Examples of the the word, ninth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ninth ), is the 6972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Home, but only a 51 % career percentage). With two outs in the bottom of the, ninth ,inning of the decisive seventh game, with the Yankees trailing 3–2,Ruth tried
  2. The Atlanta metropolitan area, which is home to 5.3 million people and is the, ninth ,the largest metropolitan area in the U. S. Atlanta is the county seat of Fulton
  3. Finley and Rod Barajas in the fifth. With the Diamondbacks leading 2–0 in the, ninth , Briefly again went to his closer, and for the second night in a row Byung-Hyun
  4. And also known as the Athenian" Thanksgiving ". *Day six of Elaphobolia (, ninth ,month) festival of Artemis the Deer Huntress where she was offered cakes
  5. Expansion was approved at a meeting held on June 7,and on August 16 the AFL's, ninth ,franchise was officially awarded to Robbie and television star Danny Thomas.
  6. All the people of Thebes to stone and so no one buried the Niobium until the, ninth ,day after their death, when the gods themselves entombed them. Consorts and
  7. Troops who had held Scheveningen through the night joined the march, making a, ninth ,column on the left of the army. Marlborough and Eugene made their final plans.
  8. The site of the former roman fort and the modern Limes museum. The festival’s, ninth ,conduct in 2008 was attended by around 11,000 people. Allen Jazz Festival
  9. Such as Edward Gibbon or the author of the article on Antoninus Pius in the, ninth ,edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica: Later historians had a more nuanced
  10. On the mound, and the score tied 2–2 with a man on third in the top of the, ninth , a spitball got away from Hasbro and Lou Crier scored the go-ahead run on one
  11. Of present-day Afghanistan in the name of Islam. During the eighth through the, ninth ,centuries, many inhabitants of what is present-day Afghanistan and western
  12. Australia was played in 1877,though the Ashes legend started later, after the, ninth ,Test, played in 1882. On their tour that year (1882) the Australians played
  13. Victory was almost not to be, as the Americans, down 5–1 in the top of the, ninth , staged a rally to bring the game within one. The comeback attempt failed
  14. A significant aspect of this redesign was the addition of another, ninth ," metal layer" to the already quite complex eight-layered Thoroughbred-A. For
  15. Conclusions are not universally accepted. In his monograph" Beethoven—the, ninth ,symphony ", Professor David Levy describes the rationale for these changes and
  16. 787; Peter, friend of the Patriarch Ignatius, and adversary to Michael, in the, ninth ,century. In the 10th century Trots is given as a suffragan of Cynics and
  17. The first day of Thoth fell on 2 March in that year. Rome was founded on the, ninth ,day of the month Pharmuthi, which was 21 April, as universally agreed. The
  18. Of Maltese and Saraytepe. Early settlements included the Scythians in the, ninth ,century BC. Later it became part of Alexander the Great's Empire and its
  19. 1923 – Shimon Peres, Israeli politician, Prime Minister of Israel and the, ninth ,President of the State of Israel *1924 – James Baldwin, American writer (d.
  20. For the second straight night, the game went into extra innings following a, ninth ,inning home run and the Yankees won it in the twelfth when Alfonso Soriano
  21. And reverted to prior forms of worship. From the eighth century to the, ninth ,century, many inhabitants of what is present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan,and
  22. Our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the, ninth ,day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and
  23. Pennant race until almost the last game. The Bosom had finished the season in, ninth ,place, but they found new life with Yastrzemski as the team went to the 1967
  24. Line of input. % is the modulo operator. NR % 4 1 is true for the first, fifth, ninth , etc., lines of input. Likewise, NR % 4 3 is true for the third, seventh
  25. Asia and conducted many successful raids into India. During the end of the, ninth ,century, the Stands extended its rule from Bukhara to as far south as the
  26. Which they seem to involve ... we might ask whether kings in the eighth and, ninth ,centuries were quite so obsessed with the establishment of a pan-Southumbrian
  27. Culture, which founded the city of Aoudaghost. They converted to Islam in the, ninth ,century. About the year 1040 (or a little earlier) one of their chiefs, Yahya
  28. To two in the series as the teams headed back to Arizona. In the top of the, ninth ,inning, with the Yankees down 2–0,Paul O'Neill (retiring after the series)
  29. Talent than anyone else he had seen. Agassi dropped out of school in the, ninth ,grade. International tennis career biography 1986–1993 He turned professional
  30. Certain ancient conditions which completed the contract. During the end of the, ninth ,century, the Stands extended its rule from Bukhara to as far south as the
  31. Sassanian and Byzantines, Albania remained an entity in the region until the, ninth ,century. The Islamic Umayyad Caliphate repulsed both the Sassanian and
  32. The time saw—either live or delayed—the Christmas Eve transmission during the, ninth ,orbit of the Moon. The Apollo 8 broadcasts won an Emmy, the highest honor given
  33. The inning, but Kim retired the next two batters. Then, with two outs in the, ninth ,Scott Gropius hit a 1–0 pitch over the left field wall to tie the game at two.
  34. In Game 4,the Red Sox found themselves facing elimination, trailing 4–3 in the, ninth ,with Mariano Rivera in to close for the Yankees. After Rivera issued a walk to
  35. The winning run on a bloop single by Luis Gonzalez, in the bottom of the, ninth ,inning off the Yankees' ace closer, Mariano Rivera. Johnson, credited with the
  36. By the New York rapper Cage in El-P's" Accidents Don't Happen ",the, ninth ,track on his album Fantastic Damage (2002). Works On the Illuminati * (1786
  37. Groups of Sikhs engaged Mughal troops in increasingly bloody battles. The, ninth ,Sikh Guru, Guru Tech Broader, like his predecessors was opposed to conversion
  38. In America was No. 14. Most recently all eight studio albums, together with a, ninth ,of rare tracks, have been released as The Albums. It hit several charts
  39. Was able to overcome the obstacles. News of third grade students reading at, ninth ,grade level, four-year-olds learning to read in only a few months, outstanding
  40. Even though the boy is still too young to ride it alone. The day before his, ninth ,birthday, the boy steals away to ride the horse alone. He is thrown to the
  41. Predilection in the workshop of his grandfather were eagerly improved. In his, ninth ,year he executed two small shrines of Carrera marble, which are still extant.
  42. But with the semicircle at the top of the intersection; the third, sixth and, ninth ,of these lines are marked with a cross where they intersect with the vertical
  43. Legion on his right under Sulla, with the undermanned eighth and possibly the, ninth ,on his left under Antonius. In the center he designated Domitian as the
  44. Orion's have been bought from US Navy surplus and eight (with an option for a, ninth ,) of them are being upgraded by EADS CASA in Spain, the remainder are to be
  45. The name" Andaman" first appears in the work of Arab geographers of the, ninth ,century (Salesman in 851),though it is uncertain whether ancient geographers
  46. Struck out the side in the eighth, but the Yankees began their comeback in the, ninth , First, Jeter tried bunting, but was out by one step. Then Paul O'Neill lined
  47. Image: Apollo 14 Shepard. JPG|Alan Shepard on lunar surface. Apollo 15 was the, ninth ,manned mission in the American Apollo space program, the fourth to land on the
  48. Ãndandavardhana's classic on poetics, the Dhvanyāloka which introduces the, ninth ,NASA, shānta-rasa as a specifically religious feeling of peace (Santa) which
  49. Hit number 1 in the United Kingdom as well as in Germany, becoming the group's, ninth ,and final UK chart-topper. Another track from Super Trouper," Lay All Your
  50. Swimming pool–she has a fear of water). In a long story arc in the show's, ninth ,season, Elly May dates a U. S. Navy frogman, which confuses Granny: After

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