Examples of the the word, dev , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dev ), is the 12443 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Until the Capture of Delhi by Md. Short, titular head only, lost to Somewhat, dev ,Chauhan of Ajmer in 1152 AD and married daughter to Chauhan king and thus
  2. Industrial area of board with its regional office as BIA DA (board ind area, dev ,authority) and have well modernized communication channels. It has an railway
  3. From Mandy (Mandi-Jalandhar NH-70)Famous temples: - Shiv temple Kotlin, Racehra, dev ,temple Kotlin And Racer hill, Janitri Devi Temple at Janitor Hill, Jhagru Dev
  4. Profile" are single-page summaries (" like Top Trumps, but for game, dev ,") of particular dev elopers or publishers, and game-related courses at higher
  5. At Red. Also, Sari Veto & Sari Satori Devi Temple at Aaravali-Shiroda, shri, dev ,Girona temple, navla dev i temple and karnekhol temple MOHAMAD, the Sharonda
  6. Mahadaial (super compassionate),adiabatic (lord of compassion),dial, dev ,(merciful god),Karima, rahima (the merciful one),etc., have been used as
  7. Between a demon and a wicked witch:" Zohar, during his reign, let loose a, dev ,(demon) on a young woman, and let loose a young man on a park (witch).
  8. Classifier + noun): IB (one) + us (classifier) + dev (dog) → IB tug, dev ,(note tone change on the classifier from -s to -g). What is and is not tone
  9. Za NE boga AZT path d (o)brevity Zn # DAX crěkъvъ SIVU i shoe British so, dev ,# ETIM vs DNI knew kosъmъta ob lad # Chicago vast train i best vs to dim #
  10. The Graving Dock Image: Royal Albert dock looking south at Spellers Mills & new, dev , JPG|Looking south: some new dev elopment but Spellers Mills in need of
  11. Raja Bishop Narayana Singh #Raja Magnate Singh (died in 1938 and end of the, dev ,royal family and finally take over the power of governance by the Britishers. )
  12. Dangerous influences, as of demons (Persian drug, Greek κηρες Years, Armenian, dev , ) believed to be or to cause disease. Unction is another term for anointing.
  13. And Racer hill, Janitri Devi Temple at Janitor Hill, Jhagru Dev Temple, Kasla, dev ,and Sarah dev temple Kotlin, surgani Devi temple, Mahan dev temple Ten broader
  14. Prepared by Viswakarma Bhagavan is very old known of Vedic era. Formerly, dev ,was under governance of MGA Estate famous for Santa Surya manner (seven
  15. Using Apple's X11. App. ) It was initially released in June 2005 by the 0x539, dev , group. It features a client-server architecture which supports multiple
  16. Versions suggest that the dev elopment may have been handled by two different, dev ,teams. *The Neo Geo CD version has considerably more animation in the combat
  17. Nicknamed" Dev" * Maéva in Zoroastrianism, called " Dev" in Middle Persian *, dev , an attribute of an node in a Unix file system (see stat) * Devon (Chapman
  18. Surat, there are almost gods and goddess statue belong Hindu Samar also Shane, dev ,manner Three Ramesh Hangar, Shree Gov ind Bajaj, Shree Laxminarayan Prabhavati
  19. Ordinal number + classifier + noun): IB (one) + us (classifier) +, dev ,(dog) → IB tug dev (note tone change on the classifier from -s to -g).
  20. Be crushed to death. God saved His own saint. When the Fifth Guru, Guru Aryan, dev ,compiled the Guru Grant Sahib, he decided to give some recognition to the
  21. Programmers for lower-level testing. In addition to the features of a test kit, dev ,kits usually have higher hardware specifications, most notably increased system
  22. In some versions, the debt to the sages is replaced with debt to God (देव ऋण, dev ,in). Upon marriage, sometimes the number of strands increases to six, because
  23. Religion and duty" Books In 1903,he wrote the book the great - copycat, dev ,Kari. In it, he argued that the Vedas could only have been composed in the
  24. Entire Universe. I salute Him alone. (8) *van KAL sash jag at brain., dev ,diet Bachchan soprano. Adi anti aka altar. Soei guru smjhiayho Mara (9)
  25. Equation above generalizes to s (k^2-k) (v-1)\lambda. The dev elopment, dev ,B = \ of a difference family is a 2-design. Every 2-design with a regular
  26. Opression over the Sikhs and the ruthless attack made on his father Guru Aryan, dev , Guru Harboring taught the art to the hangs. However, during the British Raj
  27. And publishers. The most significant tools are the test or debug kits, and the, dev ,kits. The main difference between from consumer units is the ability to load
  28. Made agree to him to be his RAJ PUR OHI. The village Part was gifted to Kamal, dev ,I by the Radar (King) of Ashore Viasat. Some other villages as Chamois
  29. Raja Bishop Narayana Singh # Raja Magnate Singh (died in 1938 and end of the, dev ,royal family and finally take over the power of governance by the Britishers. )
  30. With great pleasure, in respect and rejoice for the blessing of Pagoda, dev ,in the Month of April. Ran has a very beautiful landscape and surroundings.
  31. Mrs Elizabeth Sarah Mbulaiteye Retired Senior Instructor Min of Culture & Comm, dev , First female representative of Bugbear in Local District Colonial Legislature.
  32. Command. The normal default for Ext3 file systems is equivalent to raw, suid, dev , exec, auto,mouser, async (no ACL support). Modern Red Hat based systems set
  33. Baba image *Yaksha-Udhishthira Saved Astral (Ranging Angara),*Shane, dev ,temple Maseru vishvanath gang pratapgarh Industry Pratapgarh produces" AMLA "
  34. Portrayed an unlicensed version of Santa in the infamous bootleg Turkish film 3, dev , adam. In addition, the 2001 Canadian cult film, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
  35. Dev Temple, Kasla dev and Sarah dev temple Kotlin, surgani Devi temple, Mahan, dev , temple Ten broader Singh Temple, troka walk Devi temple, Nagni Devi temple etc
  36. Jo sum ire hangman Barbara | | JAI JAI JAI hangman Rosie | Krita Sarah guru, dev ,KE Nazi | | Jo sat bar path car KOI | Chute band Maya such HOI | | Jo yeah
  37. Device/files $$1DGA1424: The second show command could also be typed as who, dev ,$$1DGA1424: /film (While DCL documentation usually shows all DCL commands in
  38. Option in /etc/stab. With no auto, the dev ice can be only mounted explicitly.;, dev ,/ node: Interpret/do not interpret block special dev ices on the file system.;
  39. She sailed for India and adopted a stage name that would sound Hindu (using ", dev ,", the Hindi root for" god" ) and acted in Indian films. In 1930,she married
  40. From Epic Games. He has also stated that the Render Ware team is" mostly a, dev ,house" ( indicating that EA is reluctant to still use Render Ware). Games
  41. Janitor Devi Temple at Janitor Hill, Jhagru Dev Temple, Kasla dev and Sarah, dev ,temple Kotlin, surgani Devi temple, Mahan dev temple Ten broader Singh Temple
  42. Facilities. http://www.vallabhonline.org Valley Ashram, shri Jadhav, dev ,Shasta English teaching school and Convent School provide excellent English
  43. Pleasant, from Persian خوش hush. D; Maéva: Maéva, dev a from Avesta Dave;, dev ,from Persian دو deep. Zoroastrianism: a maleficent supernatural being: an evil
  44. General of his army. After a fierce battle the Malware army was defeated. Fatal, dev ,was captured and was executed. Galore Aladdin Chili invaded Galore next. The
  45. Family is a 2-design. Every 2-design with a regular automorphism group is, dev ,B for some difference family B Alan Wolfe is a political scientist and a
  46. Funereal has some professional tennis and cricket players such as: Vaibhav, dev , Tasha nae em, Osama nae em, Brian glad son, qamar, ahmed, ahsan, sahil, joel
  47. Dismissal. While an apology letter was left for the community in the form of a, dev ,blog, he remained an Eve Online dev eloper until late 2008. Kugutsumen was
  48. Andreas Beasley, a United States-born Website Designer/ dev eloper (web, dev ,). CEO of L. E. G. ENT (website: http://legitblastoff.com) * Bruce Beasley (
  49. The HTTP protocol. XML professionals have debated this thoroughly on the XML, dev ,electronic mailing list; some feel that a namespace name could be a URI, since
  50. To the legend, Shivaji was the first king in India whose vision encompassed the, dev ,(god),desk (country) and dharma (natural law, righteousness ).

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