Examples of the the word, han , in a Sentence Context

The word ( han ), is the 12440 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In contrast, Nynorsk and most dialects use the same set of pronouns (, han , ( m. ), ho (f. ) and DET (n. )) for both personal and impersonal references.
  2. IATA Shrine by Empress Xingu in AD 201. It was not until the abolition of the, han , system in 1871 and the establishment of the current prefecture system that the
  3. Occurred, the word lad auk (" not yet" or" never" ) is used:: Ha'u lad auk, han , etu – I didn't eat rice / I hadn't eaten rice. Progressive The progressive
  4. Rice. When negated, tiha on indicates that an action ceased to occur:: Ha'u la, han , etu Tina on – I didn't eat rice anymore. In order to convey that a past
  5. Although there were initially over 300 prefectures, many of them being former, han , territories,this number was reduced to 72 in the latter part of 1871,and 47
  6. Beings in modern Swedish. Even so, the third-person singular masculine pronoun, han , would normally be the default for a person of unknown gender in Swedish
  7. Times. In Egyptian Arabic, Lower Egyptians are known as Bavaria (Coptic:, han , Rememhit) and Upper Egyptians as Canada (Coptic: Han. Remmaris). The Myth
  8. Of the Pacific Ring of Fire. * September – Okazaki Naomi of Swami Tswana, han , fails to kidnap Princess Sen and commits suicide. * September 15 – The first
  9. Along with banking facilities and merc han t associations. Increasingly, han , authorities oversaw the rising agricultural production and the spread of rural
  10. The thousands of Nakamoto and opening who were concentrated in Do. Individual, han , had their own netsuke who similarly policed their samurai. San-bugyō The
  11. Lose the plosive element in TOK ISIN e.g. English han d becomes TOK ISIN, han , Furthermore, voiced plosives become voiceless at the ends of words, so that
  12. This means" no more" or" no longer ", rather t han " have not ":: Ha'u la, han , etu on – I don't eat rice anymore. In order to convey that an action has not
  13. Lake in Yellowstone National Park region. * August 29 – The abolition of the, han , system is carried out in Japan. * August 31 – Adolphe Thiers becomes the
  14. Residence required each daimyo would reside in alternate years between the, han , and attendance in Do. In their absence from Do it was also required that they
  15. Main difference between the two. Obama daimyo held large fiefs, with the Saga, han , of Ashikaga Prefecture, headed by the Mazda clan, assessed at 1,000,000 KOK.
  16. Is almost always just" SKU" – hardly ever distinguished as" SKU belong, han ," except in liturgical contexts, where " brim SKU" is" kneel" ). #*: TOK
  17. Kari vote. JPG|Do period Japanese (samurai) chain mail gauntlets Kari, han , kote. File: Kari Katarina. JPG|Japanese Do period (samurai) chain jacket
  18. Policies, and territories. The Shogun also administered the most powerful, han , the hereditary fief of the House of Tokugawa. Each level of government
  19. Tokyo-to The only to in Japan is Tokyo. Following the abolition of the, han , system,Tokyo (an urban prefecture like Kyoto and Osaka) encompassed a
  20. Se né sent solo l’odor.: OGG Che è ache Re d’Albania: Ache l’odor l ’, han , portato via.: E see AEMO UN’altar Victoria: Ci ranchers ache la Victoria.: "
  21. Past tense is simply inferred from the context, for example:: Horsehair ha'u, han , etu – Yesterday I ate rice. However, it can be expressed by placing the adverb
  22. Ainu, held large Han. A few feudal daimyo, such as the Ii of Hiking, held large, han , but many were small. The shogunate placed many feudal at strategic locations to
  23. The Mamma between Celina and Cornet, the former name of Sardinia.: Non, han , sì APRI step NE SI folti: quell fire selvage Che 'n Ohio Hanna: Trey
  24. States are called the Four Western Clans or Satchotohi for short. The number of, han , ( roughly 250) fluctuated throughout the Do period. They were ranked by size
  25. Of Baku, meaning " military government" — that is, the shogunate. The, han , were the domains headed by daimyo. Vassals held inherited lands and provided
  26. File:502 kurshumliHan. JPG|Ursula An File: Japan an. jpg|Japan An File: Sufi, han , JPG|Sufi An File: National Art gallery of Republic of Macedonia (Skopje).
  27. Kingdom, since the Ryukyu Kingdom was also a tributary nation of China. Ryukyu, han , became Okinawa Prefecture of Japan in 1879,even though all other Hans had
  28. Okayama) and MITO, as well as the Matsubara of Fungi and Ainu, held large, han , A few feudal daimyo, such as the Ii of Hiking, held large Han, but many were
  29. Hostages until their return. The huge expenditure sankin-kotai imposed on each, han , helped centralize aristocratic alliances and ensured loyalty to the Shogun as
  30. In Danish have grown into four genders: male, female,common, and neuter: ", han ,"," Hun "," den "," DET" ).; Common gender: includes most words that refer
  31. As Bavaria (Coptic: Han. Rememhit) and Upper Egyptians as Canada (Coptic:, han , Remmaris). The Myth of Osiris and Isis, concerning the deities of Egyptian
  32. Hall,1966: 90f) (Most commonly just" gas" – see note on" SKU belong, han ," above). #A reduced grammar: lack of copula, determiners; reduced set of
  33. Of the Latin alphabet, Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, such as 한, han , ; each of these blocks transcribes a syllable. That is, although 한 may look like
  34. world's first rack railway. *1871 – Emperor Meiji orders the Abolition of the, han , system and the establishment of prefectures as local centers of administration.
  35. Is optional and often omitted, particularly in written Swedish.: Jag SER ATT, han , ( heir) stent listen;" I see that he has fried the fish" Subjunctive mood is
  36. Military incursions, officially annexed the kingdom and renamed it Ryukyu, han , At the time, the Qing Dynasty of China asserted sovereignty over the islands
  37. The initial consonant and the latter (if it exists) represents the final. RO, han , ( ร หัน) is not usually considered a vowel and is not included in the
  38. In 2003,with some new material including the musical numbers" Han AR en man, han , är ETT barn" (" He's a Man,He's a Child" ) and" Glow MIG on Du Kan" ( "
  39. Abelson). In Finnish, it is used in loanwords and abbreviations; e.g., USA:, han , for the relative case of" USA ". For loanwords ending orthographically in a
  40. Tokugawa Ieyasu reorganized roughly 200 daimyos and their territories, into the, han , and rated them based on their production of rice from rice paddies. Daimyo
  41. English:" heavy" ( adj) and" weight" ( n) ##*: TOK ISIN:" SKU belong, han ," (screw of the arm); English:" elbow" ( This is almost always just" SKU
  42. 180 liters; enough to feed a man for one year). Samurai in the service of the, han , are called harsh. The following terms are related to samurai or the samurai
  43. Was established by the Meiji government in July 1871 with the abolition of the, han , system and establishment of the prefecture system (廃藩置県 hai han -chiken).
  44. By placing the adverb on (" already" ) at the end of a sentence.: Ha'u, han , etu on – I've (already) eaten rice. When on is used with la (" not" )
  45. Food. Aspects Perfect The perfect aspect can be formed by using Tina on.: Ha'u, han , etu Tina on – I have eaten rice / I ate rice. When negated, tiha on indicates
  46. Citizens were registered, he required all Japanese to stay in their respective, han , ( fiefs) unless they obtained official permission to go elsewhere. This
  47. Word Tina (" finally" or" well and truly" ) is used with the verb.: Ha'u, han , tiha etc – I ate rice. Future The future tense is formed by placing the word
  48. On their production of rice from rice paddies. Daimyo were those who headed, han , assessed at 10,000 KOK (50,000 bushels) or more. Ieyasu also categorized the
  49. Europeans directly incited the rebellion, Shimabara Domain had been a Christian, han , for several decades, and the rebels adopted many Portuguese motifs and
  50. Has not occurred, the word Sadat (" not yet" ) is used:: Ha'u Sadat, han , etu – I haven't eaten rice (yet). When relating an action that occurred in

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