Examples of the the word, directorate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( directorate ), is the 9478 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For Information Management and Chief Information Officer (DS): This, directorate ,provides a secure, standardized and integrated global Information Technology
  2. e.g. HTML, various communication protocols, etc. On April 30, 1993,the CERN, directorate ,released the source code of WorldWide Web into the public domain, making it free
  3. Macmillan on 17 September 1958,he argued for the creation of a tripartite, directorate ,that would put France on an equal footing with the US and UK, and also for
  4. Crime. Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick is currently the head of the, directorate , The Directorate is the lead national police agency with regard to specialist
  5. Plays an important role in technical and management higher education. The, directorate ,of technical education conducts examinations yearly, so that students who
  6. Arturo was ousted by the military and replaced by a military directorate . The, directorate ,named then vice-president Maximiliano Hernández Martínez as president and
  7. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and belongs to the scientific, directorate ,of the Foundational Questions Institute. Biography Early life Denmark was born
  8. A historical oddity of the Triumvirate is that it was, in effect, a three-man, directorate ,with dictatorial powers which included Antony, who as consul in 44 BC had
  9. Minority parties are represented in all committees and in the Assembly, directorate , Political parties and elections Mali's constitution provides for a
  10. Ratsimandrava, who was assassinated 6 days later. A provisional military, directorate ,then ruled until a new government was formed in June 1975,under Didier
  11. Operations. In Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan's e-government, directorate ,is committed to building a robust e-network framework that essentially allows
  12. Campaigns in Chechnya. His previous posts are the chief of the combat training, directorate ,and commander of the 58th Army. His most recent post was chief of the main
  13. Test pilot, Maj. Lyle R. King, assistant chief of weapons and missiles branch, directorate ,of test operations of the Air Force Armament Center at Elgin, who was killed in
  14. Of Health and is now based out of the Children, Young People and Families, directorate ,in the Department for Children, Schools and Families, works on several levels
  15. Executive authority over the troops. Other departments include the personnel, directorate ,as well as the Rear Services of the Armed Forces of Russia, railroad troops and
  16. Forces. Edgar Chamorro, a former Contra and member of the FDN's political, directorate ,who later became a critic of the Contrast, stated that during his time with the
  17. Streets in 50 km/h zones are by default two-way for cyclists. A Danish road, directorate ,states that in town centers it is important to be able to cycle in both
  18. 21, 1937,Tupolev was arrested together with Vladimir Petlyakov and the entire, directorate ,of the Ts AGI and DO on trumped-up charges of sabotage, espionage and of aiding
  19. Du Territory (DST) (Directorate of Territorial Surveillance) was a, directorate ,of the French National Police operating as a domestic intelligence agency. It
  20. Committee. Led by ABD Brahman ISA, the longest-serving member of the ANO,the, directorate ,maintained 30–40 people overseas who created and guarded the group's arms
  21. When President Hilbert Hiragana was forced to step down in 1972,a military, directorate ,ensured an interim government before appointing one of its own, Admiral Didier
  22. Region. Culture and education Turkish State Opera and Ballet, the national, directorate ,of opera and ballet companies of Turkey, has its headquarters in Ankara, and
  23. Darren from the Cabinet. Instead, the memo asked that Hindenburg create a, directorate ,to rule Germany comprising Hitler as Chancellor, General Werner von Fitch as
  24. Programs. Jerry L. Rogers was selected to direct this newly merged associate, directorate , He was described as a skilled administrator, who was sensitive to the need for
  25. By a fast electric train service (sitting places only) called 'Express '. The, directorate ,of the Northern Railway is located in Yaroslavl on the city's Volga
  26. On technology transfer, dual-use technology and small business development. The, directorate ,is dedicated to providing the Air Force with a strong revolutionary and
  27. Who are the senior office holder for the areas within the organizational, directorate , In the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary -P CGA, each of the directors in
  28. Air and space targets to assure pre-eminence of U. S. air and space forces. The, directorate ,conducts basic research, exploratory development, and advanced development and
  29. President, thus permitting McClintock to remain as Senate President. The party, directorate ,subsequently recommended that McClintock, Parga, and de Castro Font be expelled
  30. For play during the World Championship tournament. Voted on by the tournament, directorate , the first awards recognized the top goaltender, forward and defenceman. In
  31. Of the waterways and locks, which were previously run by the national German, directorate ,for inland navigation (), should be continued and reconstructed in all four
  32. President Arturo Arturo was ousted by the military and replaced by a military, directorate , The directorate named then vice-president Maximiliano Hernández Martínez as
  33. Issues. The new area was led by Allison Mankind and Scott Brander, and had a, directorate ,with 15 engineers from diverse backgrounds for direction-setting and
  34. Is the president of the Salzburgerland. Areas of the State President * the, directorate ,of regional offices (Landesamtsdirektion) * the cabinet – including powers
  35. Part of the city area's water needs, and both are managed by the city council, directorate ,Gold Coast Water. Reforms of the way in which the water industry is structured
  36. Members were not allowed to meet at each other's homes, and no one outside the, directorate ,was supposed to know who was a member. ISA was conspiracy-minded like Abu Tidal
  37. Often serve on more than one board. This practice results in an interlocking, directorate , where a relatively small number of individuals have significant influence over
  38. From the biological weapons department 12 of the KGB" illegals" ( S), directorate , ( presently a part of Russian SVR service) claimed that a truth drug code named
  39. 10 Lakhs with in 7 days of doubt. This report will be submitted to enforcement, directorate ,and income tax department. United Kingdom Money laundering and terrorist
  40. To the Heilbronn Alliance (Sweden's German-Protestant allies under the, directorate ,of the Swedish chancellor Axel Oxenstierna). They were mainly consisting of
  41. The Estates of Pomerania assigned the interim government to an eight member, directorate , which lasted until Brandenburg ordered the directorate disbanded in 1638 by
  42. Of the 58th Army. His most recent post was chief of the main combat training, directorate , General Shaman and the acting commander of the 106th Airborne Division were
  43. Inside the caldera, especially around the parasite cone Door API TOI. The, directorate ,has defined a hazard mitigation map for Mount Tamara. Two zones are declared:
  44. Commissioned to go to the Legislative Assembly and demand the accusation of the, directorate ,of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, as accomplices in a Royalist movement
  45. Talk' " and felt afterwards as if they suddenly fell asleep. Officers of the S, directorate ,used the drug primarily to check the trustworthiness of their own illegal
  46. Rimsky-Korsakov received a letter from one of the members of the school, directorate , suggesting that he take up the directorship in the interest of calming student
  47. Or to a coup ". (ideological counterintelligence). At the end of July,the, directorate ,was established and entered in its files cases of all Soviet dissidents
  48. That do not, generally use tags identical to their command's tag (corps, directorate , or regional command). While one cannot always identify the position/job of a
  49. The University's Vice Chancellor is Professor John Brooks, who,with the, directorate ,and executive are responsible for the implementation of the vision across the
  50. Rector). Each university faculty is headed by a director or a president of the, directorate ,council, and the rector heads all of them. Until 1974,the director of each

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