Examples of the the word, ajax , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ajax ), is the 12445 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Gun registry. Rialto (Rich Internet Application Toolkit) is a cross browser, ajax , based JavaScript widgets library. Because it is technology-agnostic it can be
- Useless piece of rubbish for some or many people. " What is Hijacking Without, ajax , normal links make the browser load a new page, and the entire site has to get
- Another Facebook specific search engine that offers the ability to see real-time, ajax , powered results on how many people are talking about a specific topic on
- Showcase page lists a number of other examples live on the web. * Simple DL uses, ajax , seadragon for its image display. The following is a list of characters that
- Were very common. Also, common were long, low diploids, like Apatosaurus, ajax , A. excels us (formerly" Brontosaurus" ), A. Louisae, A. Parvus
- And have been found in most levels of the Morrison. Fossils of Apatosaurus, ajax , are known exclusively from the upper portion of the formation (upper Brushy
- A distinct species, he also noted many similarities between B. excels us and A., ajax , and decided that both should be placed in the same genus. Riggs re-classified
- But another important issue remained: Web Crawlers find difficult to crawl into, ajax , based websites and hence became SEO unfriendly! Google implemented the concept
- Websites (including user authentication and permissions, object lifecycles and, ajax , widgets ) and tools that make existing Ruby on Rails features faster to develop
- Methods to load and manipulate remote data. $., ajax , ( ); This example posts the data name John and location Boston to example. PHP
- We would stand around with our sisters, vada the bond carts on the butch Somme, ajax , who,if we fluttered our ogle rials at him sweetly, might just troll over to
- The holotypic remains of the dinosaurs Stegosaurus armature and Apatosaurus, ajax , were discovered in and near Morrison by Arthur Lakes. The majority of these
- Asp. Net * http://dustweb.ru/log/en/projects/tinymce_images/ Image Manager -, ajax , image and file manager with multiupload (PHP and Python) *
- Has this functionality disabled, or that doesn't support XMLHttpRequest, ajax , is not just useless, but also a huge problem as the content is not accessible.
- Also renamed the species completely, with Elects crisis and Paranoids, ajax , applied to the species. All names except Elects ciliary are now considered
- Of The Philadelphia Dance Company The Kashmir gray languor (Semnopithecus, ajax , ) is an Old World monkey, one of the species of languors. This, like other gray
- This URL will point to Bob's website (either directly or through an iframe or, ajax , ),but will contain Mallory's malicious code, which the website will reflect.
- Languor (Semnopithecus schistaceus) ## Kashmir Gray Languor (Semnopithecus, ajax , ) ## Tara Gray Languor (Semnopithecus hector) ## Northern Plains Gray Languor
- Pakistan, Malaysia XVIII. j. Genus Thelcticopis Kirsch,1884 # Thelcticopis, ajax , Pocock,1901 Comments: Endemic to India # Thelcticopis bicornuta Po cock,1901
- Dubious name" ). Some researchers consider it a likely synonym of Apatosaurus, ajax , Apatosaurus was one of the dinosaurs to be described from the United States
- To send server commands as the user interacts. As actions are performed using, ajax , ( such as launching an application),it sends event information to the server.
- Described and named an incomplete (and juvenile) skeleton of Apatosaurus, ajax , in 1877. Two years later, Marsh announced the discovery of a larger and more
- Display server with their Unity desktop.; Fedora (2010-11-09): Adam Jackson (, ajax , ) said that Fedora is likely to eventually use Wayland by default,“ …because
- Species named after characters from The Iliad, along with Semnopithecus, ajax , and Semnopithecus Priam. Distribution and habitat Tara gray languors are native
- A junior synonym and has therefore been discarded from formal use. Apatosaurus, ajax , is the type species of the genus, and was named by the paleontologist Thiel
- 1877,Thiel Charles Marsh published the name of the type species Apatosaurus, ajax , He followed this in 1879 with a description of another, more complete specimen
- More frequently with other tags than semantically narrower tags (e.g.,“, ajax ,”),and this difference could be captured by the decay function of tag reuse
- To perform browser-independent Ajax queries using $., ajax , and associated methods to load and manipulate remote data.
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