Examples of the the word, unload , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unload ), is the 9477 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Built across the River EXE to prevent trade in the city and to force boats to, unload ,at Top sham from where the Earls of Devon were able to exact large tolls to
  2. Ocean. When these winds encounter the slopes of the Central Highlands, they, unload , heavy rains on the mountain slopes and the southwestern sector of the island.
  3. There in order to allow the slow, heavy transports to reach Guadalcanal and, unload ,safely the next day. The warship force was commanded from Via by recently
  4. 30 days. The MPS ships are self-sustaining, having cranes which enable them to, unload ,their own cargo at sea or nearside. The first two ship classes used for the MPS
  5. Town ", they may fear that they will only get $100 for the TV if they have to, unload ,it to a wholesaler. With that figure in mind as the expected revenue, the
  6. Cargo equipment such as cranes and cargo booms are used to load and, unload ,cargo and ship's stores. * Safety equipment such as lifeboats, liferafts, and
  7. Frontal Heredity," by Aaron Williams, Mickey is shown as desperately trying to, unload ,Mira max. On September 20, 2008 Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid claimed that the
  8. Following certain tides. In many old houses the former staircases used to, unload ,goods are now flooded, rendering the former first floor uninhabitable. Some
  9. Suitable weather or goes off to one of the other atolls to attempt to load or, unload ,its passengers or cargo, or both. Cyclone Percy struck and
  10. Developed for use in Sea Lion. They had the advantage of being able to, unload ,their tanks directly into 4 meters of water, several hundred yards from shore
  11. Laden with U. S. Air Force munitions. She is self-sustaining, that is, she can, unload ,herself, an asset in harbors with little or no infrastructure. Her 120-long-ton
  12. Of the stroke, with the blade still in the water, the hands drop slightly to, unload ,the oar so that spring energy stored in the bend of the oar gets transferred to
  13. Stingray wounds while stranding and wading into Red Sea shallows to load or, unload ,smuggled wares: he wrote that to" save the man's life" searing the wound
  14. Or) is a structure on the shore of a harbor where ships may dock to load and, unload ,cargo or passengers. Such a structure includes one or more berths (mooring
  15. Mexico, often returning to Galveston or the barrier islands near New Orleans to, unload ,cargo or take on supplies that had been left by Pierre. The congressional
  16. To a large group of illegal immigrants. He said that he did not intend to ", unload ,our Moroccan hooligans" onto the Moroccan King Hassan. Hassan had died three
  17. Drives are used with autoloaders and tape libraries which automatically load, unload , and store multiple tapes, increasing the volume of data which can be stored
  18. 28 November. By 1 October, over 240 Allied supply ships were waiting, unable to, unload ,their cargo because of the limited port facilities on the continent. Unfazed
  19. Was loaded with wheat for the Emperor in Byzantium. He invited the sailors to, unload ,a part of the wheat to help in time of need. The sailors at first disliked the
  20. The country, with the trip from Apia taking a little over a day. Ships load and, unload ,cargo by motoring up to the down-wind (leeward) side of the islet where the
  21. 22:40 on November 30,Tanaka's force arrived off Guadalcanal and prepared to, unload ,the supply barrels. Meanwhile,Wright's warships were approaching through
  22. Went on strike at a critical moment during the Polish-Soviet War, refusing to, unload ,ammunition, the Polish Government decided to build a new seaport at Dania in
  23. By the many British warriors assembled along the shoreline. The ships had to, unload ,their troops on the beach, as it was the only one suitable for many miles, yet
  24. On which to land, Intrepids landing craft would need to accompany them to, unload , A complicated operation across several nights with Intrepid and her sister
  25. Across the Save river, which is expected to ease commuting within the city and, unload ,the Gazela and Branko's bridge. The Port of Belgrade is on the Danube, and
  26. This, in turn, encouraged the holders of loss-generating properties to try and, unload ,them, which contributed further to the problem of sinking real estate values.
  27. A freighter and" locked themselves to the conveyed belt device that helps to, unload ,the ship's cargo "; three activists were arrested, and the ship was delayed for
  28. The success of how television, in its early years, allowed movie studios to, unload ,a backlog of short films thought unmarketable, the Stooge films seemed perfect
  29. Is called for each HTTP request. # The server may, at some point, decide to, unload ,the servlet from its memory. #* The algorithms by which this determination is
  30. The designated landing point. The landing craft should have been able to, unload ,the ships to that point relatively quickly, but confusion over the ordered
  31. 18th century by Ahmed Pasha Al-Jazair. Merchants who arrived at the port would, unload ,their wares on the first floor and sleep in lodgings on the second floor. In
  32. Carry troops, vehicles,or cargo from ship to shore under combat conditions, to, unload , to withdraw from the beach, and to return to the ship. They are rugged, with
  33. m),self- unload er. This is a later with a conveyor belt system that can, unload ,itself by swinging a crane over the side. Today, the Great Lakes fleet is much
  34. That serve as interim storage areas, since the typical objective is to, unload ,and reload vessels as quickly as possible. Where capacity is sufficient a
  35. It," a short story, but with gland trouble ", and hoped that Donation could ", unload ,it is on some poor sucker. " (Gus sow 1998) The Crying of Lot 49 won the Richard
  36. Water are a major impediment to shipping, and incoming vessels must partially, unload ,their cargoes offshore in order to reach the docks at Georgetown and New
  37. Would be provided for this day, after which Sir Tristan would be left to, unload ,using a Mexeflote (a powered raft) for as long as it took to finish.
  38. Bay had become so shallow by about the year 1200 that ships had to, unload ,their cargoes near the entrances, and progressively the bay became a lake. The
  39. Needed by the troops ashore had been unload ed. Turner planned, however,to, unload ,as many supplies as possible on Guadalcanal and Tulane throughout the night of
  40. g. .22 Long Rifle) are not hand-loaded, although there are some shooters that, unload ,commercial rimfire cartridges, and use the primed case to make their own loads
  41. Such as Suns, and AIX, in addition to MULTICS, can dynamically load (and, unload ,) executable modules at runtime. This modularity of the operating system is at
  42. With its protecting strip of non-actinic paper made it possible to load and, unload ,the camera in ordinary light. The Kodak Developing Machine and its simplified
  43. Mounted on substantial wings to provide propulsion, the wings serving to, unload ,the rotor during horizontal flight. The Prototype was developed to combine the
  44. Under construction. There is also a harbor, where cargo ships load and, unload ,timber and other merchandise. In North America the town is known for its
  45. Built-in accelerometer in the ThinkPad, internal hard disk heads automatically, unload ,themselves to reduce the risk of any potential data loss or scratch defects.
  46. Where it sailed for many months, changing its name several times. Unable to, unload ,the cargo in any port, the crew was believed to have dumped much of it at sea.
  47. LPD) Intrepid on the night of 5 June. Intrepid was planned to stay one day and, unload ,itself and as much of Sir Tristan as possible, leaving the next evening for
  48. First HDD RAMA and most early disk drives used complex mechanisms to load and, unload ,the heads. Modern HDDs use ramp loading, first introduced by Memory in 1967
  49. Common use at church bazaars called“ white elephant sales” where donors could, unload ,unwanted bric-a-brac, generating profit from the phenomenon that one man’s
  50. The countryside in the extreme heat of the summer, and periodically stopped to, unload ,the dead. At least 4,000 people died during the initial massacre and the

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