Examples of the the word, pollutant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pollutant ), is the 6973 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2006. The ETC/ACC reports on the progress of EU environmental policy on air, pollutant ,emissions, air quality, and climate change issues. The ETC/ACC participates in
  2. Pollutants may not be the same in all locations. The same amount of a regional, pollutant ,can exert a very high impact in some locations and a low impact in other
  3. Along busy roads. Some authors have claimed this to be untrue, showing that the, pollutant ,and irritant count within cars is consistently higher, ( presumably because of
  4. Dust abatement, the process of inhibiting the creation of excess soil dust,a, pollutant ,that contributes to excess levels of particulate matter * Tax abatement (or
  5. Usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a, pollutant ,that can be emitted. The limit or cap is allocated or sold to firms in the form
  6. To the design of manufacturing and combustion processes to reduce air, pollutant ,emissions to acceptable levels. Scrubbers, electrostatic precipitates
  7. That pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine the severity of a, pollutant ,: its chemical nature, the concentration and the persistence. Sources and causes
  8. Which has been weathered after floating in the ocean. Tarballs are an aquatic, pollutant ,in most environments, although they can occur naturally, for example, in the
  9. From certain industrial operations. Lead can also be found listed as a criterion, pollutant ,in the United States Clean Air Act section 108. Lead that is emitted into the
  10. Have moved towards the use of refined borates and boric acid that have a lower, pollutant ,content. The average cost of crystalline boron is $5/g. Increasing demand for
  11. Texas, U. S. A. for processing and upgrading heavy sour Mary crude oil. Air, pollutant ,control technology that is commonly available can limit emissions from
  12. S. Per year, measured in thousands of short tons: Sulfur dioxide is a major air, pollutant ,and has significant impacts upon human health. In addition, the concentration of
  13. The water is usually cold because of the regulation of dams upstream. Other, pollutant ,sources include urban runoff, mercury and even rocket fuel that was reported to
  14. Contamination. Among the topics covered by environmental engineering are, pollutant ,transport, water purification, waste water treatment, air pollution, solid
  15. The easily-discarded small plastic sugar or gut pouches are a ubiquitous, pollutant ,of the South Asian environment. Some liquid in the mouth is usually
  16. The rinse water from suffixation is known as red water and is a significant, pollutant ,and waste product of TNT manufacture. Control of nitrogen oxides in feed nitric
  17. With water pollution from untreated wastes and use of debated standards of, pollutant ,concentration rather than Total Maximum Daily Load. There are water shortages
  18. Regulator of stratospheric ozone. It is also a major greenhouse gas and air, pollutant , Considered over a 100-year period, it has 298 times more impact 'per unit
  19. As roughly 1,700 homes. Environmental impact DDT is a persistent organic, pollutant ,that is extremely hydrophobic and strongly absorbed by soil. Depending on
  20. And above all first generation of blue-light LED road luminaries are much more, pollutant ,that sodium lamps: Earth atmosphere scatters and transmits blue light better
  21. Then the diatomic allotrope (O2). Ozone in the lower atmosphere is an air, pollutant ,with harmful effects on the respiratory systems of animals and will burn
  22. Example, evaporation of a solvent containing lake to yield solvent as an air, pollutant ,), and chemical effects upon iota. As an example study, consider the case of a
  23. Will report the suspended particulate level. The disclosure of the responsible, pollutant ,is mandated in some jurisdictions. The Malaysian API does not have a capped
  24. Purchase on an open market an emissions' allowance for each unit of a designated, pollutant ,it emits. Operators can then install pollution control equipment, and sell
  25. And eventually to institutionalize prediction of trends, dispersion of air, pollutant ,plumes, air quality, atmospheric deposition, and related variables. National
  26. Of Fauna's unjust punishment. It is therefore excluded as an unmentionable, pollutant , It was never used in Roman bridal crowns; Roman weddings and married life were
  27. With Chinese manufacturers to reduce and ultimately hope to eliminate of the, pollutant ,perchlorate. Laws governing consumer fireworks Australia In Australia, Type 1
  28. Affords the corresponding ARL symphony chloride, for example:: As an air, pollutant ,Sulfur dioxide is a noticeable component in the atmosphere, especially
  29. Soil, and is the cause of pollution. Three factors determine the severity of a, pollutant ,: its chemical nature, its concentration and its persistence. Some pollutant s
  30. Represent the right to emit or discharge a specific volume of the specified, pollutant , Firms are required to hold a number of permits (or carbon credits)
  31. Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAANS) for the, pollutant ,ozone, the principal component of smog:: ... EPA proposes that the level of the
  32. Low level ozone Low level ozone (or tropospheric ozone) is an atmospheric, pollutant , It is not emitted directly by car engines or by industrial operations, but
  33. Facilitated by the availability of high speed computers. The most common, pollutant ,classes analyzed are nutrients, pesticides,total dissolved solids and sediment
  34. Pollution,37 % of Austria's forests had been damaged by acid rain and/or, pollutant ,emissions by 1991. The damage to forests has had dire consequences, including
  35. Crops. Methane released directly into the atmosphere would be considered a, pollutant , However, methane in the atmosphere is oxidized, producing carbon dioxide and
  36. Taught. Secretary hand is an informal business hand of the Renaissance. A, pollutant ,is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil, and is the cause of
  37. Produced as byproducts of fuel burning (whether fossil fuel or biomass). As a, pollutant , they are of concern because some compounds have been identified as
  38. It is under investigation as a possible precursor by NASA. Radon is a known, pollutant ,emitted from geothermal power stations, though it disperses rapidly, and no
  39. And spatially variable. Urban pollution Carbon monoxide is a major atmospheric, pollutant ,in some urban areas, chiefly from the exhaust of internal combustion engines (
  40. District, the Butte County Air Quality Management District, regulates airborne, pollutant ,emissions in the county. It does this following regional regulations, state
  41. Developed air pollution dispersion models to evaluate the concentration of a, pollutant ,at a receptor or the impact on overall air quality from vehicle exhausts and
  42. Of Uruguay. The HBV hydrology transport model has been used to analyze certain, pollutant ,transport in Brazil's river systems. The Amazon is full of eroded soil. Soils
  43. Concentrations of algae and bacteria to" dilute" the concentration of the, pollutant , The Gear (also transliterated Memory or, less commonly, Gemorra; from
  44. And a low impact in other locations, so it does actually matter where the, pollutant ,is released. This is known as the Hot Spot problem. A Lagrange framework is
  45. Market share evidence. Applies in case of a dangerous product or a dangerous, pollutant ,where there are many producers. While it may be impossible or
  46. The Lagrange multiplier represents the market allowance price (P) of a, pollutant , such as the current market allowance price of emissions in Europe and the USA.
  47. Food is scarce, killer whales metabolize blubber for energy, which increases, pollutant ,concentrations. In the Pacific Northwest, wild salmon stocks, a main resident
  48. And leaching into groundwater; eutrophication and littering. Pollutants A, pollutant ,is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine
  49. With the issue of global warming. Most recently the term persistent organic, pollutant ,(POP) has come to describe a group of chemicals such as Sides and PCs among
  50. Motors. Due to PCBs' toxicity and classification as a persistent organic, pollutant , PCB production was banned by the United States Congress in 1979 and by the

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