Examples of the the word, pretence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pretence ), is the 12860 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An aristocratic artist based on Brian Sewell) to puncture the interviewees ', pretence ,of seriousness. However, an obituary to Solo Ferrari was given straight dubbing
  2. As the final witness. As soon as the contract is signed, Norina abandons her, pretence ,of docility, and refuses Pasquale's embrace. She announces her intention to
  3. When plans for the television series fell through Asimov decided to abandon the, pretence ,; he brought the Three Laws into Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter and said "
  4. Incidentally by being king of Spain, he was also Roman (Byzantine) emperor in, pretence ,through Andreas Palaiologos. The translations of their titles were provided by
  5. Charles, placed beneath the floor below the funerary monument. Arms During his, pretence ,as Prince of Wales, Charles claimed a coat of arms consisting of those of the
  6. Dwellers, but beyond the authority's control. The companies maintained the, pretence ,that their public performances were mere rehearsals for the frequent
  7. Constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any, pretence , raised in the United States. George Mason argued the importance of the militia
  8. 1659,the prospect of a total descent into anarchy loomed as the Army's, pretence ,of unity finally dissolved into factions. Into this atmosphere General George
  9. Other helpless and insignificant members of the nation indivisible" under the, pretence ,of a country that had" liberty and justice for all. " Parsons was interested
  10. Of Miles, where he was attacked by Cyrus, who gathered an army under this, pretence ,with the purpose of using it against his brother Artaxerxes II. The king was
  11. Annotated, with end notes and appendices, as Fraser (in accordance with the, pretence ,of the memoirs) attempts to" confirm" ( and in some cases" correct" ) the
  12. Is Remarks upon a late disingenuous discourse, writ by one T. D. under the, pretence ,de cause DEI, and of answering Mr. John Howe's letter and postscript of God's
  13. No longer restrain his wrath. In his retort to Well, Hitler abandoned earlier, pretence ,at calm statesmanship and delivered a characteristic screaming diatribe
  14. ADSI came to the fore circa 1720 BC and completely freed Assyria from the, pretence ,of Babylonian dominance. This also brought to an end the Favorite presence in
  15. Among provincial governors and elected officials. Although he made no, pretence ,regarding the significance of the Senate under his absolute rule, those
  16. Museum published in 1782–87. The earlier collections, however,made little, pretence ,to strict fidelity to sources. The Brothers Grimm were the first workers in
  17. Petain became nothing more than a figurehead, as the Germans had negated the, pretence ,of an" independent" government at Vichy. Petain however remained popular and
  18. He became quasi-king; the difference was that he managed the bureaucracy on the, pretence ,that Edward had assumed full sovereignty, whereas Somerset had asserted the
  19. Madonna went public with the split because they" can’t bear to live with the, pretence ,any longer ". On 15 December 2008,it was announced by Madonna's spokeswoman
  20. Characterized the Press as an inbred institution that had given up all, pretence ,of serving scholarship," languishing in a lazy obscurity ... a nest of
  21. In the papal conclaves of 1758,1769,1774-75 and 1799-1800. Arms During the, pretence ,of his father and brother, Henry claimed a coat of arms consisting of those of
  22. Disguised under a variety of Shifting pseudonyms. The disguised names, and the, pretence ,that the accounts were really translations of speeches by Lilliputian
  23. To assist the Republic in a war with England, had postponed his aid on the, pretence ,of wanting to negotiate a peace. Louis was now greatly alarmed by the attack by
  24. Adventures in phrases like" the reflection is the real thing" and" I made, pretence ,". Each of the three Lost Girls volumes opens with a quotation from the three "
  25. At times pretending to really consider a conflict with France, when such, pretence ,was beneficial to him. In 1677, he forced his niece Mary to marry William, one
  26. Of commissioners for ecclesiastical causes; * by levying money for the crown by, pretence ,of prerogative than the same was granted by Parliament; * by raising and
  27. Soldiers, led by Webb Hayes, to nearby West Wallaby Island, under the false, pretence ,of searching for water. They were told to light signal fires when they found
  28. Some say that Diomedes conspired with Odysseus against Parameter, and under the, pretence ,of having discovered a hidden treasure, they let him down into a well and there
  29. His supposed Catholicism, may have been no more than an elaborate and sustained, pretence ,adopted to further his work as a government spy. Contemporary evidence comes
  30. Expelled his 5 nephews from Kunduz and Award Beg Chief of Kaufman TIPP on, pretence ,of avenging their wrongs attacked Kodak Nagar Beg and drove him from Kunduz.
  31. In front of the main shield. In Britain this is most often an" escutcheon of, pretence ," indicating, in the arms of a married couple, that the wife is a heraldic
  32. The public professors have, for these many years, given up altogether even the, pretence ,of teaching. " Smith is also reported to have complained to friends that Oxford
  33. The in escutcheon was placed, as Charles Boutell writes, as an" escutcheon of, pretence ,"; he continued that" This does not appear to be in accordance with either the
  34. Rich men. He claimed that he deluded Aristarchus, the son of Manchus, with the, pretence ,that he could make him a great orator. Apparently, while still under
  35. Him so he could marry her. He thereby hatched a plot. Polyester went under the, pretence ,that he was going to marry Hippocampal, a princess from another land and ordered
  36. In the Italian version's beginning:" many, being deceived of Satan, under, pretence , of piety, are preaching most impious doctrine, calling Jesus son of God
  37. Extravagant courses are served while Trimalchio flaunts his wealth and his, pretence ,of learning (31-41). Trimalchio's departure to the toilet (he is
  38. Over to the desires of the flesh' ) and are guilty of taking wives under the, pretence ,of living with them as adopted 'sisters '. In the latter case, Michael Allen
  39. Unfit, and in Dumb Witness, Poirot tells of an elderly invalid mother as a, pretence ,to investigate the local nurses. The character was in the Brussels police force
  40. For the Commonwealth, and his urging that Britain should end any remaining, pretence ,that it was a world power. Election to Parliament After unsuccessfully
  41. Showed Dot Banning with a refugee baby, Tomas,who she took in under the, pretence ,of being her grandson. The second and third featured Stacey Slater and Dawn
  42. Conversation was happily united with kind and courteous manners, without any, pretence ,or affectation. Each of the Austins, says Stevenson, in his memoir of Jenkins
  43. Another condition of the cession was that" no leave shall be given under any, pretence ,whatsoever, either to Jews or Moors, to reside or have their dwellings in the
  44. Having proclaimed his order he wanted us to show him the miracles and on that, pretence ,began enmities with us and did not consider what was ordained by God. He will
  45. Prolonged negotiations and a hefty pay-off, Wulfert agreed to a divorce on the, pretence ,that he had been unfaithful. Natalia's divorce petition was submitted to the
  46. With an all-embracing ideology, the value on authoritarian leadership, and the, pretence ,of the common identity of state and society, which distinguished the
  47. But stamped with reality and truth; honest even in his errors, making no, pretence ,of being better than he was, and recalling frequently to our minds the lines in
  48. Detail with the big issues of life, death,love and struggle – not a trace of, pretence ,or bakery in there ". Name "/NP"> Song line"/> Ross Cleveland, writing for
  49. Was intending to write to you in order to remove these effects under the, pretence ,of returning them to me. I do not know if her letter has arrived but as I do
  50. Contracted a severe fever, which Conroy initially dismissed as a childish, pretence , While Victoria was ill, Conroy and the Duchess unsuccessfully badgered her to

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