Examples of the the word, toad , in a Sentence Context

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  1. May have been other factors. Nevertheless, the assumption was that the cane, toad ,controlled the white-grub; this view was reinforced by a Nature article titled
  2. Have even been human deaths due to the consumption of cane toad s. As the cane, toad ,excretes Burstein in small amounts, and other toxins in relatively large
  3. Many Buford species. In particular, it could be confused with the Southern, toad ,(Buff terrestrial),which can be distinguished by the presence of two bulbs in
  4. With one specimen reportedly surviving for 35 years. The skin of the cane, toad ,is dry and warty. A large parotid gland lies behind each eye. Tadpoles range
  5. Cane toad s have a habit of swallowing their prey. Defenses The adult cane, toad ,has enlarged parotid glands behind the eyes, and other glands across their
  6. Illustration by Dutch zoologist Albert us Sea, who mistakenly believed the cane, toad ,to inhabit both terrestrial and marine environments. Other common names include
  7. And Ryukyu Islands of Japan, most Caribbean islands, Since then, the cane, toad ,has become a pest in many host countries, and poses a serious threat to native
  8. As the Giant Neotropical Toad or Marine Toad, is a large, terrestrial true, toad ,native to Central and South America, but has since been introduced to various
  9. Toxic to most animals if ingested. Because of its voracious appetite, the cane, toad ,has been introduced to many regions of the Pacific and the Caribbean islands as
  10. Encompasses both tropical and semi-arid environments. The density of the cane, toad ,is significantly lower within its native distribution than in places where it
  11. Their native habitats, the toad s can be found in subtropical forests, The cane, toad ,begins life as an egg, which is laid as part of long strings of jelly in water.
  12. Name from its use against the cane beetle (Dermolepida albohirtum). The cane, toad ,is now considered a pest and an invasive species in many of its introduced
  13. March 1937,62,000 toad lets had been released into the wild. However,the, toad ,was generally unsuccessful in reducing the targeted beetles, in part because
  14. Reduce the rat population. Despite its failure to control the rodents, the cane, toad ,was introduced to Puerto Rico in the early 20th century in the hope that it
  15. The ranges can change due to adaptation to the local environment. The cane, toad ,has a high tolerance to water loss—one study showed that some can withstand a
  16. Still exists today. The game, first known as crapped (a French word meaning ", toad ," in reference to the original style of play by people crouched over a floor or
  17. By a Nature article titled" Toads save sugar crop ", More recently, the cane, toad ,has been spotted in Carriage and Dominica, the latter appearance occurring in
  18. To appear taller and larger to a potential predator. Predators outside the cane, toad ,'s native range include the Whistling Kite (Haliastur spheres),the Alkali
  19. Salt concentrations equivalent to at most 15 % that of seawater. The cane, toad ,inhabits open grassland and woodland, and has displayed a" distinct preference
  20. Possible side effects, the national government of Fiji decided to release the, toad ,in 1953,and 67 specimens were subsequently imported from Hawaii. Once the
  21. Result in serious illness or death. In addition to releasing toxin, the cane, toad ,is capable of inflating its lungs, puffing up and lifting its body off the
  22. 50–100 times lower than the density in Australia. Introductions The cane, toad ,has been introduced to many regions of the world—particularly the Pacific—for
  23. They have not been as successful in controlling the pests as in Australia. The, toad ,was introduced to Martinique from French Guiana before 1944 and became
  24. For the predators during the day. Since its original introduction, the cane, toad ,has had a particularly marked effect on Australian biodiversity. The population
  25. Trinidadian English they are commonly called" Crapped ", the French word for, toad , In Australia, the adults may be confused with large native frogs from the
  26. Future introductions until a study was conducted into the feeding habits of the, toad , The study was completed in 1936 and the ban lifted, at which point large scale
  27. Of the Delphi genus can eat cane toad s with impunity. Distribution The cane, toad ,is native to the Americas, and its range stretches from the Rio Grande Valley
  28. To survive the Courier Hills volcano eruption in 1995. In 1920,the cane, toad ,was introduced into Puerto Rico to control the populations of white-grub (
  29. To be a prey item of V. canopies—has increased. Caribbean The cane, toad ,was introduced to various Caribbean islands to counter a number of pests that
  30. Insects that infested sugarcane plantations. The introduction of the cane, toad ,to the region was first suggested in 1933,following the successes in Puerto
  31. Weighed 2.65 kilograms (5.8 lb) with a length of from snout to vent. The cane, toad ,has poison glands, and the tadpoles are highly toxic to most animals if
  32. Of bright coloring on the groin and thighs. In the United States, the cane, toad ,closely resembles many Buford species. In particular, it could be confused
  33. Of the most studied of any introduced species. Before the early 1840s,the cane, toad ,had been introduced into Martinique and Barbados, from French Guiana and Guyana
  34. The presence of two bulbs in front of the parotid glands. Description The cane, toad ,is very large; the females are significantly longer than males, reaching an
  35. In the Pacific region emulated the lead of Puerto Rico and introduced the, toad ,in the 1930s. There are introduced populations in Australia, Florida,Papa New
  36. This, the pests were manually collected by humans, so the introduction of the, toad ,eliminated labor costs. The population of white-grubs dramatically decreased
  37. During warmer periods that coincide with the onset of the wet season. The cane, toad ,is estimated to have a critical thermal maximum of and a minimum of around. The
  38. S most endangered species are the Harpy eagle, the Giant anteater, the Golden, toad ,and the Jaguar. IUCN reports the Golden toad as extinct. Protected areas The
  39. To eradicate pests from sugar cane, giving rise to their common name. The cane, toad ,has many other common names, including " Giant Toad" and" Marine Toad "; the
  40. In spite of the failure of the earlier introductions. The Philippines The cane, toad ,was first introduced deliberately into the Philippines in 1930 as a biological
  41. Bufotenin in small amounts, and other toxins in relatively large quantities, toad ,licking could result in serious illness or death. In addition to releasing
  42. Pests. These introductions have generally been well documented, and the cane, toad ,may be one of the most studied of any introduced species. Before the early
  43. It is also commonly known as 'bullfrog' in Philippine English. Fiji The cane, toad ,was introduced into Fiji to combat insects that infested sugarcane plantations.
  44. Which are both endangered species. Amphibians include the green toad , American, toad , common tree frog, and the Cretan marsh frog. There are several species of
  45. Cyclone and Dinophytes. These species can be distinguished from the cane, toad ,by the absence of large parotid glands behind their eyes and the lack of a
  46. Of the subgenus Rhine of the genus Buff, which includes many true, toad ,species found throughout Central and South America. The cane toad is a prolific
  47. True toad species found throughout Central and South America. The cane, toad ,is a prolific breeder; females lay single-clump spawns with thousands of eggs.
  48. The Giant anteater, the Golden toad and the Jaguar. IUCN reports the Golden, toad ,as extinct. Protected areas The country is noted for its national park system
  49. Scientific name Buff Marines suggest a link to marine life, but the adult cane, toad ,is entirely terrestrial, only venturing too freshwater to breed. Tadpoles have
  50. Turtle which are both endangered species. Amphibians include the green, toad , American toad , common tree frog, and the Cretan marsh frog. There are several

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