf’s own beliefs are not expressed explicitly. He offers, eloquent ,prayers to a higher power, addressing himself to the“ Father Almighty” or the
  21. Foreshadowed the No Child Left Behind Act passed in 2002. Against these critics, eloquent ,spokespersons stepped forward in defense of the progressive tradition. The Open
  22. Time, some skeptics questioned whether a black man could have produced such an, eloquent ,piece of literature. The book received generally positive reviews and became an
  23. Goldsmith, and Joshua Reynolds. Edward Gibbon described him as,'the most, eloquent ,and rational madman that I ever knew. ' Burke took a leading role in the debate
  24. Of Rome, an excellent emperor, a fond pupil, and,perhaps most importantly, as, eloquent , as could be wished. Marcus had displayed rhetorical skill in his speech to the
  25. Products would" supply the place of food, make the coward brave, the silent, eloquent ,and render the sufferer insensitive to pain. " By the late Victorian era
  26. At least the Middle Kingdom period (ca. 2080-1640 BC). The Egyptians held, eloquent ,speaking in high esteem, and it was a skill that had a very high value in their
  27. His father had thrown him by a letter de cachet, one of the ablest and most, eloquent ,of his works, which had an immense circulation and was translated into English
  28. Torso del Junco, the chairman of the governing board of the USPS, provided an, eloquent ,tribute:“ Today, we mark another chapter in the Bogart legacy. With an image
  29. Historia of Dares Phrygia describes Aeneas as ‘ ‘ auburn-haired, stocky, eloquent , courteous, prudent,pious, and charming. ’’ There is also a brief physical
  30. A popular figure among New York Democrats, though he had not as yet become an, eloquent ,speaker. By this time he had become more consistently progressive, in support
  31. To the forefront of the public’s perception. Burke was already known for his, eloquent ,rhetorical skills and his involvement in the trial only enhanced its popularity
  32. Had been convoked made no progress. The Pope did his best: he addressed an, eloquent ,letter to the sultan urging him to become a Christian, a letter that probably
  33. Nature, fine words will come more readily through reading and hearing the, eloquent ,than by pursuing the rules of rhetoric. ” Poetry and letter writing, for
  34. Is well-known. After listening to Verdi's Requiem, the German, prolific and, eloquent ,in his comments on some other composers, stated," It would be best not to say
  35. Titus (B. T.) Roberts, a graduate of Wesleyan University and an able and, eloquent ,preacher, the movement spread rapidly. Societies were organized, churches built
  36. Poet describes this" lyric to England" as" manly verse – a poetic and, eloquent ,invocation ". Wilde's presence was again notable, the play was initially well
  37. To the level of comprehension of his students. Even the brilliant, terse,and, eloquent ,passages in his writings lost much of their effect when jerked out in the midst
  38. Series of fiscal reforms, preaching a new variety of populism as well as waxing, eloquent ,on progress and development, laying the ground for a second election in 1953 in
  39. Of the United States. Washington disbanded his army and, on November 2,gave an, eloquent ,farewell address to his soldiers. On November 25,the British evacuated New
  40. To follow him. Later biographers tell fantastical stories of the effects of his, eloquent ,speech in leading the people of Proton to abandon their luxurious and corrupt
  41. By Others and becomes his ally. Others then gains another ally with his, eloquent ,oratory by helping King Hello of Haaland win a bride. Meanwhile Balder us
  42. The Christiansand the Muhammadans ... scarcely be found even amongst the, eloquent , " When ` Abdul'Baha was seven, he contracted tuberculosis and was expected to
  43. Eugene is described by his biographer as simple and humble, learned and, eloquent , handsome and generous, a lover of peace, and wholly occupied with the thought
  44. As the more democratic: elections would favor those who were rich, noble, eloquent , and well-known, while allotment spread the work of administration throughout
  45. Out of the League of Nations in 1933. Matsuda was described as inventive, eloquent , headstrong, and quick to anger. One knew he was not acquiring a tame cabinet
  46. But disenchanted with the status quo, and swayed by Riel's charisma and, eloquent ,rhetoric, Métis remained loyal to Riel, despite his proclamations that Bishop
  47. In 1890 Edward Granville Browne described how ` Abdul'Baha was" one more, eloquent ,of speech, more ready of argument, more apt of illustration, more intimately
  48. Is not only ingenious (as evidenced by his idea for the Trojan Horse),but an, eloquent ,speaker, a skill perhaps best demonstrated in the embassy to Achilles in book 9
  49. 2003's Children of Dune) is, though dramatic, somewhat lighter and more, eloquent ,in comparison to Lynch's version, and therefore more consistent with the novel
  50. S birth, we live in a nation that is stronger because of his vision and, eloquent ,voice. " In 1998 the San Francisco Bay Area Post of the Veterans of the Abraham

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